Fermi is going to change gaming forever

True. We shall see. If Nvidia pulls any crap this round ala the dustbuster FX series, I'm going to be VERY disappointed.
I stated already i didnt mean to imply it will DEFINITELY change gaming. I said i feel it MAY.

And please get off the eyefinity crap. All you ati fanboys hang on to that eyefinity stuff. It's a cool feature but it's certainly not something I want. I mean even if I was given it for free, I'd have to find the space for all the shit. LOL It'll gain traction and may even be a very viable thing in a year or two, but for now, it's very niche.

Ok let me change this.

5000 series: Dx11, Tessalation, 3d glasses

300 series: DX11, tessalation, 3d glasses.

What features does Nvidia have that MAY change gaming forever?.....Cause from what I see they are bringing out Technology that is already out in the market.

And Stop calling me a Fanboi. I own both nvidia and ATI products.....

I just want to know WHY it MAY change gaming forever?
Does derangel stand for deranged angel? Because you're fucking nuts bro. I said numerous times in this thread I really like Eyefinity and what it does. I'd love to try it sometime, but it's not something I'm pining away for now. Not at all. I just notice when someone discredits what the 5000 series brings, you guys always put eyefinity out there. HA! My card was first to have DX11! But it won't be utilized until forever! So I can hook up 3 monitors! HA!

And what does Nvidia bring to the table that the ATI cards dont?

Eyefinity? check

DX11? check

Tessalation? Check

3D glasses? Check.

Nvidia super duper gaming changing features? (no where to be found)
DX11 support

Specialized geometry processors

Perhaps improved, smoother, AA gameplay (per the hard article, numerous fixes to image quality bugs and problems, smoother MSAA, playable 32X CSAA

Debatable - more solid drivers with less bugs (and yes Ati does have driver issues, small, but ever present. I had the grey screen issue for awhile. I got that fixed, but I'm an enthusiest. Can joe average?

Speed improvements over the 5000 series

3d glasses

DX11 support

Specialized geometry processors

Perhaps improved, smoother, AA gameplay (per the hard article, numerous fixes to image quality bugs and problems, smoother MSAA, playable 32X CSAA

Debatable - more solid drivers with less bugs (and yes Ati does have driver issues, small, but ever present. I had the grey screen issue for awhile. I got that fixed, but I'm an enthusiest. Can joe average?

Speed improvements over the 5000 series

3d glasses


So basically nothing new expect being faster?

Sure is game changing to me
Then what did Ati bring to change the game bro?

DX11? Not utilized, wont be for awhile per what your buddy stated above. Negative.

Tessellation? Sure, but not as fast as Fermi (allegedly). Negative.

Image quality improvements? Nah, not over the 4XXX series, unless you consider playable higher AA levels improved image. Negative.

Better drivers? More stable drivers? Negative.

Eyefinity? Check.

Speed? Check.

So a fast card that can run 3 monitors. Not exactly "amazing" leaps here. We had multi monitor for quite some time before. Cards are usually faster each refresh. YAWN. And I have the 5870! and I love it! But come on, be real here.
Then what did Ati bring to change the game bro?

DX11? Not utilized, wont be for awhile per what your buddy stated above.

Tessellation? Sure, but not as fast as Fermi (allegedly)

Image quality improvements? Nah, not over the 4XXX series, unless you consider playable higher AA levels improved image.

Better drivers? More stable drivers? Negative.

Eyefinity? Check.

So Dx11 is nothing new? News to me.

Tessellation is nothing new?....sure ATI has it since the 8500 series...so yes it is nothing new.

IQ improvements? Why change the IQ? Nvidia and ATI IQ is equal and both have great IQ.

Better drivers? No both companies suck in the driver department so neither one gets a nod here.

Eyefinity? Yes it is new and great if people WANT to utilize it, Sure you dont have too, but its nice having added features if you ever want to try it out.
And have yet to see how if it handles geometry better than 5 series. next ?

Allegedly buddy, allegedly. If Nvidia lies, cheats, or steals this round, I lose my respect and I will bump this thread and say how you were right. Chances are though, the card will be faster than the 5XXX series geometry wise, if ever so small.
Eyefinity? Yes it is new and great if people WANT to utilize it, Sure you dont have too, but its nice having added features if you ever want to try it out.

Ding ding ding! Crazy Sexy Cool dude alert! Then having extra geometry processing power is a nice added "feature" to have. It speeds up games for fucks sake. And any game written with more geometry in mind will benefit, so it's a nice "feature" to have added to play around with.
Ding ding ding! Dumbass alert! Then having extra geometry processing power is a nice added "feature" to have. It speeds up games for fucks sake.

Do you have benchmarks to prove it?

