F.E.A.R Vs. Quake 4 - which one ?

Got quake 4, but I'm not really liken it, I'll probalby return it for Civ 4.
The single player is decent, better than doom, but still not great.
I might try F.E.A.R. but I'm not quite sure.
Stormlifter said:
Got quake 4, but I'm not really liken it, I'll probalby return it for Civ 4.
The single player is decent, better than doom, but still not great.
I might try F.E.A.R. but I'm not quite sure.

Hell out here you can't return one title for another after it's been opened. So your stuck with em when you buy them.

I bought both Q4 and FEAR because I didn't want to choose. So far I am happy with both purchases.
get both, whatever you have to do, rob, steal, fire, car chases, explosions, ok maybe thats a bit extreme, get quake 4 :D
Inny Minny Miny Mo...

Seriously, I own both and they're both shitloads of fun so either one I would suggest, I'm currently playing Quake IV and I'm loving every minute of it, so I would suggest that I guess.
Yep, I had the same problem last night...I could not decide between Q4, Fear, HL2, or wait for CoD2...I went with Fear...I got the special edition for $38...so how can you go wrong for that price? :D
...Walmart had the wrong price marked on it...it rang up as $55, but it had $40 on the shelf. Great Deal! :D
Jesus_Faction said:
i think q4 will be a better game in the long run
fear will be really hot for a short time but quickly forgetten

Hmmm, kinda like people said FarCry would be quickly forgotten??? Mmmm? That's the question isn't it, do you feel lucky punk, well do you?
Sir-Fragalot said:
I bought both Q4 and FEAR because I didn't want to choose. So far I am happy with both purchases.

I bought both and am thinking I need to upgrade my system...
idiot999 said:
I bought both and am thinking I need to upgrade my system...

I am sure that's the case with alot of people. I feel that way about FEAR. I want 1600x1200 with 4xAA and 8xAF at a minimum. My system can not do that with FEAR. The problem is I have to wait for new technology in order to pull off any kind of upgrade. Since, I can't get faster gaming processors for my rig, or better video cards, I certainly don't need more ram, and 15K SCSI drives aren't going to help my FPS. So I guess I must wait.
Techx said:
get both, whatever you have to do, rob, steal, fire, car chases, explosions, ok maybe thats a bit extreme, get quake 4 :D

Are you trying to make me into a criminal and frag some store vendors..... :D
FEAR by far.....multiplayer in Q4 is nicer looking than Q3, but the same old tired crap from Q3.....you would have thought they might have put a bit more effort into a better multi....FEAR single and multi is far superior.............
Another vote for FEAR. The singleplayer is fresh and very fun. (The ending sequence blew me away) Quake4's singleplayer blows in my opinion, but the multiplayer is excellent (well of course, it's quake). I haven't played FEAR's MP in the final game, but I really liked the beta. I don't mind a slower-paced MP game. As far as the SP goes, overall FEAR just has a much better ambience and environment, whereas quake is the typical "kill the alien bad guys" with almost no story.
with out a second thought ......FEAR

Good AI makes it replayable in single player and the multi play is great also.

I love throwing a grenade then watching the air pulse and just pulverize my target into a blood splatter
enelson125 said:
As far as the SP goes, overall FEAR just has a much better ambience and environment, whereas quake is the typical "kill the alien bad guys" with almost no story.
I'm still looking to pick up FEAR and play through it but this is pretty unfair to Q4's singleplayer. I'm fairly far into the game and I think the story so far has been pretty good. The war atmosphere is well done. The action is fast and the ai is decent. Most of the time you are trying to blow your way through multiple enemies at a time. Sometimes with a squad and sometimes without. Your squad members can also die if you let them which is great as well since many provide extra functions like repairing armor or health.

I'm hoping to finish Q4 soon but I have been very happy with the singleplayer. FWIW, I never finished Doom's SP because I hate the teleport behind and ambush you tactic. It happens occassionally in Q4 but is pretty rare. Not like Doom 3 where it happened in almost every room you entered. Also, the ammo/health/armor supply is done well. You are forced to scrounge for ammo and change weapons often.
FEAR owns you. I have been "trying" to play Q4 but its boring me. Enemys run at me suidically, basic ducking for cover, FEAR spoiled me

I want enemies that WANT to survive. Those guys are amazing to watch, jumping over ledges, pushing over desks/sofas for cover, providing each other covering fire, flanking, flushing you out with nades into their makeshift firing positions...amazing.

Then the effects, slowing down time, lobbing a nade and shooting it when its between a group of enemies...awesome. Debris, smoke, blood, limbs going everywhere.

