F.E.A.R Vs. Quake 4 - which one ?


Sep 5, 2001
Just had a birthday and have 50 buks so I can only get one of these right now.
It may be a few months before I could afford the next one.

Question is which one to start with and why ?
FEAR has great single player and good multiplayer.

Q4 has decent single player and great multiplayer (if you liked Q3).

I went with FEAR.
I got my Quake 4 Collector Edition for $44.00 2day shipped off ebay. (I went with quake 4) ;)

leaves you 6 bucks for some coke and cheetos for all night gaming on the weekend :D
If you are a Quake fan I would say Quake 4.
If you want to try something new I would say FEAR
Seriously you can't go wrong!
I got both, haven't touched Quake 4 other than install, like FEAR alot.

[off topic] Majin, I have that same video card... did you OC it and if so what did you get?[/off topic]
I have yet to buy FEAR, but they both look like amazing games.. Quake 4 is all around fun SP an MP.. but FEAR looks fun as hell too..

-Evil Juggalo
Evil Juggalo said:
I have yet to buy FEAR, but they both look like amazing games.. Quake 4 is all around fun SP an MP.. but FEAR looks fun as hell too..

-Evil Juggalo

At first I wasn't too impressed with the basic look of the game, seemed to plain, but then you start to see the Lighting and GFX and all the eye candy and even the textures and it's eye sex!

The A.I. is the best I have ever seen in a game... EVER. This is the game that all other games will have to follow when it comes to A.I.

The plot is a bit odd, but makes you want to learn more!

Its a great game for sure!
Love FEAR. Really love it!
I was a bit hesitant about getting Q4 cause I didn't really like Doom3.
I got Q4, dvd, and I'm really glad I did.
Totally different than Doom3. Really good. A must have.
Get both.
Every object in FEAR reflects sound. There are garbage bags lying around and if you walk by them or on them they give off a sound. Anything you step on (even your feet) make a sound. Its both annoying and great. Its realistic as hell, but it can also creep you out.

Sometimes though the sounds go too far, especially the aluminum cans. Those suckers make sound forever if you hit them.

But when things go into slow-mo, your glad you can hear the sounds of everything around you because it becomes Fight or Flight time!
F.E.A.R. : Single Player is awesome, and the multiplayer is okay (im still trying to figure out the maps, and it is hard to tell who your teammembers are, Im just glad Friendly Fire is not on ;) )
I would get Quake 4... becuase.. the single player is good, but Fear's is a bit better IMO.. BUT the Multiplayer on Q4 is way better than Fear's.. although I enjoyed Fear's too.. but Q4 was just better :p so Q4 would be better in the long run, b/c IMO the multiplayer never gets boring :p
I am almost done with FEAR SP, at the default difficulty its not very hard. Its good. I really like the netcode in FEAR so if you have ping issues like myself, FEAR is a fun multiplay without getting aggrevated about shots not registering and the sort.

Im about an hour into Q4 SP and its much better than Doom3, its much more challenging than was FEAR. Multiplay looks like it could be alot of fun on a LAN and such. I dont know how long it would keep me engaged over the Internet though, unless I had some buddies in the same server.
Crap I'm having the same problem too, I just don't know which to get. It seems both have their ups, and downs. I'm mostly getting it for the SP, whichever has the more interesting/immersive plot to it.
I bought both and love them both. If you want something creepier, go with F.E.A.R. Also choose F.E.A.R. if you like to think a little more, and like a slower, more tactical experience. It's tons of fun, and the graphics are pretty amazing.

If you like a faster, simpler, pure action type of game, go with Quake IV. It has excellent visuals, and it's a lot of fun.

Really, either way you go, you should be happy. If you lean toward one style more than the other, pick the one that suits you.
I picked up both yesterday.

I played the FEAR sp for a good while. Either I suck, or I started it off with too high of difficulty cause I die every time there is a huge fire fight. The game is fun though, creepy as hell also.
The MP was fun from the little i played last night. The melee attacks are pretty cool. And as another poster said, it is hard to tell if someone is on your team or not.

As for Quake 4...

I think quake 2 is my favorite PC game of all time, so you know im gonna love this game. I only played through the first level or so last night, but man, it was fun. Reminds me ALOT of q2.

The MP was good too, as i like q3. super fast action, but one question, what happend to rocket jumping? maybe i need to practice more or something...


They both look really good. Quake 4 is more "bright" to me,with alot of red's and oranges, but FEAR's atmosphere works well with the story.

As for which to get first:

if you are going for MP: Quake 4
if you are going for SP: Fear

...and then get the one you don't get now some time later :D
F.E.A.R is simply amazing. The lighting, shadows, and especially the sound are all super awesome. Definitely makes me jump at night with my headphones on..
Quake 4 is doom 3's engine used amazingly. Its brigther and its fun. I went with q4 simply for the fact that I don't like to be scared, I cant play multiplayer but SP is hella fun.
notTHEike said:
super fast action, but one question, what happend to rocket jumping? maybe i need to practice more or something...