And watch the language man....
Does derangel stand for deranged? Because you're fucking nuts bro. I said numerous times in this thread I really like Eyefinity and what it does. I'd love to try it sometime, but it's not something I'm pining away for now. Not at all. I just notice when someone discredits what the 5000 series brings, you guys always put eyefinity out there. HA! My card was first to have DX11! But it won't be utilized until forever! So I can hook up 3 monitors! HA! I mean come on now. Stop the childish crap. Eyefinity is cool but it's like Nvidia guys bringing up that they had 3d glasses for years when Ati sucked in the bedroom. LOL!

YOU asked what draws me to the 5870 and I told you, then you make the assertion that anyone talking about Eyefinity is a fanboy. So yeah excuse me for getting a little miffed when I'm trying to provide you a good chance to have an intelligent and valid debate on the subject. I don't give a rip about companies, I only care about which provides me what I want. Eyefinity was something I kind of put off for a while. I got a 5850 due to the price/performance it offer at the time (got it when it first came out). I kind of idly paid attention to Eyefinity since it was interesting (have done the same for 3D Vision since it came out) and really liked the way H and other places were talking about it. Kyle's constant praise got my attention, as did the pictures. Only reason I'm getting it now is because I'm getting a good deal on the card and monitors. And I never said anything about "my" card having DX11 first. I don't really care about DX11 right now, not until more games use it better. I also don't know or really care if Eyefinity or nFinity hits it off beyond the high-end market as long as they are supported well enough to make my investment worth it its not my concern.

PS: No I didn't see you saying you liked Eyefinity because the thread has gotten really long since I last checked and I'm not going to read a bunch of arguments running around in circles when the post I responded to was a good enough point for me to jump in and say something.
No, but it's common knowledge if a company is working on extra stuff for geometry processing that it will most likely run alittle faster at said processing. Just a hunch. ;)
And I never said anything about "my" card having DX11 first.

LOL My card? You act as if you own the only 58xx in the world. Thats typical fanboy speak. I own the same type of card you do bro. Ati Sapphire 5870 oc'ed to 1015 / 1290.
No, but it's common knowledge if a company is working on extra stuff for geometry processing that it will most likely run alittle faster at said processing. Just a hunch. ;)

There you go again with "common knowledge"

How about you use "my opinion".

Either way man you still have nothing to show nvidia Fermi being "game changing"

Sure it will be faster and possibly a great card :), But we wont know until March. Then it will be common knowledge how good/bad it will be.
LOL My card? You act as if you own the only 58xx in the world. Thats typical fanboy speak. I own the same brand card you do bro. A Sapphire 5870 oc'ed to 1015 / 1290.

Do you not understand what the quotations around the word meant? It signifies a form of sarcasm. It was a direct response to how you worded the specific sentence I was replaying to. Reading comprehension man, reading comprehension.
Allegedly buddy, allegedly. If Nvidia lies, cheats, or steals this round, I love my respect and I will bump this thread and say how you were right. Chances are though, the card will be faster than the 5XXX series geometry wise, if ever so small.

Fair enough, I think you should change the title of this thread however. It makes you look bad.
Um...why would a company as big as nvidia invest in specialized geometry functions if it was not going to benefit them? It's like saying Ati invested in Eyefinity because they thought people just want to hook up three monitors maybe possibly. They invested in eyefinity because they feel it's going to change the game in some way. Higher resolution, more display area, cool functionality.
Um...why would a company as big as nvidia invest in specialized geometry functions if it was not going to benefit them? It's like saying Ati invested in Eyefinity because they thought people just want to hook up three monitors.

Why would a company like Nvidia make a the FX5800 and saying it will be FULL DX9.0c when it isnt?

Well considering no company has made a Graphics card support 3 monitors at once for gaming, I don't see why not? Innovation is great!.
Why would a company like Nvidia make a the FX5800 and saying it will be FULL DX9.0c when it isnt?

Same reason Ati would tout truform when it was tru trash. To stay in the game.
Um...why would a company as big as nvidia invest in specialized geometry functions if it was not going to benefit them? It's like saying Ati invested in Eyefinity because they thought people just want to hook up three monitors maybe possibly. They invested in eyefinity because they feel it's going to change the game in some way. Higher resolution, more display area, cool functionality.

Just my 2 cents even at the most optimistic look at what Nvidia has given us thus far its just not sensible to make such a claim. What is geometry good for currently besides cad modeling?
Its been around for awhile and Nvidia making its card more efficient to improve performance won't do anything for gaming. We won't know anything unless the next console stuff gets here. Basically cart before horse.
Just my 2 cents even at the most optimistic look at what Nvidia has given us thus far its just not sensible to make such a claim. What is geometry good for currently besides cad modeling?
Its been around for awhile and Nvidia making its card more efficient to improve performance won't do anything for gaming.

