F@H desktop wallpapers

Here's another basic idea. The quality sucks because I used paint. Feel free to add to it or redo it.

Mayhem, think we could get a 1024*768 version of that? It doesn't scale down nicely, unfortunately for those with smaller monitors.

(Tags another mental note to get a 21" LCD)
Shadowchild said:
Mayhem, think we could get a 1024*768 version of that? It doesn't scale down nicely, unfortunately for those with smaller monitors.

(Tags another mental note to get a 21" LCD)

As you wish....I use this size myself....19" CRT.


The answer for doing that to fold server is:

bsetbg -f /path/to/pic.jpg

Just don't do it with root access. you have to use the dsl command box.

Mage, feel free to correct me because I have no idea what I am talking about. :D
Aratech said:
Here's another basic idea. The quality sucks because I used paint. Feel free to add to it or redo it.

I like this one. Nice and simple, and it gets the point across. Nice font, too.

Mayhem, both of those are frackin awesome. I decided to go with the second one for my desktop, has a bit of a darker feel to it. Matches my room better (considering that I have an old Sonic the Hedgehog 2 promo poster right next to my monitor :D )

rogue_jedi said:
e-mail 'em to me at d a n i e l t m @gmail.com (no spaces there) and i'll host 'em.

or you can use imageshack.us if they fit.

You mentioned you could host...

Is there a way we can get a central place to host all the great backgrounds these guys are creating? Kinda like a harddesktops.com??

Like he said, email 'em to him. We've got the filefarmer accounts, no reason not to use 'em.

Thanks for the praise people! :cool:

I like the idea having a central location for these backgrounds, I bet King_N would post a link the hosting site for the images.(maybe, kinda out on limb here)

Rogue and/or Mage post on the format you want emailed to you....im guessing png.

Png or postscript; if you give us originals we can probably scale them. I write lots of scripts; one to autoscale these to X different resolutions will be no problem.

[email protected]
d a n i e l t m at g m a i l (.nowhere.) com

He's paranoid about his email, I'm not. :p

edit: psd will also work. Highest quality you got.

IGNEM... :( Did everyone delete their originals or something?

unhappy_mage said:
IGNEM... :( Did everyone delete their originals or something?

Sorry Mage, Just been busy with 3 jobs. Got them on their way a minute ago.

I still plan to do a UD one or 2.

keep in mind, this is with a touchpad laptop (ick) and i'm not too good at this whole art thing...

i'll redo the second one some time so the top part actually looks good...here they are:


for both Mayhem33 and Carnival Forces.

btw CF, is the first wallpaper Monica Bellucci? She looks a lot like her.
and the testosterone reached maximum levels in only 4 pages.

way to beat the record guys.
Carnival Forces said:
just do a forum search for "Kodiak Star" ;)
and get what, each and every thread in the DC forum since he joined?

when u_m gets home we'll work on those wallpapers.
Oh come on yer suppose to make it like the original one I designed..
I just threw this together it is probably off but hey what are ya to say..
I have no time to actually work on this or maybe I do hell I haven't posted
here in forever and a day..


I was thinking it would be cool to put the decending definitions of HARD in ghost writing behind or in front of the logo..

but this is alot of text to fit into a screen

hard ( P ) Pronunciation Key (härd)
adj. hard·er, hard·est
Resistant to pressure; not readily penetrated.

Physically toughened; rugged.
Mentally toughened; strong-minded.

Requiring great effort or endurance: a hard assignment.
Performed with or marked by great diligence or energy: a project that required years of hard work.
Difficult to resolve, accomplish, or finish: That was a hard question.
Difficult to understand or impart: Physics was the hardest of my courses. Thermodynamics is a hard course to teach.

Intense in force or degree: a hard blow.
Inclement: a long, hard winter.

Stern or strict in nature or comportment: a hard taskmaster.
Resistant to persuasion or appeal; obdurate.
Making few concessions: drives a hard bargain.

Difficult to endure: a hard life.
Oppressive or unjust in nature or effect: restrictions that were hard on welfare applicants.
Lacking compassion or sympathy; callous.

Harsh or severe in effect or intention: said some hard things that I won't forget.
Bitter; resentful: No hard feelings, I hope.

Causing damage or premature wear: Snow and ice are hard on a car's finish.
Bad; adverse: hard luck.
Proceeding or performing with force, vigor, or persistence; assiduous: a hard worker.

Real and unassailable: hard evidence.
Definite; firm: a hard commitment.
Close; penetrating: We need to take a hard look at the situation.
Free from illusion or bias; practical: brought some hard common sense to the discussion.
Using or based on data that are readily quantified or verified: the hard sciences.

Marked by sharp outline or definition; stark.
Lacking in delicacy, shading, or nuance.
Being a turn in a specific direction at an angle more acute than other possible routes.

Metallic, as opposed to paper. Used of currency.
Backed by bullion rather than by credit. Used of currency.
High and stable. Used of prices.

Durable; lasting: hard merchandise.
Written or printed rather than stored in electronic media: sent the information by hard mail.
Erect; tumid. Used of a penis.

Having high alcoholic content; intoxicating: hard liquor.
Rendered alcoholic by fermentation; fermented: hard cider.
Containing dissolved salts that interfere with the lathering action of soap. Used of water.
Linguistics. Velar, as in c in cake or g in log, as opposed to palatal or soft.
Physics. Of relatively high energy; penetrating: hard x-rays.
High in gluten content: hard wheat.
Chemistry. Resistant to biodegradation: a hard detergent.
Physically addictive. Used of certain illegal drugs, such as heroin.
Resistant to blast, heat, or radiation. Used especially of nuclear weapons.

With strenuous effort; intently: worked hard all day; stared hard at the accused criminal.
With great force, vigor, or energy: pressed hard on the lever.
In such a way as to cause great damage or hardship: industrial cities hit hard by unemployment.
With great distress, grief, or bitterness: took the divorce hard.
Firmly; securely: held hard to the railing.
Toward or into a solid condition: concrete that sets hard within a day.
Near in space or time; close: The factory stands hard by the railroad tracks.
Nautical. Completely; fully: hard alee.