Far Cry vs. Doom3

farcry never made me jump the way doom 3 did, the enemys are more varried in doom 3, and I like the clausterphobic effect of being confined and backpedaling as a monster pops out. Farcry's openess gave me more security with my suroundings, and with the binoculars I always knew what to expect, but what do I know I'm only on alpha labs sector 2, while in farcry I'm on the dam level.
MX2times said:
Since when is UbiSoft an unknown company? Crytek was a spin off from Ubi wasnt it?


UbiSoft is a DISTRIBUTER. Crytek WROTE THE GAME. They give UbiSoft a retardedly high share of the profits to print the cds and market the game.
MX2times said:
How about we all just enjoy both games for what they are. Too much scrutiny can ruin things;)

Perhaps, but it's fun to debate. I like disecting the horribly weak arguments some people make.
Kong said:
And your point?!?! Obviously Crytek has the talent. There is one significant difference between HL and Far-Cry. HL was built using id's Quake 2 engine, albeit heavily modified, Far-Cry was built on a in-house developed engine. It is interesting that the 3 Game of Year nominees will all be based on brand new engines.
You said "Frankly I still can't believe a game came out before Doom3 and HL2 from an unknown company that would be considered their equals... amazing." I was saying that just because they're unknown doesn't mean they're limited to the bargain bin. Also, licensing an engine doesn't exactly guarantee a good game.
Roberty said:
Just like you were doing to them - LOL. I did see the Mercs try to flank me while I was "occupied" with some other Mercs. I didn't notice the AI in Doom 3 being that good. ;)

ive had monsters sneak up on me in both doom3 and farcry. the difference is i could hide and let them go by in farcry and they were too dumb to find me. in doom3, THEY ALWAYS FOUND ME.

also they do in doom3, ive been shooting and one guy then started getting slapped from an imp behind me. the spiders do it too and thats just fucking creepy as hell when they start coming from all sides and circling you.
kronchev said:
ive had monsters sneak up on me in both doom3 and farcry. the difference is i could hide and let them go by in farcry and they were too dumb to find me. in doom3, THEY ALWAYS FOUND ME.

also they do in doom3, ive been shooting and one guy then started getting slapped from an imp behind me. the spiders do it too and thats just fucking creepy as hell when they start coming from all sides and circling you.

being able to hide form the enemy and sneak up on the later is more fun. having them always find you is lame and un-creative. You know they will always find you so you're always ready. When you aren't sure if they've gone or not and you walk out to see and get wacked that's much better and thats what you get from Far Cry but not from Doom.
kronchev said:

UbiSoft is a DISTRIBUTER. Crytek WROTE THE GAME. They give UbiSoft a retardedly high share of the profits to print the cds and market the game.

I see. Thank you for correcting my ignorance. I was somehow under the impression Crytek was formed by the same guys that started Splinter Cell.
They both are pretty good games, that in a few months not a lot of people will be playing either. They all will be playing the MP option of HL2...
MX2times said:
I see. Thank you for correcting my ignorance. I was somehow under the impression Crytek was formed by the same guys that started Splinter Cell.

they make some games, but a lot of what they do is produce what others create
kronchev said:
they make some games, but a lot of what they do is produce what others create

Yep, that sounds like the way all other corporations make their millions;)
MX2times said:
Yep, that sounds like the way all other corporations make their millions;)

:) personally i really hate production companies. developers should do the smart thing and release their creations for download. what they could do is what used to be done, you download the whole thing anyway, and can only play the first few levels as a demo, then when you buy it, you immediatly get a key, and you enter that and have the whole thing. seriously, theyre not going to be able to stop pirating with cd protection, so why even bother? and if it gets cracked, well it wouldve been no matter what. this way itd cut out the middle man, lower prices, and id feel a lot better about buying games knowing that all my money went just to the developer rather than paying the distributer, the stores, etc etc.
kick@ss said:
You said "Frankly I still can't believe a game came out before Doom3 and HL2 from an unknown company that would be considered their equals... amazing." I was saying that just because they're unknown doesn't mean they're limited to the bargain bin. Also, licensing an engine doesn't exactly guarantee a good game.

Well I agree with both your points. There are many games that come from unknowns that are well made, but it is surprising to me that a companies first effort is such high quality and would be compared to the newest engine from the father of FPS games, I don't believe Far-Cry has crashed on me once. And yes sadly there are many examples of games built on licensed engines which were bad, this is just pathetic since they did not have to expend time or energy on the engine itself.
I'm honestly now sure what you guys are saying about the AI in doom3.

I'll even ignore the monsters for being, since they're supposed to ack like monsters. But here's the situation with every marine. They pop out of nowhere, then start shooting at you. You can shoot at them with a rocket and they'll sit there with their pistol attempting to be badass. In EVERY case, when I run, they don't gang up on me, they just run after me one by one, whomever is closest.

In farcry, enemies ran and called for reinforcements. They strategically tried to surround me and alerted each other. When they heard a sound, they all gathered to that spot.

Seriously, I don't even see how you can say doom3 AI is good. True however, is that doom3 takes place in close environments limited what they can do, but I can't see them do any better in the open.

Doom 3 is getting boring. I am so damn tired of that stupid lava throwing monster. You can almost predict where and when they're going to show up and they're easy to kill. They were challenging when you had a pistol, but now, they're no better than zombies.
CRXican said:
being able to hide form the enemy and sneak up on the later is more fun. having them always find you is lame and un-creative. You know they will always find you so you're always ready. When you aren't sure if they've gone or not and you walk out to see and get wacked that's much better and thats what you get from Far Cry but not from Doom.

Most games which allow you to hide are not fun... the AI is simply too stupid, you could practically side-step into a bush right in front of an enemy and it'd forget about you (excluding the Thief series, of course).
kronchev said:
ive had monsters sneak up on me in both doom3 and farcry. the difference is i could hide and let them go by in farcry and they were too dumb to find me. in doom3, THEY ALWAYS FOUND ME.


If you are hiding, unseen, then they should NOT find you. In Far Cry, you can use thick vegetation for cover and be perfectly still, let the guy go by, then sloooooowly creep out and pop him from behind...

In D3 they are omniscient like a perfect bot, they know where you are even if they can't see you. Lame in my opinion, it takes away the strategy.
Also in Far Cry, ever disturbed a patrol group in the jungle and let the leader survive your initial attack? Then you get to hear him calling out commands to "move up left flank" and stuff like that. Directing the other AI's to find you, spread out, and hunt you down. Even though they can't see you, they form a search pattern and if you make noise they can hear, they tighten up and focus on that point. Very good AI actually. If you hide long enough and good enough where they cannot see you, they will eventually lose interest...

But if you take out the leader (he is dressed differently) the rest of the pack is less organized (and easier to kill).

Doom3, while a good game in it's own right, does not have good AI. IMO.
FarCry is definatly Better.Doom3=WAAAAAYYYYY to much hype.Even Painkiller was better in my opinion :p Runs for da hills before the flames engulf me :D