external eSATA RAID boxes.


May 26, 2008
I'm looking for an external (eg. Mobile, plus my box is SFF), reliable (eg. Raid) and high capacity storage solution. I'd prefer it to be eSATA for speed and convenience plus the ability to swap drives in and out since naked drives are incredibly cheap media now. I've seen a couple of products that looks really promising. This one from Sans Digital was my first choice but they randomly cancelled the order on me,


Each hard drive would need a tray which adds 30$ to the cost of each drive in addition to being surprisingly hard to order (especially in black). Today I ran into this product which looks better being tray-less and cheap,


Assuming the trayless design doesn't have any gotcha's. I'd be taking it to a 240v country but it looks like the internal power supply can handle that. As far as I can search there don't seem to be any reviews of the product at all, and the specs on the web page are pretty basic.

Has anyone seen this device in action, see any risks? Or know of a better solution? Failing that I'll probably get one anyway and find out the hard way :)
Hey, that iStar thing looks pretty good......as long as ya stay away from that purple one! :eek:

You can take a look around Cool Drives offerings and see if anything strikes your fancy.

Let us know how your choice works out.

Good Luck!