Fable for the PC

Jan 7, 2002

PC version of Molyneux's epic choose-your-adventure will get new content; Fable: The Lost Chapters will be available this fall.

Lionhead frontman Peter Molyneux and Microsoft Game Studios are doing their best Aesop impressions for PC gamers. Microsoft today announced that the popular Xbox title Fable is headed for the PC this fall, under the name Fable: The Lost Chapters. The much-hyped title was released on Microsoft's console last September and was developed by Big Blue Box, which is owned by Black & White developer Lionhead Studios.

As indicated by the title, the PC version will feature additional content not found on its console counterpart. There will be additional quests to undertake, new regions to explore, and a deeper storyline. Gamers will also be able to use new armor and weapons, cast new spells, and slay new creatures.

In Fable, players start as a young boy and eventually reach old age, with every choice they make effecting their character. Gamers can take their alter-ego along the path of righteousness, acquiring a saintly sheen and becoming the toast of the town, or choose a path of evil, growing devilish horns, attracting a swarm of flies, and witnessing townsfolk fleeing in terror at the character's mere appearance. By using certain weapons or acting in certain manners, the hero's physical appearance may change--slim and sleek for players who use ranged weapons and spells or buff and burly for those who scrap face-to-face.

Fable: The Lost Chapters will retail for $49.99 when it hits shelves this fall, and is currently awaiting a rating. For more information on the game, choose the path of GameSpot's full review of the Xbox version.

By Tim Surette -- GameSpot
POSTED: 03/10/05 03:30 PM PST
I thought they said the PC port wasnt coming. Hehe, great news being that I never completed the XBox version.
It's good to hear that a PC version is coming. Perhaps they'll actually use the HDD of PCs to cache the environments instead of the constant, unnecessary loading that plagued the Xbox version.

The game was extremely cool in some respects. It was far too short and linear to justify all the hype that it got, though.
I heard it was super linear too. What good is an ever changing world if it's a linear one.
Aren't you sacrificing one feature for another then? :confused:

Oh well, there's always TES IV :D
The game was good, but it's definately only worth a rental on xbox due to it's shortness(I beat it in just under 8 hours). Hopefully they'll really add in a lot of content in the Lost Chapters. I can't see any reason to get it unless it was made at least twice the size of the xbox version.
Super56K said:
The game was good, but it's definately only worth a rental on xbox due to it's shortness(I beat it in just under 8 hours). Hopefully they'll really add in a lot of content in the Lost Chapters. I can't see any reason to get it unless it was made at least twice the size of the xbox version.

thats the very least...an 8 hour rpg is just wrong...i know you could have made it longer, but it shouldnt even be possible to complete it so fast..imho
8 Hours?!? To think I was salivating at the news of this game a year before it was even released on Xbox with all the news of how 'groundbreaking' it was going to be...

I've never played it and probably never will...unless that 8 hours is VERY gratifying. :mad:
I had it on xbox, took me about 9 hours to complete, but you can be damn sure ill get this for PC since they are adding things. I really... really like fable. It was short, but it was an RPG that was not turn based. I despise turn based, so any shortcomings in Fable were easily overlooked by me. Cant wait for this one.
I just wish they would have stuck with it being "open."

They went from having morrowinds openness of the gameworld to have the closed feeling of KOTOR, everywhere you go your are in a pathway, there's no wide open places like Project ego had, with the hero in a big open field, or sitting under the tree overlooking the valley, having that type of world would have made a world of difference to the game if you ask me.
ya. this will be good, i bought an xbox solely for just Fable.. and the xbox was soon coverted to a media center box and i dont play fable anymore.. so this will be good to rehesh and play again on pc.
I was reading reviews for it and they said that if you choose to do the main game, just shoot through it without getting into the world and the stories and side quests, etc, then the game is really short, but if you do all that then it's long. That's just what I read, never played it though.
Fable was a good game .... but waaaaaay to short. I did just about every side quest and it took me 11 hours.
I really enjoyed the game. I did every side quest, leveled up to the Max in all my characters skills, and saved up for an insanely expensive sword. I also spent a lot of time marrying and then killing my wives. I came in at just under 12hrs.
How does it compare to morrowind? I think that game pretty much got it all right..
It's completely different from Morrowind...

The character personalization and combat system are superior in Fable, but it has absolutely nothing on the sheer size and freedom of Morrowind.

The graphics in Fable are superb as well...in-game visuals are absolutely stunning.