First of all, rocket jumping's there! It feels a lot like q2's rocket jumps rather than q3. In q3, you could rj all the time and fly (like... move fast. Not actually fly) around the map. I don't think that was as much the case in q2. q3's rl fired quick, q2 and q4's is a little slower so it makes timing a bit more difficult.

On topic - I got q4 and love it (but the only multiplayer games that I've really been able to get into for any extended length of time have been quake games). FEAR sounds great too though if that's your thing. I say buy both, and if you don't like fear, send it to me so I can try it out! :)
i think q4 will be a better game in the long run
fear will be really hot for a short time but quickly forgetten
Jesus_Faction said:
i think q4 will be a better game in the long run
fear will be really hot for a short time but quickly forgetten
I think Q4 will last longer, but only for the MP :)

F.E.A.R. is a great game, with okay MP (nothing compared to Q4, but excellent compared to everything else)
Don't hate on me, but I think F.E.A.R sp is somewhat overrated. But I like the mp, where most people do not. Don't get me wrong, it's still a good game worth getting but I was thinking today in another thread, I still like Far Cry better than F.E.A.R . But I think it's a safe bet if you want a great mp game, go with Quake 4 first. F.E.A.R. mp will probably be dead within a year whereas Q4 will be going strong for a long time.
FEAR scared the piss out of me last night... I haven't had a game do that in a long long LONG time... I think the original doom creeped me out... wow... anyways, it's really good single player, but the MP is not so hot... so if you like SP FEAR, but if MP is what you're really after, then Q4 is prolly a better choice. imo ymmv and all of that :)
hignaki said:
I think Q4 will last longer, but only for the MP :)

F.E.A.R. is a great game, with okay MP (nothing compared to Q4, but excellent compared to everything else)

I think those are very accurate statements.
revenant said:
I think those are very accurate statements
Thank you!

Oh, and in my previous post, I wasn't even comparing F.E.A.R. to things like BF2 or CS/CS:S. It's not even fair to compare F.E.A.R. with the likes of them. The only reason it's being compared to Q4, I believe, is because they came out at the same time :)
I like Quake 4 alittle better than FEAR single player-wise. That may because I haven't played a game like Q4 in a long time, and FEAR seems that it's a bunch of FPS games rolled in one. (Not necessarily a bad thing)
SpeedRunner said:
I like Quake 4 alittle better than FEAR single player-wise. That may because I haven't played a game like Q4 in a long time, and FEAR seems that it's a bunch of FPS games rolled in one. (Not necessarily a bad thing)
I really like the SP in F.E.A.R. (even a little better than Q4) but I do think Q4s SP is great. Talk about run'n'gun, man. But I was addicted to Painkiller, so I thought of F.E.A.R. as a welcome change for me.
BigJavy said:
First of all, rocket jumping's there! It feels a lot like q2's rocket jumps rather than q3. In q3, you could rj all the time and fly (like... move fast. Not actually fly) around the map. I don't think that was as much the case in q2. q3's rl fired quick, q2 and q4's is a little slower so it makes timing a bit more difficult.

yeah exactly.. Quake 3 had faster rockets.. fast enough that you can fly around the map, meaning you launched yourself through the air with the initial rocket, and right before you land again, you rocket jump again aiming yourself in the direction you have been moving in... anytime you drastically change the direction while bunnyhopping, your momentum(sp?.) is stopped... Using strafe instead of your mouse can dragually turn your player and still maintain a fast velocity... It is Quake's strafe physics that makes its gameplay better than UT series imo...

Anyone else excited to see if Rocket Arena 4 will be similar to RA3 and we maybe might be able to have the q3 speed rockets in quake 4? :eek:

BigJavy said:
On topic - I got q4 and love it (but the only multiplayer games that I've really been able to get into for any extended length of time have been quake games)....

I hear that from many veteran online FPS gamers... the reason I always hear is its because no other FPS online deathmatch game is as simple and satisfying as Quake... Its almost always faster movement and control. Its straight up fragging and its what people want essentially... They don't want " any " break in the action... you fight like fuckin mad until you die, 2 seconds later, you can be right back in the same position having to respond just as quickly as you did 3 seconds ago before you died :p No other online FPS games have made my heart beat so often in a frantic showdown than Quake. I believe I've quoted that more than once on these forums before heh.

So... get Quake 4.. no questions.
I am mentally wired to buy anything that id is associated with, so of course I have Quake 4. However, FEAR looked like it would scare the ever living day lights out of me so of course I got that too, plus it looked like it had some yummy eye candy. I have played more FEAR single player and multiplayer, while playing only a little Quake 4 single player and no multiplayer.

So far I'm liking FEAR more...
F.E.A.R. is the best SP game ive played in a very very long time. Quake 4 has surprised me with how good its SP is so far.

