Fallout 2009

What did that analyst say again? That graphics would be maxed out by 2025?
I thought you meant there was going to be a new Fallout. I nearly shit my pants in excitement!

Then I see this...didn't shit my pants after all.
Oh, and that doesn't look post-apocalyptic at all. Fallout 3 had next to zero vegetation. INACCURATE.
Nice effort, but small time compared to The Road? I knew it was going to look a lot like Fallout, but damn.
there is a new Fallout game in development...

Obsidian developing brand new Fallout title for release in 2010


My favorite point of excitement generated from this line in that article...
Obsidian is currently headed up by Chris Avellone, who was one of the major names behind Fallout 2.

My interest just skyrocketed!!
-If he can have this handled like Fallout 2 was done...then it's a *guarenteed* hit!
interesting :)
too much green in those "screenshots" though ;)
yep, they should go to Chernobyl or some other forsaken place ;)

Funny thing is... All the radiation around there diddnt kill off any of the plantlife... It would seem in our universe we would be hard pressed to wipe out all of the plantlife... somthing would remain and spread and grow back.

If you have ever looked at pics of chernobyl from one of the many companys that run tours through it you would see that the forests and wilderness have more or less taken over the city... its a realy eerie place....
Funny thing is... All the radiation around there diddnt kill off any of the plantlife... It would seem in our universe we would be hard pressed to wipe out all of the plantlife... somthing would remain and spread and grow back.

If you have ever looked at pics of chernobyl from one of the many companys that run tours through it you would see that the forests and wilderness have more or less taken over the city... its a realy eerie place....

More like a forgotten paradise for wildlife.