Far Cry 2: Fortune's Edition [Game Download] $5 from Amazon

Running fine on Win7 Home Premium 64-bit here on my sig rig (5870/i7/x58/x-fi/6gb).

Runs fine for me, Win7 Pro system specs in siggy.

Yes it works, as it does on mine, only issues I'm having is the benchmark, not that I care because I really don't care to benchmark, I just happen to click on the icon and noticed it gave me a error and will not open, nor does the launch icon... both give me a error.

When I get home I will try again and post the error screenshot

Tell then, try and run the benchmark and tell me if you get it to work ;)
Benchmark runs fine for me, Nickbaldwin86 :), launched it by rightclicking Far Cry 2 under the Windows 7 My Games area, then clicking Benchmark. Loads into the game in demo mode and runs the benches.
even for 5$ this game is complete trash, I got it for free and still didnt want to continue playing...

I felt the same way the first hour or so of gameplay...

it definitely got better for me once I got used to the roaming nature of the game.

The gripes I had were
- all the driving and transport needed to get to different missions
- respawning bad guys
- not so good AI
- Prune juice blood effects
- high damage threshold of bad guys (how many headshots does it take to kill someone in this game ??!! lol )
Benchmark runs fine for me, Nickbaldwin86 :), launched it by rightclicking Far Cry 2 under the Windows 7 My Games area, then clicking Benchmark. Loads into the game in demo mode and runs the benches.

ya dont see the icon for that, something is wrong :mad:
Fast download and installed fine. Will play after the holidays. Thanks OP!
still having major issues with my Win7 64... LONG load times and will crash and never get a chance to save... had to start from the beginning 3 times and then just said forget it.. try to figure it out more tonight or I will just install XP on another partition :mad: