FAR CRY 3 Lost Expedition edtion $28.99


Jan 20, 2005
Far Cry 3 Los Expedition edition direct2play $28.99
Far Cry 3 Deluxe Edition $36.99

steam currently has Far Cry 3 for $37.99 on sale
Amazon has it for $37.49
or 27.49 with Amazon prime for students when you used code: FC3AMZNS

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It looks like Far Cry 3 from direct2play is not a Steam game. It's a Ubisoft Digital Download.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but direct2play sells games from other regions (may also be region free) from a country where the games cost much less. So, they are legitimate copies/serial numbers, but buying them for use in the U.S. would be considered a grey market purchase.
on direct2play use D2PSAVE5 at checkout and it knocks $1.16 off

takes $1.48 off the deluxe edition
This is NOT for Steam. FarCry 3 is a Uplay game. This operates the EXACT same was as GFWL games do on Steam.

Purchase FC3 via Steam, FC3 is in your library, but you NEED Uplay in order to play the game.

Purchase FC3 from anywhere but Steam and you will have to use that key to activate FC3 in Uplay.

Since I don't like the idea of managing a 6th download manager, I will wait until Steam sells me the game at a reasonable price. That way FarCry 3 is linked to my Steam account and all the perks that go along with it.
This is NOT for Steam. FarCry 3 is a Uplay game. This operates the EXACT same was as GFWL games do on Steam.

Purchase FC3 via Steam, FC3 is in your library, but you NEED Uplay in order to play the game.

Purchase FC3 from anywhere but Steam and you will have to use that key to activate FC3 in Uplay.

Since I don't like the idea of managing a 6th download manager, I will wait until Steam sells me the game at a reasonable price. That way FarCry 3 is linked to my Steam account and all the perks that go along with it.

uplay is not a download manager - you don't acquire games through it like you do Steam or Origin, it's just a program launcher / game activator where ubisoft can advertise to you.

It's not as obtrusive as games for windows live.
if i didn't have 23 games in my backlogue that i've never even installed, i'd be all over this.
If I didn't just buy X Com I might bite on this, but I'll just wait for it get cheaper.
Actually it is.
Yeah I have Driver San Francisco and HAWX2. I used Uplay to download them both. I got them each for a dollar I think during their initial promo.

Uplay sux. I want as little to do with them as possible. To have Far Cry 3 in my steam account is wonderful. It logs my hours, has the steam overlay and if something should ever happen to ubisoft, I'd sure feel better about purchasing the game through Steam.

I have Impulse and Origin as well. I never load them up and therefor never play the titles that are exclusive to them. For example if BF3 was on Steam, I would see it every day in my catalog so I would be playing it more frequently.
Steam is not even close to perfect though. it has jacked up a few games with its horrible cloud implementation. also its not worth a shit for tracking actual game play hours and can easily glitch. for example it says I have 73 hours in Dead Island when in reality I got bored with that game after about 2 hours and never went back to it. I have plenty of other examples too but you hopefully get my point.
Steam is not even close to perfect though. it has jacked up a few games with its horrible cloud implementation. also its not worth a shit for tracking actual game play hours and can easily glitch. for example it says I have 73 hours in Dead Island when in reality I got bored with that game after about 2 hours and never went back to it. I have plenty of other examples too but you hopefully get my point.
No. There is zero comparison between Steam and Uplay. Uplay is dog shit and everyone keeps forgetting that Ubisoft is king of DRM.

If FarCry 3 didn't require Uplay I would have purchased it already. Since it requires Uplay, I'm not going to buy it. But I will still play it...

The people who know how to use Steam and who enjoy Steam FAR out weight the fanboys on Ubisofts side. Their is about as much love on the Uplay forums as there was on the Steam forums when The War Z was released.

I have had a Steam account for 9 years now. Sure Steam goes down from time to time. It is the internet. :rolleyes: EVERYTHING goes down at one time or another. It is a application installed on your computer that needs constant updates. It's not exactly the same thing as say Facebook, the HardForums or Google. I can't say that I am aware of any issues with how Steam logs hours. But I do have nearly 1,000hrs into TF2. Nearly 3/4 of which where obtained while sleeping, idling in achievement servers.