Are you John Carmack? What a baseless statement. Are you a developer for a top tier company? How do you know the Fermi isn't benefiting ID Software working on Rage? Because honestly, it's the next big game out there. And ID Software has always had problems with Ati.
Are you John Carmack? What a baseless statement. Are you a developer for a top tier company? How do you know the Fermi isn't benefiting ID Software working on Rage?

I'm not at liberty to confirm nor deny this.
Same reason Ati would tout truform when it was tru trash. To stay in the game.

True, but when you bought a card that had Tru-form, at least it supported DX9.

With Tru-form the game had to support it. With DX9....well EVERY GAME supports it.

Nice try on the horrible comparison man
How is it a bad comparison? Ati touted tru form as the next coming of Christ. In fact it wasnt, being very underutilized. It sucked. At least Nvidia pulled it off, whether it was deceptive or not. Tru form was an outright failure. There were more people using 5800 cards than using tru form in games.
How is it a bad comparison? Ati touted tru form as the next coming of Christ. In fact it wasnt, being very underutilized. It sucked. At least Nvidia pulled it off, whether it was deceptive or not. Tru form was an outright failure. There were more people using 5800 cards than using tru form in games.

And how many people had to buy new cards then they couldnt play DX9 games cause the FX 5800 cards couldnt support it?

Who cares about tru-form, no one used it, and it was a waste....I agree totally, but the video cards didnt hinder there DX9 performance.
Anyone that bought a 5800 was misinformed or dumb. Every review out there said the facts about it and what was wrong with it. Apparantly the loyalists continued to buy it because it was Nvidia brand and DX 9.0 wasn't super important back then.
Anyone that bought a 5800 was misinformed or dumb. Every review out there said the facts about it and what was wrong with it. Apparantly the loyalists continued to buy it because it was Nvidia brand and DX 9.0C wasn't super important back then.

LOL tell that to people who bought HL2 and didnt have proper support :)

Boy i remember the shit storm back in the day
True, but when you bought a card that had Tru-form, at least it supported DX9.

With Tru-form the game had to support it. With DX9....well EVERY GAME supports it.

Nice try on the horrible comparison man

Actually the Radeon 8500 first supported Truform, and it was a DX8.1 card......
Yep but what about the people that bought Ati and Doom 3 came out with a code rendering path written for Nvidia. ;)
Actually the Radeon 8500 first supported Truform, and it was a DX8.1 card......

Well good point :) it makes his comparision even more retarded.

Lets compare a Wannabe DX9 card that cant support full DX9 to a DX8.1 card thats old and obsolete.
No it's not. You are my friend. I mean if you're saying the 5800 series was crippled because of DX9 then the 8500 was crippled due to NOBODY utilizing Truform, a much touted feature. Both touted a feature that did not live up to the hype.
No it's not. You are my friend. I mean if you're saying the 5800 series was crippled because of DX9 then the 8500 was crippled due to NOBODY utilizing Truform, a much touted feature. Both touted a feature that did not live up to the hype.

8500 was not crippled at all. Tru-form was like Eyefinity. It's a feature thats on the card that could be used if you want.

And developers Decided not to use it.

The 5800 series. Developers DID not want to have to code games which were already coded for properly DX9 games for Nvidia.

From HARDOC themselves

"NVIDIA's performance promises of their Det50 drivers have left us feeling a bit flat. We expected more and it was not delivered. This also brings us back to the talk of game developers having to spend much more time coding for NVIDIA hardware than ATI's. Is this going to have a long term effect on NVIDIA? Is NVIDIA not ever going to be able to catch up in the DX9 game till they launch their next-gen part? While we cannot give you definitive answers to these questions we can certainly share with you our thoughts that the NV3X architecture is way behind the DX9 8-ball. So far in fact, there may be no making it competitive. This is another issue to keep in mind when picking a "future proof" card."

8500 series was competitive with tru-form or without using it.

The 5800 series was not competitive period.

No point in comparing the 2
Several hardware review sites discovered that the performance of the Radeon 8500 in some actual game tests was lower than benchmarks reflected. For example, ATI was detecting the executable "Quake3.exe" and forcing the texture filtering quality to much lower than normally produced by the card. HardOCP was the first hardware review web site to bring the issue to the community, and proved its existence by renaming all instances of "Quake" in the executable to "Quack."[1] The result was improved image quality, but lower performance.

Taken from wiki.

LMAO. Thats not a shady tactic like saying a card does DX9?
Well that company was doing it while touting image quality enhancements via TruForm. How fucking shady and decietful can you get? At least the 5800 series had working DX9 without a renamed profile, slower as it may have been. It did what it was intending to do, just not as efficient and slower.
Well that company was doing it while touting image quality enhancements via TruForm. How fucking shady and decietful can you get? At least the 5800 series had working DX9 without a renamed profile, slower as it may have been.

Again both companies did it man,

They are both guilty