FEAR and vid cards...

running on 2 7800gtx's. All settings maxed with 2x AA, 16x AF, and soft shadows off, 1024xsomething resolution. I find it quite smooth :)

I think ill turn it up to 4x aa....
For me playable equates to the perf tests showing 100% in the >40 range with an avg of 62. The settings are as follows:

1280x1024, 2xAA, 4xAS, Max computer, Med graphics (except shaders Max), soft shadows off (of course) ;)


Seeing as our rig's are so similar, what's your "playable" setup?
I play with every setting at max with 4xAA and 16XAniso, with soft shadows on and volumetric lighting on.
How should i set mine to:

My Rig

AMD 64 3200
1 Gig DDR
6800 GT

1024x768 everything high... Will it work just right... I just got the game today and will be going home and installing it... Or maybe 1280x1024
Switch said:
How should i set mine to:

My Rig

AMD 64 3200
1 Gig DDR
6800 GT

1024x768 everything high... Will it work just right... I just got the game today and will be going home and installing it... Or maybe 1280x1024

I'm gonna say it depends. To me, I don't notice much difference with med or max graphic details (except shaders). Also, it's gonna vary with how "smooth" you need the game to be. If it were me, I'd try 1280x1024, med graphics before 1024x768 and 2xAA. Give it a go and have fun with that beast!!

MGDMN said:
I play with every setting at max with 4xAA and 16XAniso, with soft shadows on and volumetric lighting on.

1024 or 1280? I'm starting to notice the jaggies more and more with 2xAA. Especially now that I'm being more "tactical" and slowing the pace. I might just jump up to 4xAA and see how she runs...

EDIT: I just saw you've got soft shadows on too! You're a daring mofo! :eek:
I turned AA off completely and left Soft Shadows on and it improved. It still gets hung up once in a while, usually at the save game checkpoints. But without AA it made a performace jump.

I think I'm gonna get a new Video card at least.
I rarely see it dip below the 30's even with everything maxed. I run it at 1280x960.
J-M-E said:
running on 2 7800gtx's. All settings maxed with 2x AA, 16x AF, and soft shadows off, 1024xsomething resolution. I find it quite smooth :)

I think ill turn it up to 4x aa....

lol..HUGE hit to performance with that one. I',m still playing with the SLi config to find the best one.
BillLeeLee said:
I just beat it yesterday and I use a stock clocked BBA 9600xt.

Other specs - Pentium 4 2.4 C overclocked to 3.0 Ghz (250 FSB)
1 GB of RAM (3:2 divider, so still at 200 Mhz)
Hardware accelerated audio (Audigy 2)

I ran at 1024x768 with medium graphical settings, no AA, no soft shadows, and it was quite playable, but had that bizarre semi smooth feeling. At 800x600 it was fine. It doesn't look that great though, Half Life 2 at looked much better at the same settings (and I could use higher graphical settings in HL2).

Anyway, runs fine...just gotta keep the resolution low. I tried to run it at 1280x768, nope, it wouldn't have it!

edit: With your specs, I'd shoot for the 800x600. Even with an overclocked P4 and 1 GB of RAM 1024x768 barely made it. (wasn't really smooth, but wasn't choppy either, it was just weird)

awesome thanks man
I got like 14fps on my bfg 5600 ultra! With the lowest settings possible, oh yea baby. With this kida performance I think I might get a girlfriend. :cool:
my specs...

res.. 1280 x 960
settings... full

- AMD Athlon64 3000+ (only of test)
- 1GB DDR400 Generic Value (only of test)
- ASUS A8N-SLI Deluxe
- Enermax Noisetaker 600W
- Seagate 120GB SATA-150
- Viewsonic VA712b DVI 8ms

already test a demo, and is seen of luxury... i already am about to to buy the complete game ...my idea is to buy a Athlon64 3700+ and 2GB DDR400, but d'not have money at the moment, i'm saving hehehehe
Honestly this game looks so damn good I don't really think you'll care if a few settings are turned down. I'm running a 6600GT, Barton 3200, 512 ram and it's averaging around 35 at 1024x768 with 2AA and 4AF. Much higher at 800x600 and it really doesn't look that bad. All settings max except texture res at medium and no soft shadows although I haven't even tried turning them up yet. And considering you spend half the time in Slo-Mo, a few dips in the framerate aren't going to hurt.
Is the performance better or worse than the demo? I was able to run the demo at 1024x768 with medium and then setting a few things that I didn't care too much about a little lower?

I have a AMD 2400+ XP Mobile w/ 1gb RAM and a 128mb 9600 AIW Pro
I finished this game yesterday. I have 9800 Pro 128MB, 256Bit and played everything on medium/1024x768/AA 4x, AF 8x, shadows OFF. I was getting around ~50 FPS.
Yesterday I turned on Softshadows and 4xAA while running at 1920x1200 (using the method described above), just to see what it was like. The testing went okay, but the frames did seem pretty low, 25 or so average, and so I figured those numbers were unplayable and I turned both Softshadows and AA off (or so I thought) and exited the game.

Apparently I hadn't turned them off though, because the next time I launched the game they were on, and the game was sufficiently playable that I actually played for about 10 minutes before I noticed the soft shadows effect on the shadow of a desk. So singleplayer was actually somewhat playable with all that turned on. Kind of blew my mind when I realized. Of course I still turned AA and SS off once I became aware they were on, but it's still pretty cool that with the right hardware you can run with that res and those options in singleplayer if you really want.
I run 1600x1200 with max and no soft shadows. Completely playable, no lags anywhere. If I add soft shadows it starts to show in delay with gunfire and other heavy action. I think I could probably run maxed all out at 1024x768 but I like the higher resolution. the soft shadows dont seem to be a good trade for 4xAA to me.

This game does seem to be a big hog compared to Quake 4 or Doom 3. Im waiting to see what Lost Coast brings to performance with all the HDR. :D