Exclusive: CATG to Support SLI at Launch


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Geoffmetal has just confirmed to us via Twitter, that Geoff's Cattlegrounds will have native SLI support at launch with nearly perfect scaling as they are seeing very nearly double cowculations in testing. Mooving forward, he expects all code to be steered in the direction of moar cowbell which he thinks could calve the rate of production.

No bullshit.
Meanwhile I have been trying to install TWRP custom recovery on my LG tablet using a Dirty Cow method called "recowvery".

Whats going on with all the cows?
Everybody is making fun, but I'm happy to see this. Way too many studios now ignore SLI, leaving my dual 970's too slow to handle 4k rendering.
There's a part of me that wishes they had succeeded in that.

I've read what those delegates put on paper dated February 2, 1861. Every part of me, especially the visible part, is glad they failed.
At least they steered clear of a range of lack of support issues so us SLI'ers can feel at home.
I've read what those delegates put on paper dated February 2, 1861. Every part of me, especially the visible part, is glad they failed.
Only other post I'll make on this. I do not and never have supported slavery it is pure evil. But I think it might have died out on its own--the economics were already failing. No way to know for sure of course (which is why I say part of me). I just tend to think of the ~500,000 killed in the war. And the Jim Crow and segregation etc. afterwards and wonder what if...ok back to regular scheduled discussion about cows...er...SLI