First Person Tetris

I dig it... I'll have to go home and play it on the HDTV to see if I can really make myself sick.
I just palyed it a bit, quite fun but gets too hard for me to think when the speed goes fast.

got to 71 lines and then the wheels came off the cart... always seemed like I was hitting the "race downward" button after a rotation :p
Pretty cool game, way better than original tetris! hmmm not so sharp after a friday night drink lol.

Night mode is much nicer.

And I get motion sick pretty easily in real life... it must only be physical motion that makes me sick. Thank god for video games.

I'm not even particularly susceptible to motion, but I think the screen flashed a little bit while it was rotating and the combination of flashing, repetitive music, and rotation made me sick.

Better not get into the rave scene, I'd be screwed.
Does it work with eyefinity?

freaking hilarious :) good one.

on a serious note. you need 5 monitors for this. one center and one for each side. yeah it sucks, but welcome to high end gaming.

...damn its addictive, until I stopped.
This is awesome! I didn't get motion sick, but I lasted only about four minutes. It's difficult to keep a mental image of your progress as you consider the current and next pieces, and once it got a little faster, I kept making mistakes. I did manage one tetris though.
Not seeing the big deal here. Still just as boring as Tetris ever was...
I have BlockBerry on my BlackBerry, and I play it all the time, especially between classes. My high score is just under 3m.
At first I was like "meh, just ordinary tetris" but as soon as I tried to flip the piece, I was like "WTF?".

It was fun for a while.
Argh! Difficult to adapt at high speeds. There are some other weird takes on Tetris. Pufftris comes to mind.