Fermi is going to change gaming forever

Brand loyalty is IDIOCY!

All this biased speculation is laughable. Bring me the fastest, cheapest, best card no matter who creates it. People who do otherwise are not using their brains.

I hope Fermi is massively innovative because that is a step in the positive direction. The thing that excites me the most is price competition between ATI and Nvidia again

The term "FANBOY" or 'FANBOIS' are around for a reason, there are a good number of these brainless ones you speak of running around.
Rrrriiiight, beucase clearly you've been saying the same thing all along... :rolleyes:

Well, after Kyle came in and set the record straight, I have taken a different approach. I'm still here on my 5870 oc'ed to 1000/1300. Love it. Watching the GTX 480 very closely, should be interesting. AVP is coming in a few weeks and makes good use of tessellation. Wonder if it will pull ahead of the 5870 or stay even? We'll know soon enough. But honestly, Kyle knows more about the Fermi....and there isn't even much to know. If he says it's going to be HOT, expensive, etc I have to take that into consideration. I hope it turns out to be a good card though. Competition is good for all of us.