F.E.A.R screenshot thread

Pkirk618 said:
I think the graphics--detail--physics are top notch. The story for single player is also excellent. Comperably, this game even with its minor flawed one textured features makes up for it when you could shoot a book into a trillion pieces of paper vs hitting it off a table.

true dat. I wish more games had the physics this one does. Can't wait to see how that physix card changes things...
My system must be slowing down somewhere. When I compare my results to others, mine seem low.
I have a 3700+ San Diego with 2 BGF 7800GTX OC in SLI and these are my results with the settings below:


I have Transparency antialiasing set to Supersampling.





mcravenufo said:
My system must be slowing down somewhere. When I compare my results to others, mine seem low.
I have a 3700+ San Diego with 2 BGF 7800GTX OC in SLI and these are my results with the settings below:
I have Transparency antialiasing set to Supersampling.


I run at 1440x900 (true 16:10 res....I just figured it out) with 2xAA 16xAF, no supersampling and everything (cept soft shadows) on and maxxed and I get around what you get there (I think my average is more like 55 or 60 and lowest is 45)

Turn off the supersampling if you want more speed, it will rape your card.
Brent_Justice said:
I think the graphics are very well done, the game looks awesome, especially if you have the hardware to run at a higher resolution with AA and AF with maximum in-game settings, it's pretty chilling, it draws you into the game.

to add to this i was just watching the commentaries, they specifically respond to why some gamers might not understand why portions of this game perform more slowly than other games even though it may look like it shouldn't

they explain that the per pixel lighting and dynamic shadows is what brings the performance down, basically ever surface recieves per pixel lighting, it's really complex with the character models recieving light

so basically everything is dynamically lit and has and can cast shadows

that's why resolution causes such a big performance hit, you have to draw even more pixels
Brent_Justice said:
to add to this i was just watching the commentaries, they specifically respond to why some gamers might not understand why portions of this game perform more slowly than other games even though it may look like it shouldn't

they explain that the per pixel lighting and dynamic shadows is what brings the performance down, basically ever surface recieves per pixel lighting, it's really complex with the character models recieving light

so basically everything is dynamically lit and has and can cast shadows

that's why resolution causes such a big performance hit, you have to draw even more pixels

How does the lighting in FEAR compare to Doom3's lighting?

Personally I think it exceeds the quality of doom3's lighting, and you can actually see without a flashlight in most places :p The whole engine gives the game a really natural and realistic feel that draws you in instantly.
Brent_Justice said:
I think the graphics are very well done, the game looks awesome, especially if you have the hardware to run at a higher resolution with AA and AF with maximum in-game settings, it's pretty chilling, it draws you into the game.

definitely. I felt like I was in a horror/sci-fi movie playing this game... I found myself feeling as wrapped into it as I was playing the "knee deep in the dead" levels sets on the original doom. whew. especially lev 2 of those when the lights go off in that area and all the darkness with bits of flashing lights... near where you get the chainsaw for the first time... whew... that was intense back then.. and FEAR has broght that feeling back for me now.. pretty cool. :)
retardedchicken said:
...and you can actually see without a flashlight in most places :p The whole engine gives the game a really natural and realistic feel that draws you in instantly.

I completely agree here. Now if only the game would stop crashing :mad:

1280x1024, 2xAA, 4xAS, Max computer, Med graphics ~ small sacrifices in iq and great quality in rig below.
dumb question, but how do you set fear to 1280x1024. i dont see it in the game video settings, and i cant change it using config.exe

it only goes up to 1152x864

Im thinking that one weapon...forgot name...but the one that lets you kill them with one shot, would be hella fun in UT type Insta fragfest. I used to love instagib and that weapon with its AI is nice!!!
Pkirk618 said:
Im thinking that one weapon...forgot name...but the one that lets you kill them with one shot, would be hella fun in UT type Insta fragfest. I used to love instagib and that weapon with its AI is nice!!!

Type-7 Particle Weapon :)

The Repeating Cannon also kills in one hit

My screenshot:

Weeee. I <3 FEAR multiplayer :D
That shot was taken on my old p4 2.8ghz because my new comp isint up yet. Waiting on one part to come in :(

Going to be dual 7800gtx's + a AMD 64 4000+ San diego. 1gb of OCZ PC-4800 platinum Elite Limited. and 2 74gb raptors :) I cant wait!

i have heck of alot of acreenies, first site of the girl or fettle and hammering the screenshot button
Yaka said:

i have heck of alot of acreenies, first site of the girl or fettle and hammering the screenshot button

yea, my screenshot folder is roughly 650mbs right now :eek:

I would post a lot of them, but they are all bitmaps and i dont feel like converting :(

damn! ...i need to buy a processor and memory, to be able to play, already I have it almost everything, until my SLI BFG 7800GTX and my ASUS A8N-SLI hehehe
monster.under.thebed said:
is it just me or does everything except for the physics and models look like shit?

What do you mean everything?

I think the buildings and sky in the distance look pretty bad, but other than that i think the games look great. Especially with texture resolution on maximum, although I turned that on just to look, not for regular gameplay. I stick with medium.


Those two scenes and finding that Mapes guy dying were the most satisfying parts of the whole game.

Alice Wade was a bitch and deserved it.
I know what you mean, I wanted to kill Alice Wade the second she ran away from me.
Norman Mapes had it coming a long time befor he died.
Right around the time he got in the elevator and left me out! :mad:

But I like so many others was sad that I didn't get to have it out hand to hand with my, dear brother, Paxton Fettel.
ReaveN said:

damn! ...i need to buy a processor and memory, to be able to play, already I have it almost everything, until my SLI BFG 7800GTX and my ASUS A8N-SLI hehehe

con este juego hasta 1 giga es un mugrero :D
no...it's a COPY of an ass :D :p

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that...my side hurt I was laughing so hard.