Firefox gets Thumbs Up from me


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 9, 2002
I was using Maxthon...formerly known as MyIE for a long time. Got sick and tired of the odd bugs that crop up from time to time. It was actually BSODing my machine at work, so I stopped using it there.

I decided to give FireFox a second try. And wow, am I amazed. It's been a long time since I tried it out . FireFox along with the Tabbed Browser Extensions is a damn fine browser.

I'm done with IE and it's variants. IE is a good browser, but without tabbed browsing it sucks and Maxthon is just a pain to keep chasing bugs. FireFox has a great update feature and seems more polished than Maxthon.

Anyways, just my 2 cents.
I don't use Ad Blockers out of principle. Lots of free websites exist only because of the revenue they earn from advertisements and they don't get credit if the ad is blocked. Sites such as HardOCP for one. I have a 2mbit connection. An ad is not going to slow down my browsing experiance. Now pop-ups are a diferent story........
Met-AL said:
I don't use Ad Blockers out of principle. Lots of free websites exist only because of the revenue they earn from advertisements and they don't get credit if the ad is blocked. Sites such as HardOCP for one. I have a 2mbit connection. An ad is not going to slow down my browsing experiance. Now pop-ups are a diferent story........
Depends on the ad. I leave the vast majority of ad-supported sites like this one alone (though I had issues with one NewEgg ad that consumed my entire CPU and caused keyboard lag), but stuff like CNN or music-playing crap -- no pity.
I don't use adblocker, either.

I'm glad you switched to Firefox. A year from now we'll laugh about the controversy that it created with the IE lovers. Firefox will rule the day by then. Bear in mind that Firefox is far more than a great browser. It is the great opensource threat.
congrats on firefox, it is 1337, now if I can only get my brother to switch over .
DR_K13 said:
congrats on firefox, it is 1337, now if I can only get my brother to switch over .

I got my brother to switch over. His IE would produce so many gay pron ads on startup it was ridiculous. :p
GreySkyMan said:
I got my brother to switch over. His IE would produce so many gay pron ads on startup it was ridiculous. :p

hmmmm maybe I should plant someting on his rig to change his mind... ( thats kind of f-ed up though )
Met-AL said:
I don't use Ad Blockers out of principle. Lots of free websites exist only because of the revenue they earn from advertisements and they don't get credit if the ad is blocked. Sites such as HardOCP for one. I have a 2mbit connection. An ad is not going to slow down my browsing experiance. Now pop-ups are a diferent story........

You're a good man.

I run any win32 browser through proxomitron and make a new filter every time someone comes up with a new type of ad. I just don't see ads at all in either IE or Firefox. I'm glad people like you exist so I can continue my utterly ad-free experience :)
DR_K13 said:
hmmmm maybe I should plant someting on his rig to change his mind... ( thats kind of f-ed up though )

But it would be for the better.. :D
Yeah beats the heck out of IE .. linux has used better browsers for ages .. glad to see you windows guys are coming around to the dark side :)
FireFox along with the Tabbed Browser Extensions is a damn fine browser.

I agree completely. I've all but forgotten about IE, the only reason I still even think about that browser is because I spend so much time telling others how badly it sucks.

When I'd attempt to switch others to Firefox, they'd sometimes complain that it was too tedious and annoying to install the flash/shockwave/etc. plugins themselves (lazy bastards). Well, in the new Firefox 1.0 PR it does it all itself (it asks you about it first though, which is a good thing). They no longer have anything to complain about.

At my school they have Mozilla and IE installed in the computers at the computer lab, and you're not allowed to install Firefox. IT'S HORRIBLE. I use Mozilla over IE when I'm there, since even it is leaps and bounds ahead of IE, but Mozilla is nothing compared to Firefox, and it takes like a whole minute to load up. I'm very seriously considering buying a USB Flash card for the sole purpose of taking Firefox with me to school.
I love it too, but since the PR release I have seen nothing but bugs. Currently I think the new IE in SP2 is better, and I hate Microsoft. Im a web developer so the errors I get in firefox PR are errors the average user will never see.