EVGA new product "Power Boost"

It's not a gimmick, it's a band-aid solution to the issue of ATX connectors on EVGA boards going up in flames.
I had an Abit board that had a molex connector between PCIe connectors to supply extra power. Had not heard about the EVGA problems.
Multi gpu setups run to much power through the atx plug, 24pin, and the boards have been melting.
Looks like a slightly modified version of what the first few SLi motherboards used to have.

The board had a molex male connector right on the board that you plugged in to give more power to the PCI-e slots when running SLi.

In fact, my son uses an evga P55 FTW 200 mainboard and it has the molex connector on the board.

480 Tri Sli X58a-ud3r


I am getting ready Water cool and OC my 5850s, I hope I dont have any issues with that. :| eekkk
Looks like a slightly modified version of what the first few SLi motherboards used to have.

The board had a molex male connector right on the board that you plugged in to give more power to the PCI-e slots when running SLi.

In fact, my son uses an evga P55 FTW 200 mainboard and it has the molex connector on the board.

that's exactly what it is.

I am getting ready Water cool and OC my 5850s, I hope I dont have any issues with that. :| eekkk

You should be okay I bet. The 480's are just power hogs. Even then I think the problem occurred because I was above 1.075v on my OC. I could smell something, but wasn't sure what, then I downclocked my OC some to 1.075v and the smell went away. Immediately crashed my computer as I realized it wasn't my girlfriend burning something in the kitchen.
Looks overpriced for that it is. This seems like a three dollar item.

Seems like this is a profit item for Evga.

Probly costs like $1.50 to manufacture it.
Looks overpriced for that it is. This seems like a three dollar item.

Seems like this is a profit item for Evga.

Probly costs like $1.50 to manufacture it.

You also have to realize how many man hours they put into dealing with this problem, making a solution, and setting up the production line. All for a product that will likely only sell a handful of units.
You also have to realize how many man hours they put into dealing with this problem, making a solution, and setting up the production line. All for a product that will likely only sell a handful of units.

Doesn't look like its a robot that required millions of dollars or R&D.
You also have to realize how many man hours they put into dealing with this problem, making a solution, and setting up the production line. All for a product that will likely only sell a handful of units.

Well if they think it will only sell a handful of units then why not put it at a price like $5 so they sell more.

at 5 bucsk i bet they sell a bunch and make a good profit.

I mean really all I see there is a Molex cable and one cheap PCB. Does that really justify $20?
Wow, I hope Asus boards dont have that issue. I am putting together SLI'ed 470s in an R3E right now. :eek:
It can technically happen on any motherboard, although it is most common with EVGA products. If you populate the two 4-pin Molex connector sockets on the motherboard near the PCI-E slots, you shouldn't have to worry about anything.
It can technically happen on any motherboard, although it is most common with EVGA products. If you populate the two 4-pin Molex connector sockets on the motherboard near the PCI-E slots, you shouldn't have to worry about anything.

Yep all you have to do..