First AMD build in many years.. But the seal came broken


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 7, 2004
So I received my 2700x with the seal broken on the box - Whoever did it wasn't trying to hide it as it was done with a ball point pen. The seal on the shipping box was broken as well but resealed at some point. I can't tell if I received a 'used' part from Amazon, or if USPS inspected the package. The factory TIM is on the wraith prism cooler, and the 2700x itself didn't look like it had prior goop on it.

If it weren't for the fact I want to get this build up and running i'd just deal with exchanging it with Amazon. The CPU appears to be running fine although i'm not familiar enough with this platform to 'know' if I got a dud CPU that some shit hook 'tested' and returned.

Without touching anything i'm seeing 4.0~ghz in AC Odyssey which nearly fully loads an 8 core CPU. If this is 'normal' based on the expert advice of the experts here I won't bother with an exchange.

TIM still on the sink, chip un-used, prob usps. did it cross a boarder at all? sound like its working fine.
as some one that works for USPS odds are the box opened up when something was set on top of it.. when that happens it goes to another area where it's either retaped and/or repackaged if the box is too damaged to fix. typically they'll put a sticker on it that says "we care blah blah blah".. you'd be surprised how many opened amazon boxes we get due amazon always using oversized boxes.. worse is when they go through air mail for the same reason they usually get crushed by other mail when they get to fedex's sorting station in memphis. either way if everything looks good and it's working i wouldn't worry about it.

fyi we don't inspect mail, we're not allowed too unless the box was damaged.. only customs has the legal right to inspect it.
Amazon is overnighting a replacement and I’ve got 30 days to return this one for anyone wondering.
so now you get to pick between two new cpus?! man some people get all the luck....haha let us know which one clocks the best.
amazon prime rules.
I think this one was a dud some shitbag returned. It does normal for all core loads, but won’t break past 4ghz even for single core with EDC limits maxed and high voltage.
I think this one was a dud some shitbag returned. It does normal for all core loads, but won’t break past 4ghz even for single core with EDC limits maxed and high voltage.

I'd probably return mine too if it couldn't hit at least 4.2Ghz to be honest.
I'd probably return mine too if it couldn't hit at least 4.2Ghz to be honest.

Yeah, and my cooling keeps it below 60c so it’s pretty below average.

I just can’t believe Amazon sent me this thing with an open box. This wasn’t a third party vendor.
Amazon did that too me with the RGB nzxt fans i bought like the 3 pack and the 2 pack with Hue controller. Took 3 times to not send me used crap, wasnt even the right stuff the second time
Funny how people complain about used crap but has no issues returning used item because it did not live up to some kind of made up promise never ensure from the manufacture.

Double standards and all.
Funny how people complain about used crap but has no issues returning used item because it did not live up to some kind of made up promise never ensure from the manufacture.

Double standards and all.

If I received a dud and it was my virgin dud in a sealed box I wouldn't have returned it. The fact is I have no idea what the person before me did to this thing, which is why I bought new and not open box.

So yes - I have every right to complain because I paid for a new product and didn't receive a new product.
If I received a dud and it was my virgin dud in a sealed box I wouldn't have returned it. The fact is I have no idea what the person before me did to this thing, which is why I bought new and not open box.

So yes - I have every right to complain because I paid for a new product and didn't receive a new product.
and that's the only reason I didn't bring it up :)
If I received a dud and it was my virgin dud in a sealed box I wouldn't have returned it. The fact is I have no idea what the person before me did to this thing, which is why I bought new and not open box.

So yes - I have every right to complain because I paid for a new product and didn't receive a new product.

Just to clarify it was not meant to you directly.
I hate recevieng open items as well but I'm also against being able to ship back open items unless defective.
But people misusing a service will make shit come back to more "mature users" and you just received that.

i worked in a store in a country where 14 days return for refund is mandatory by law. because user cat really see the item they are buying s they are not sure they order the right one.
OK I can tottaly see fair in that but 90% of return had nothing to do with the spirit of that law.
it was people ordering stuff we special order for them but they order it in multiple places and just keep the fastest one.
or order 3-4 cpu/graphic cards and keep the most OC friendly.

or they try to ship back a defective card from another company claiming we sent him that one ( so sad for him we log all S/N's)
I actually made a case against him for fraud because he then claimed to his CC company they he never received the item.
even though I had his letter about the card he shipped back was from us....

anyway I short.
PPL are #holes
I'd probably return mine too if it couldn't hit at least 4.2Ghz to be honest.
That's a pretty shitty attitude. Overclocking is not guaranteed. If the part works at the stock frequency, you got what you paid for. Anything else is a bonus.

It seems that Amazon occasionally lets some pretty obviously suspect stuff back into their inventory. There's a guy on youtube I watch who ordered a pretty expensive camera, and they shipped him the right box, but it had rocks in it. When he complained, they made him jump through a bunch of hoops, and then agreed to send him a replacement... Which again contained the right box, but was full of gravel.

I was glad it was happening to him and not me, but it was pretty funny to watch his videos about it.
I'm sure they have some sort of metric behind the scenes that basically lets you get easy replacements.. or not. They asked zero questions with this new CPU replacement, but i'm sure once you hit a certain metric they make it a pain in the ass to get any real support.

I just can't understand why they let such easy things pass. A box with a seal broken, or even something filled with loose gravel shouldn't be making it to customers if we're talking sold/shipped by Amazon products.
I'd probably return mine too if it couldn't hit at least 4.2Ghz to be honest.
Hope you were joking... Whew, glad I have never encountered a customer who wanted to pull that on me, they would get the big fat eff no. Anything beyond out-of-the-box speed is pure gravy IMO and a CPU not meeting a certain OC level that was not guaranteed/sold that way is not a real moral/ethical reason to send it back. Again IMO.
Funny how people complain about used crap but has no issues returning used item because it did not live up to some kind of made up promise never ensure from the manufacture.
The complaint was not about "used crap" per se, it was about used crap sold as new. If something is open box, Amazon needs to state so clearly, to avoid misleading customers.

If that means they can only sell it at a lower price, and Amazon does not want to eat this cost, they can start charging a restocking fee or something. Or ban customers with many returns (oh wait, they already do).

But offloading the problem onto the next customer is not ok any way you look at it.
message amazon, they might give you a discount.
message amazon, they might give you a discount.
No discount, but overnighting a new part. Although had a discount been offered I honestly would have taken it. 4ghz all core is good enough, and when Zen2 parts come out i'll be replacing the 2700x as it is.
The complaint was not about "used crap" per se, it was about used crap sold as new. If something is open box, Amazon needs to state so clearly, to avoid misleading customers.

If that means they can only sell it at a lower price, and Amazon does not want to eat this cost, they can start charging a restocking fee or something. Or ban customers with many returns (oh wait, they already do).

But offloading the problem onto the next customer is not ok any way you look at it.

This was already adressed.
But TY for jumping the gun rather than reading through the thread.

If you want to be able to return open box for no reason for the full refunded. you need to be able to to pay for on in full price as well.
if there is nothing wrong with the product the company is no liable for paying for you make believe service or overclock goals.

The issue is as explain before the people that don't want used but want full refuned on working but used parts
you are basically confirming what im saying.