First signs that Bad Company 2 might be a port

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Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 6, 2008

No mods or self-hosted dedicated servers for Bad Company 2
By James Cottee - Sun Jan 10, 2010 9:27am

A major news post at the official Battlefield: Bad Company 2 blog has revealed the security measures DICE will be implementing in this eagerly-anticipated FPS. In addition to implementing PunkBuster anti-cheating software, DICE has confirmed that neither mod tools nor public server files will be made publicly available.

"Public Server Files: We will not distribute these publicly. There are many factors for why we have decided this with the biggest factor being security & integrity of our game & Dedicated Servers."

Apparently it will still be possible to rent dedicated servers from EA, but custom maps and such are out of the question.
oh, [curse].

If they don't change soon, expect threads on how:
DICE is a POS company
EA/DICE Lied when they were responding to IWs criticism
IW/Activision is a [whoop]-img commie run company, and a secretary general to every company under the Party (must be capitalized).
I don't care. As long as it isn't as shitty as MW2 turned out to be. Strictly gameplay for me.
They just pissed away a beautiful opportunity that IW set up for them.
Having played the PS3 beta, I'm probably going to buy the console version. Oh well.
Even if they have to be rented from EA or partners at least there will be dedicated servers available. Depending on the cost maybe I'll rent one.
As a reference from what they said in a blog post back in October

Dedicated Server FAQ for Battlefield Bad Company 2 PC

Will there be an option to have my own dedicated server?
Yes, DICE will have trusted partners with datacenters worldwide that you'll be able to rent a dedicated server from ensuring you always have a quality server in your region.
Source here.

So while they've stated that they do support dedicated servers, they've never mentioned that they ever had the intention of supporting or releasing server files to the average Joe gamer so he could set up his own. Kind of a shitty thing to do to your customers that want to host their own LAN/WAN games especially right after calling out IW for lack of dedicated server support.
As a reference from what they said in a blog post back in October

Source here.

So while they've stated that they do support dedicated servers, they've never mentioned that they ever had the intention of supporting or releasing server files to the average Joe gamer so he could set up his own. Kind of a shitty thing to do to your customers that want to host their own LAN/WAN games especially right after calling out IW for lack of dedicated server support.

Sounds like they want to hijack the server biz.
Hrm...good point about LAN games. Wonder what they're gonna do about those. IS BC2 just gonna go say go fuck yourself to LAN games?
i guess i have been rather spoiled with the open nature of TF2. not bad news, but not great either.
Hrm...good point about LAN games. Wonder what they're gonna do about those. IS BC2 just gonna go say go fuck yourself to LAN games?

I wont be surprised if they do. Blizzard did the same and so have other companies. I think it's dumb to not include LAN play.
Why is everyone surprised? It's been this way since BF2.
as long as the gameplay and gui is not consoleized and it does have dedicated servers in some form then all is good.
Its a shame there isn't going to be a mod kit. Modding is what made the BF games last so long.
Well , at least it will have dedicated servers and more than 9v9 gameplay with huge maps and vehicles. No big deal. But then again Im no modder.
What's the big fuss all about?

It's not like DICE was hiding this info from everyone. GVD said months ago there won't be mod tools because the frostbite engine is brand new to the PC. As for the lack of public server files, it's been that way since BF2.
What's the big fuss all about?

It's not like DICE was hiding this info from everyone. GVD said months ago there won't be mod tools because the frostbite engine is brand new to the PC. As for the lack of public server files, it's been that way since BF2.

What? BF2 and 2142 both have public server files available for windows and linux, so I have no idea where you're getting that info.

As for the lack of public servers, just give the hackers/modders a week and I bet it'll be fixed.
Joe Fagot is not going to host a server on his shitty box with shitty internet and ping, O whoopty fucking do! :eek:

I take a dedicated server with required specs and fiber over your P4 and dial up any time!!!

2nd DICE said it countless times it's not going to be a port, so cut the BS rumors ffs...
I love how they made a big deal about how it's going to be a real PC game and here we are... no servers. You have to buy one of theirs. Pro move DICE. At least the servers are dedicated.
What? BF2 and 2142 both have public server files available for windows and linux, so I have no idea where you're getting that info.

This. What the hell are with all the comments saying "it's been that way since BF2"? For ranked servers, yes, server files were not available to Joe Blow but unranked dedicated server files were.

And to the one with the Joe Fagot comment: yes, I do agree that hosting a 32 or 64 player internet game on anything other than a rented server with a fiber connection is pretty daft, but if I wanted to host an 8 or 16 player LAN game for an hour or two then renting a dedicated server is overkill and pretty fucking stupid IMO.
Did no one here ever play BF2? They already "hijacked the server biz" when only certain vendors could host ranked servers.

So that part is not much of surprise. However no mods means, they can go fuck themselves. Looks like I'll still be playing BF1942 and BF2 for awhile longer.
Guys the gaming industry has finally grown up, its never going to be the same. The more you keep living in the past the more letdown you'll be.
Guys the gaming industry has finally grown up, its never going to be the same. The more you keep living in the past the more letdown you'll be.

How is removing dedicated servers and withholding server files "grown up"?
They also stated in another interview, the only reason there are no mod tools at release is because the engine is too new. Once they get things working correctly and streamlined, they will release them.
Counter-strike will still be here waiting for you when all this blows over.
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