F.E.A.R screenshot thread

It kind of goes without saying that a "screenshot thread" may contain spoilers from every area of the game. IMO you enter at your own risk.
Brent_Justice said:
It kind of goes without saying that a "screenshot thread" may contain spoilers from every area of the game. IMO you enter at your own risk.

Well, thats also what I thought, but I dont mind removing it either.
Porn Loader said:
... damn you fear!!!! i WILL not drop another $500 on another 7800gtx...

advanced computer options
everything max but corpse detail

advanced vid card options

everything max but water res and volumetric light density are set to medium

everything set to max except as noted below
fsaa 2x
soft shadows off
pixel doubling off
dx8 shaders off
res 1280x960

Lmao, haha. I feel the same way. Can you give us a screenie of your perf test? Then perhaps some more info on your rig and nv settings? ;) Thanks!


So what's up then bro. The 1280x1024, 4xaa/16xaa screenie with 80% over 45fps wasn't right?! Boooo! I thought perhaps you had some savior trick too! Oh wells...

So do you prefer 1024x768 with AA or 1280x1024 without AA? 100% over 45fps's gotta be butt smooth then eh? I'm on lcd, but I'm game to check that mode out.


He's right, I had no friggin' clue what was in the bitty pic, once I saw spoil something in the next thread, I moved on. No harm.

Then Majin starts describing the picture, LMFAO! You guys are fockers! :D

AHha! I found a workaround for "spoilboys"

So, can anyone hit me over the head with a clue-by-four here? print screen does not take a screen shot, so is there a binding trick for another key?
My print screen button works just fine. Someone else mentioned hitting f8 but I dont know if that works.
ughh this game is gonna kick my computers ass... got a 3500+ 1gb ram... but a 256mb 9800pro... and this game is kicking 7800gtx's... grrrr time to upgrade... ill wait till crossfire
MGDMN said:
My print screen button works just fine. Someone else mentioned hitting f8 but I dont know if that works.

YES!! F8 worked... I thought I have tried all the F keys also.. oh well.. thank you!


that's 1600x1200 with 2x AA and 8x AF with all options maxed but no vol lighting or soft shadows. running the 81.84 drivers and with split-frame rendering and no vsync. I get 55 fps avg with these settings.
atherton213 said:
ughh this game is gonna kick my computers ass... got a 3500+ 1gb ram... but a 256mb 9800pro... and this game is kicking 7800gtx's... grrrr time to upgrade... ill wait till crossfire

I dont think it will be as bad as you think if you dont try to max everything out.
atherton213 said:
ughh this game is gonna kick my computers ass... got a 3500+ 1gb ram... but a 256mb 9800pro... and this game is kicking 7800gtx's... grrrr time to upgrade... ill wait till crossfire
Actually, for those of you wondering if your older systems will take the beating, here's my screenshots using the system in my sig:

Settings: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
(JPEG, ~ 30 KB each)

Screenshots: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13
(Dialup warning, ~300-500 kB each, 800*600 (original size), uncompressed PNG)

Result: Link

It's certainly not pretty on my system (800*600 is just plain ugly) but it is playable. With a 256 meg card, you can probably run at 1024*768 with the settings I'm using. Actually, the special effects and such are still very nice looking. If only I could get the resolution one notch higher. For what it's worth, Doom 3 is about the same way.

These are the settings that were autodetected for me - I haven't tinkered with them at all. I highly doubt I could get much higher than this. It did turn on Volumetric Lights at Medium, I may try disabling that and seeing if I can go up on the resolution one notch. Oh, the screen shots are from the performance demo, not the actual game. I am playing with these settings, though. I just can't remember to take screenshots while I'm playing for the life of me. :rolleyes:

Forgot to note, the overclock on my non-pro card makes all the difference. It's also a 128 MB part.
MGDMN said:
Let me try it one more time with everything maxed at 1280x960. One sec....Ok, here is my final submission ^_^

Yeah, so we're probably not gonna be playin' it there :eek: Now the trick will be scaling down settings to give us the best bang for buck iq/speed. I would certainly be interested in some ss's outlining the differences in detail settings. Tweakguides usually does a good job at this. We'll see.

atherton213 said:
...and this game is kicking 7800gtx's...

Back off!! :( :p

revenant said:
*ss of event horizon mag*

trippy movie that was... creepy.

Yeah, I def lost it over that flic. It's been awhile, prolly outta check it out again. Sure wish I could get my hands on one of those "MIB mind eraser's" in a nice black model. Hell, I could watch that movie and play F.E.A.R. over and over...and over...and over...and over...
So where are the screenies?

I was expecting cool pics of guys pinned to walls and people screwing around with the physics. I mean, sure there are a few pics of cool things but most of it is screen resolutions and stuff.

I haven't gotten too far into the game I'm only on Inception 02. I keep dying. So I have no pictures to show.
man this thing is very very scary
they did a really good job with immersion and the environment

much better than a super dark cant see anything with monsters appearing behind you crap

I like!
Last res shots, I promise! :D I've settled on the following settings:

Quality - 2 aniso opts on
Supersamplng TA
Gamma AA

The rest in the ss (v1.01 of F.E.A.R.)








Finally the dang thing's runnin' smooth. And I got my AA, woo! I didn't notice much difference from medium to maximum in the perf test. However, there seemed a bit of "sheen" lost from playing the game. Tho I'll happilly trade it in for smooth gameplay.

And now, the pics!!












Someone take a SS of Alma's holding chamber inside "The Vault".
That thing looks so awesome!
aye, but we are talking 20-40 fps:/ ocing the cpu and gfx card bit helped. seruouslty hate it when i find games that need more juice and im totaly out of cash atm
How much of a difference does CPU make in this game? It's just that I'm running a temp cheapo ATI mobo that does not overclock at all (no option to even) and that means my 3000+ S939 Venice is limited to 1.8GHz :( This isn't a problem in Q4 (nice and smooth) although is on certain CS:S maps (port, inferno). Just wondered if this game was as hard on your CPU as it is on the graphics card...
that girl so looks like the girl from the ring... she never sleeps... AHHHHH!! :eek: ;)
Hurley_2002 said:
Anyone else notice the magazine on the table? Wonder what our player was doing before the bad guys came haha :D

I was NOT looking at that filthy mag!!
1280x1024, 4xTSAA (G), 16xAS, Max (yes, even soft shadows)

Playable? Pfft...Jod can dream, right?