The worst issue I have had with Steam required me to spend 3mins searching on google informing me that I needed to delete my clientregistry.blob in order to get Steam up and running. All of the benefits of Steam far out weight the few bumps along the road.

> Sorry didn't mean to derail the thread.
Had a Windows melt down a few days ago and lost all my Far Cry 3 game saves while being forced to use Uplay through Steam, instead of just allowing me to use Steam..

I clocked around 50hrs in Far Cry 3 down the drain, thank you Ubisoft, you're the best!

Good find OP, and GL with Ubisoft's bullsh*t forced DRM service.

Edit:I was using Uplay's cloud service, called their tech support and was simply told the service must have corrupted, corrupted? That's your answer? This was from a supervisor(Dave) at Ubisoft Support.

Had a Windows melt down a few days ago and lost all my Far Cry 3 game saves while being forced to use Uplay through Steam, instead of just allowing me to use Steam..

I clocked around 50hrs in Far Cry 3 down the drain, thank you Ubisoft, you're the best!

Good find OP, and GL with Ubisoft's bullsh*t forced DRM service.

Edit:I was using Uplay's cloud service, called their tech support and was simply told the service must have corrupted, corrupted? That's your answer? This was from a supervisor(Dave) at Ubisoft Support.

and AGAIN Steam has jacked up MANY peoples saves with their shitty cloud service too.
Guys you can get Far Cry 3 for 27.49 via Amazon if you're an student with Amazon prime using code: FC3AMZNS
Lets just be happy that these companies are releasing this games for PC. I dont care where they do (even though i prefer steam because origin is dog shit and uplay is too apparently) as long as they keep doing it.

Hope they dont pull a Msoft and stop releasing games on PC (halo, gears of war)
Actually it is.

Unlike Steam though you can NOT first activate and then d/l a game through uplay (at least in my experience).

You have to first download the game and install it through another means (steam, gmg's capusle, etc).

It's not like steam where you can just plug in your cd key and uplay allows you to d/l the game through it. It only allows that after you install/activate the game. Which makes zero sense and seems completely backwards.
I don't use any Cloud service and never worry about losing any saves. That's why they make 2,3,4 and 5 tb hard drives. And Blu-Ray burns and 100 gig disc!

and AGAIN Steam has jacked up MANY peoples saves with their shitty cloud service too.
Even if you get it through Steam, it will still launch through UPlay.

So...what's the deal here? Can sum1 give concrete info? Steam is my main gaming depository like the rest of us, I also have EA but would like to keep it to these 2 if possible. If buying it through steam does not stop fc3 from using ubi's game launcher/manager, then what's the point of spending extra $$? I'd rather buy if cheaper of d2play and save money....
So...what's the deal here? Can sum1 give concrete info? Steam is my main gaming depository like the rest of us, I also have EA but would like to keep it to these 2 if possible. If buying it through steam does not stop fc3 from using ubi's game launcher/manager, then what's the point of spending extra $$? I'd rather buy if cheaper of d2play and save money....

yes dude it doesn't matter where you buy it, Far cry will install UPlay regardless if its steam or not.
So...if one has the standard version on uplay and now has the deluxe version, how can it be changed to the deluxe version?
and AGAIN Steam has jacked up MANY peoples saves with their shitty cloud service too.

Its not the cloud service alone thats flawed, part of the problem is how developers code for it when it comes to fault handling. Meaning game crashes for example, and its left to Steam client to make an decision on how to recover in terms of the savedata. Not nearly enough intelligence has gone into savegame methodology for most games I see.

In any case, I'd strongly recommend disabling cloud saves for Steam, Origin, Ubi, whatever until the system becomes a little more bulletproof. If you want to empower yourself then figure out the path that your game places the savefiles to and make regular backups.
I would prob have got this game through the forum now instead of steam since it does install fucking uplay. You can prob get it around here for 20 bucks.

It is an awesome game though and i do not regret buying it a single bit.
I would prob have got this game through the forum now instead of steam since it does install fucking uplay. You can prob get it around here for 20 bucks.

It is an awesome game though and i do not regret buying it a single bit.

Just purchased it myself from the FS/FT area for $20. I was holding out for Steam, but if I'm stuck with UPlay either way, I decided that I might as well just get it for as cheap as I can.