FEAR Sucks


Jul 4, 2005
I cant run this game maxed out @1600x1200, fps dips down into the low 20s. WTF are they thinking releasing a game this demanding :mad: :mad: Its not even that great, HL2 looks better and runs better. Another $50 wasted :mad:
well what do you expect with such a POS Pc like yours?

I mean 2x7800gtx and a fx-55? pffft

ONLY 2 gigs of mem? you need 6 at least

jk it's probably just an optimization issue. I run it at 1280x1024 np even with HDR supersampling and I only have a 7800gt so I dunno what your prob is.
Lower the resolution. After 30 minutes of playing you'll forget all about it.

I played the game thru @ 1024x768. Somehow it was still a great game :)
spaceman said:
well what do you expect with such a POS Pc like yours?

I mean 2x7800gtx and a fx-55? pffft

ONLY 2 gigs of mem? you need 6 at least

jk it's probably just an optimization issue. I run it at 1280x1024 np even with HDR supersampling and I only have a 7800gt so I dunno what your prob is.
How do I get that res ?
lee63 said:
How do I get that res ?

You gotta change it in the config file....search the forum on how to do it (i don't have fear, saw it at a friends house....he switched the rez with a config file).
ScYcS said:
You gotta change it in the config file....search the forum on how to do it (i don't have fear, saw it at a friends house....he switched the rez with a config file).
Thanx man
lee63 said:
I cant run this game maxed out @1600x1200

soft shadows included? Because i think it's already been thouroghly discussed that soft shadows is the big performance killer with this game.
You have to think realistically about having maxed everything and higher resolutions.
BUT with your system, you have some sort of problem elsewhere. Because you should be able to run it maxed.
pigpen said:
soft shadows included? Because i think it's already been thouroghly discussed that soft shadows is the big performance killer with this game.
No soft shadows
You have the latest drivers? Supposedly they have specific FEAR fixes. I'm not an nvidia user, though, so I can't tell you what the exact release number is.
lee63 said:
No soft shadows

Jesus. Then i would agree with ^^^^

Check for a different driver set. Or even pull one of the cards out and see how the game runs on a single card. Could be an SLI issue or something. You should have no problem running maxed out with your rig.
Your system should be running it better.

But I have to say that PC game performance has sucked the past two or three years. Buying the top of the line no longer guarantees that you can run the latest game at top maxed out and get 60+ fps. Ever since DX9 came out, performance issues have gotten worse.

I run 1680 X 1050, with only one GT and it works great. Turn softshadows off for the win!
FEAR still sucked, game just was boring regardless of the graphics. I loved the shadows in the game but everything else can die.
erorr404 said:
I think he did too:


I did, but he didnot say that in his OP, just later, which I missed.
I would say something is wrong with his setup then.

Ive got 50% of the GPU horsepower he does and it runs pretty good.
I would say you have something wrong with your computer. I play it at 1600x1200 and it's smooth as butter. I don't have the AA of AF on though. But still, even with that enabled you should have no problem running it at full.
every other game runs good?

spyware or excessive processes could be an issue....if all else fails just send the pc to me for "testing"
FEAR still sucked, game just was boring regardless of the graphics. I loved the shadows in the game but everything else can die.

Yeah FEAR sucked, hmmm funny how it got an average rating of 9/10 and funny how it is selling great. Games that suck ususally have great reviews and sell great :rolleyes:
lee63 said:
I cant run this game maxed out @1600x1200, fps dips down into the low 20s. WTF are they thinking releasing a game this demanding :mad: :mad: Its not even that great, HL2 looks better and runs better. Another $50 wasted :mad:

I'll buy your copy off you for $20 shipped if you hate it so much. :)
lee63 said:
I cant run this game maxed out @1600x1200, fps dips down into the low 20s. WTF are they thinking releasing a game this demanding :mad: :mad: Its not even that great, HL2 looks better and runs better. Another $50 wasted :mad:
I always judge how good games are by how well they run with everything maxed out. Sorry man, but the is the childish response of someone who cares more about having fast hardware than playing good games.
obs said:
I always judge how good games are by how well they run with everything maxed out. Sorry man, but the is the childish response of someone who cares more about having fast hardware than playing good games.

HL2 is a year old as well.
From now on, when people release new games, they need to get rid of the higher resolutions and eye candy so everyone can play at max settings
Oh my god! Your computer that used to be able to run everything at the highest resolution with all the details turned up can't any more!! Stop the presses!

I bet you are the same person who was pissed when your 9800xt couldn't run Far Cry at full settings when it released too?

This game's engine can't even be compared to HL2's, it blows at away in terms of lighting effects quality.
retardedchicken said:

I bet you are the same person who was pissed when your 9800xt couldn't run Far Cry at full settings when it released too?

This game's engine can't even be compared to HL2's, it blows at away in terms of lighting effects quality.

look at his sig, I would be a little dissapointed as well with that system. make sure you have that fear patch.
xTABx7 said:
look at his sig, I would be a little dissapointed as well with that system. make sure you have that fear patch.

this is true. hes got something wrong, but its not FEAR.
Steel Chicken said:
this is true. hes got something wrong, but its not FEAR.

haha yeah its fear, fear that he cant figure out how to work his $900 video monster
The game runs 70 FPS for me at 1280 X 960 with everything maxed. I notice slow downs when water is introduced.

Great game, but the engine does need some refining. All in all great game IMO.