Compare that action to Q4. Walk, strogg growl/yell, run either right for you or try to vaguely hide behind scenery/coloum....shoot in head...repeat.

Q4 still has alot of polish (the background action looks way more interesting) but it just doesn't grib like how FEAR does.

FEAR all the way baby.
After having played both for a few hours I can say thatfor me Fear is the better. But if you liked Doom 3 and quake 2 then you are going to like quake 4.
I've played through a decent amount of both games and I'm going with Quake 4. FEAR is cool and scared the shit out of me at some points, but something about Quake 4's SP really drew me in. I think the reviews of Quake 4 so far have been a little underrated. But that's just me...
I was standing in Best Buy the other day trying to decide between Q4 & FEAR. It was a tough choice, but in the end I walked out with BF2 :p Hadn't picked it up yet, and I loved the demo. Haven't regretted it yet. I'll probably grab Q4 next week. Think I'll pass on FEAR for now. I really didn't like the multiplayer demo much. Something about the feel of it. Just didn't sit with me right.
sarbz said:
I was standing in Best Buy the other day trying to decide between Q4 & FEAR. It was a tough choice, but in the end I walked out with BF2 :p

Yeah, if you haven't picked up BF2 yet, you must :) I thought it was pretty much a given that the people trying to choose between Q4 and F.E.A.R. either already have BF2, or just don't want it :)
Q4 for me, very fun and fast SP with very good graphics. FEAR feels so clumsy too me, big and ugly weapons and enemies, and my system can barely run it at med/high @ 1024x768
but Q4 runs great at 1600x1200 everything high.
I am getting both but I am waiting till COD2 comes out so I can order all three games and pay for shipping once.
SolidFeather said:
Q4 for me, very fun and fast SP with very good graphics. FEAR feels so clumsy too me, big and ugly weapons and enemies, and my system can barely run it at med/high @ 1024x768
but Q4 runs great at 1600x1200 everything high.
Wait, you can't run F.E.A.R. at Med/High at 1024*768!? I can run it with everything set to MAX at that level, on a 6600gt. Try disabling softshadowing. That's the BIGGEST performance hit in that game.
hignaki said:
Wait, you can't run F.E.A.R. at Med/High at 1024*768!? I can run it with everything set to MAX at that level, on a 6600gt. Try disabling softshadowing. That's the BIGGEST performance hit in that game.

I was gonna say, I have a 6800GT and can run it at 1280x1024 at High settings fine. Something else must be wrong. I would also suggest installing the last driver, the 81 series is nice.
I bought both on the same day, and while Q4 is awesome, better than I expected, I'm going to also vote FEAR. And not just for the brilliant AI and extreme creepiness level.

No, I'm voting FEAR because I'm one of those pathetic, bitter, No One Lives Forever fans. Remember NOLF, both 1 and 2? The advanced graphics, great gameplay, involved plot, astonishingly good writing, and critical raves?

Well, even if it vaguely rings a bell, you probably didn't play them. It seems not many folks did, to the disappointment of game reviewers and, of course, the game's authors, Monolith. Good as FEAR, their new game, is, it's less adventurous in both gameplay and plot than NOLF.

So everyone should go out and buy FEAR and earn Monolith lots of money. Aside from penance for not buying NOLF 1 and 2, it will let them finally make NOLF 3. And this time, hopefully people will buy it ("from the makers of FEAR!"). OK, probably not, but I can dream...
philgross said:
I bought both on the same day, and while Q4 is awesome, better than I expected, I'm going to also vote FEAR. And not just for the brilliant AI and extreme creepiness level.

No, I'm voting FEAR because I'm one of those pathetic, bitter, No One Lives Forever fans. Remember NOLF, both 1 and 2? The advanced graphics, great gameplay, involved plot, astonishingly good writing, and critical raves?

Well, even if it vaguely rings a bell, you probably didn't play them. It seems not many folks did, to the disappointment of game reviewers and, of course, the game's authors, Monolith. Good as FEAR, their new game, is, it's less adventurous in both gameplay and plot than NOLF.

So everyone should go out and buy FEAR and earn Monolith lots of money. Aside from penance for not buying NOLF 1 and 2, it will let them finally make NOLF 3. And this time, hopefully people will buy it ("from the makers of FEAR!"). OK, probably not, but I can dream...

I'm a major fan of the No One Lives Forever games. Those were truely amazing. But I'm a die-hard Monolith fan from Shogo! Sure it wasn't exactly anime as it claimed, but it was fan service, fun, and very innovative all the way. Never a dull moment.