F.E.A.R.'s is still much better though :)

Quake 4 is a great game, but you have played it before. Thats not the case with F.E.A.R.
i have finished FEAR and have palyed about 2 hours of QUAKE at a friends PC.

i say go with F.E.A.R

its fresh and on the edge, the MP is not bad either.

i'd say get FEAR now and get QUAKE next month or whenever u can afford it.
Get F.E.A.R. After playing Q4 for about an hour tonight I uninstalled it. It's not very challenging and the graphics are just as dark as Doom's. I can live with the gameplay but what's the point of spending the time to make great graphics if you can't see them? It's really a shame you can't see anything in video games anymore :rolleyes:
Blown 89 said:
Get F.E.A.R. After playing Q4 for about an hour tonight I uninstalled it. It's not very challenging and the graphics are just as dark as Doom's. I can live with the gameplay but what's the point of spending the time to make great graphics if you can't see them? It's really a shame you can't see anything in video games anymore :rolleyes:

I think somebody forgot to tell you that your weapons have built in flashlights and you are supposed to use them!
with system in sig, I can barely play the multiplayer... I have everything on low with all details off @ 1024x768 and on a server with 4+ people I never see framers higher than 40... if im standing still not moving on a empty server its around 45 fps... normally 30 - 40 fps would be playable, but with a fast paced MP game such as quake 4, Im barely able to move and aim properly since even my mouse lags when Im dueling someone... Doom 3 MP ran better than quake 4 mp does... I guess I'll finish the single player and wait till I upgrade to play MP again :(

the FPS says Im getting 30 avg... but it feels like 10 or less.. its hard to track someone with my xhair and everyone just chops around my screen and I don't even know how I die most of the time lol... ahh /sigh..

however my time will come since Im upgrading too... amd 64 3700, 2gig ram, 7800gtx, so Im hoping I will see an improvement then ... maybe...
Spare-Flair said:
I think somebody forgot to tell you that your weapons have built in flashlights and you are supposed to use them!
Excuse me for not enjoying the splendorous cutting edge graphics through a 1" circle of light. While you may be accustomed to 1" disappointments I am not :rolleyes:
ninethreeeleven said:
Every object in FEAR reflects sound. There are garbage bags lying around and if you walk by them or on them they give off a sound. Anything you step on (even your feet) make a sound. Its both annoying and great. Its realistic as hell, but it can also creep you out.

Sometimes though the sounds go too far, especially the aluminum cans. Those suckers make sound forever if you hit them.

But when things go into slow-mo, your glad you can hear the sounds of everything around you because it becomes Fight or Flight time!

I like the idea of creeping out and something new so fear looks awesome for this. I'm an old quake fan from Q1 on upso there is my quandy. FPSers are my game.

So which is better at MP ?
Which game would look better on my Dell 2405, 24" LCD ?

Cause in the end once you beat it thats whats left.

Thanks guys
msny said:
I like the idea of creeping out and something new so fear looks awesome for this. I'm an old quake fan from Q1 on upso there is my quandy. FPSers are my game.

So which is better at MP ?
Which game would look better on my Dell 2405, 24" LCD ?

Cause in the end once you beat it thats whats left.

Thanks guys

if your looking for long term as in MP then its q4 hands down. im having fun with fear, but i love the Q4 mp. and it will last you longer. I still played Q3 MP up until a couple nights ago when i got Q4
Blown 89 said:
Get F.E.A.R. After playing Q4 for about an hour tonight I uninstalled it. It's not very challenging and the graphics are just as dark as Doom's. I can live with the gameplay but what's the point of spending the time to make great graphics if you can't see them? It's really a shame you can't see anything in video games anymore :rolleyes:
Ignore that post... it is not accurate at all. :rolleyes:

I am planning on getting both, but I had to go with Quake4 and I am not dissapointed. I am looking forward to FEAR.

That said, Fry's has fear on sale right now so maybe you'll want to save some cash by picking that up first?
FEAR is a welcome change to the normal FPS single player game. It's much more immersive. While Q4 is faster paced, it lacks the depth and immersion factor of FEAR. When you get into a firefight in FEAR, it's an amazing experience, with exploding degree, grenades that scare the piss out of you, and theres the satisfaction of being able to blow off your opponents limbs, or splatter their body all over the wall. Theres the gun that burns their flesh off, leaving a fried skeleton where they used to be, or you can stake the bad guys to the wall with another weapon. Theres also the plot, which isn't hard to figure out, but its consistant and moves along nicely. The little girl and the envionments, plus the subtle and not so subtle imagery really have a great SCI-Fi horror effect, that is unique, and yet comparable to the freakyness of games like AVP 1 and 2.

All weapons in FEAR are usefull. Even the pistol. The experience of playing FEAR is fresh and new, like Far Cry was. Q4 brings nothing new to the table in this reguard. It's Q2 with a hint of Republic Commando's squad based action, (although inferior squad interaction and usefullness) with Doom 3's look feel and physics, just sped up slightly.

Q4 is a great game, I haven't played the multi-player yet, but I am sure it's good. I like UT/Q3 style MP more than other games so I'll go out on a limb and say I'd enjoy Q4's MP over FEARs MP, which I have played since the Closed Beta days, and it was fun, just not a UT or Q3 killer by any stretch.

So for single player I vote FEAR. For muliplayer, I'll say Quake 4.