But sadly, I'm not enjoying F.E.A.R. because I'm one of those wusses that don't like to be scared/alone and this game really doesn't show any of the Monolith variety/novelty that I'm used to in their other games. It's so repetative. Office, lab, office, lab, office, lab...sigh...
You're basically doing the same thing over and over again for hours.

I hope Monolith comes out with another great game in the future with character, flair, and amazing sights, sounds, and scenery like they did with Shogo and NOLF.
Spare-Flair said:
I'm a major fan of the No One Lives Forever games. Those were truely amazing. But I'm a die-hard Monolith fan from Shogo! Sure it wasn't exactly anime as it claimed, but it was fan service, fun, and very innovative all the way. Never a dull moment.

But sadly, I'm not enjoying F.E.A.R. because I'm one of those wusses that don't like to be scared/alone and this game really doesn't show any of the Monolith variety/novelty that I'm used to in their other games. It's so repetative. Office, lab, office, lab, office, lab...sigh...
You're basically doing the same thing over and over again for hours.

I hope Monolith comes out with another great game in the future with character, flair, and amazing sights, sounds, and scenery like they did with Shogo and NOLF.

It's the action itself that keeps me comming back to FEAR. Not the enviroments.
bored-sarcasm said:
havent had the chance to pick up fear yet, im almost done downloading q4 though.
They deserve the money. This is one game I actually bought, don't D/L it.
Not to thread jack here, but I didn't want to start yet another f.e.a.r. thread and get flamed for that too. So I picked up the CD version of the game for $40 vice $55 for the DVD. Is there anything on the directors cut version that's worth an extra $15 before I open it up and install it?
Heh, I got the DVD version for $38! :D

...walmart had on the wrong price...had $40 marked for both the dvd, and the cd edition...and with walmart's $3 off if the price is wrong thing, since it rang up as $55 at the register, the total was $38.50! :D
F.E.A.R.'s SP absolutely rocks; the enemies use cover, and generally react in a more "lifelike" manner than the enemies in Q4. That said, Q4 is a LOT less demanding on hardware; if you lack a high end gaming rig, then stick with Q4. If you have a sweet rig, and want a good SP experience, go with F.E.A.R.

read my review for a comparison :)

in conclusion. FEAR owns it in every aspect. EVERY.
i have the fear demo and it kicks ass. So im thinking of buying the game but quake4 just came out and i dont know. Does quake4 have those amazing sounds in it like fear does. Its amazing when ur walking from one surface to another. If quake4 has kickass sounds ill probably get that.
AlmostEvil said:
i have the fear demo and it kicks ass. So im thinking of buying the game but quake4 just came out and i dont know. Does quake4 have those amazing sounds in it like fear does. Its amazing when ur walking from one surface to another. If quake4 has kickass sounds ill probably get that.

Have fun wasting $50 on quake 4. READ MY EFFING REVIEW
J-M-E said:
Have fun wasting $50 on quake 4. READ MY EFFING REVIEW
Wow, yeah. No pimping.

Try the game somehow. If you like it, buy it. If you don't, don't. I've stopped trusting reviews a LOOONG time ago. Everyone is different, man. I mean, come on, I liked Rengoku.
I sometimes try to find a crop of "user reviews", browse through them for what they're worth, and collectively base my own ideas off of that. Then find a demo, keeping said "user reviews" in mind then go out and buy it. If not...wash, rinse, repeat...
I'd go with F.E.A.R. Quake 4 is a run-of-the-mill "circle strafing shoot enemies a bunch of times until they die" game. It uses the same id tricks such enemies which run much faster than you backtrack which require almost two clips full of ammo to kill. I felt like I was playing an old FPS game. FEAR on the other hand has stuff such as slow motion which leads to some really cool fire fights. You can't run into the middle of the room and aim at an enemy and just continuously shoot like you're in a static gallery. You need to find cover and duck out to take them down. Quake 4 is Quake 2 with better graphics. I already own Quake 2. It was good for 1997. It's now 2005. It's time for more gameplay.
iZero said:
I'd go with F.E.A.R. Quake 4 is a run-of-the-mill "circle strafing shoot enemies a bunch of times until they die" game. It uses the same id tricks such enemies which run much faster than you backtrack which require almost two clips full of ammo to kill. I felt like I was playing an old FPS game. FEAR on the other hand has stuff such as slow motion which leads to some really cool fire fights. You can't run into the middle of the room and aim at an enemy and just continuously shoot like you're in a static gallery. You need to find cover and duck out to take them down. Quake 4 is Quake 2 with better graphics. I already own Quake 2. It was good for 1997. It's now 2005. It's time for more gameplay.

Quake 3* with better graphics :)