eVGA 131-K8-NF44-AX NF4 SLi mATX Mobo Thread

benamaster said:
Yes it sure is! I'd say about a little over a 1/4 of an inch. The inner card idles at 49C and the outer at 41C with no cover on. I have alot of wires to shorten still. The Liberty has pretty long wires but is a great powersupply. I can take some more pictures of anything specific if anyone needs. Overall it was easy no need for a dremel.

i say cut a hole in the case cover for that 7900gtx :cool:

btw, very nice setup.
LOL It fits its just haven't tried it with the cover on to see what the temps are. I'm getting some different SATA cables and some heatshrink to clean everything up.
To anyone with this board:
I'm having trouble connecting the front panel audio and mic cables from a Monarch Computers Hornet Pro case to the audio header pins on the EVGA 131-K8-NF44 SLI motherboard.

The front panel audio cables from the case are labeled:

mic gnd
mic data
mic vcc
ear gnd
ear r (two connectors on one wire)
ear l (two connectors on one wire)

the EVGA 131-K8-NF44 SLI mobo manual has the pins labeled:

(pin 1 v)....................(v pin 2)

aud_mic.......... aud_gnd
hp_on....................<no pin>

(pin 9 ^)....................(^pin 10)

Can you tell me what pin is for which connector?
mic gnd to aud_gnd
mic data to aud_mic
mic vcc to aud_vcc
ear gnd (the mic and headphone ground should be the same)
ear r to aud_fpout_l (one is the signal the other the return so it shuts off your speakers on the back) the other should to to the aud_ret_l
ear l to aud_fpout_r (one is the signal the other the return so it shuts off your speakers on the back) the other should to to the aud_ret_r

That would be my best guess from hooking up front panel audio on quite a few computers.
Aggravation said:
To anyone with this board:
I'm having trouble connecting the front panel audio and mic cables from a Monarch Computers Hornet Pro case to the audio header pins on the EVGA 131-K8-NF44 SLI motherboard.
If your cables are anything like the cables from my QPack, there should be only one way to put them on the mobo. First, take off the two jumpers on the audio pins. Next, look at your audio cable and match the blocked hole with the space without a pin.

...Not that hard unless the Hornet's pins are fucked up.
M4rk said:
If your cables are anything like the cables from my QPack, there should be only one way to put them on the mobo. First, take off the two jumpers on the audio pins. Next, look at your audio cable and match the blocked hole with the space without a pin.

...Not that hard unless the Hornet's pins are fucked up.

On the Hornet case the front panel audio cable has loose connectors instead of a plug that matches the audio headers pin arrangement. Each conductor has its own plastic one-pin-connector....
Not fucked up but you have to know what you're doing...definitely not a plug-for-dummies arrangement where there is no way to get it wrong. On the otherhand, if your motherboard has a non standard or fucked up header pin out you can still make the right connections...

The problem is the manufacturers of cases and motherboards and other components haven't adopted an industry standard for labeling these pins and connectors.
My Silverstone has the individual wires too. I got it right on the first try but the Silverstone matches up better than the Hornet.
Hey did everyone have to set their ram at 1T to get it to run 1T? Mine is at 2T now, I have no overclock and its Corsair 3500LL so it should easily do 1T.
Aggravation said:
On the Hornet case the front panel audio cable has loose connectors instead of a plug that matches the audio headers pin arrangement. Each conductor has its own plastic one-pin-connector....
Not fucked up but you have to know what you're doing...definitely not a plug-for-dummies arrangement where there is no way to get it wrong. On the otherhand, if your motherboard has a non standard or fucked up header pin out you can still make the right connections...

The problem is the manufacturers of cases and motherboards and other components haven't adopted an industry standard for labeling these pins and connectors.
Good god! I now love my QPack even more than I did before!

...Does that mean I'm an idiot?
Aggravation said:
Only if the kind of love you're talking about invoves wet kisses ;)
No, I'm more about the HDD, if 'ya catch my drift... ;)

Anyhow, off topic. I should upload pics of my mobo, but they're not cool or anything, unless you consider a fruity-colored mobo sitting in an interior-apinted black QPack cool, which I don't... :rolleyes:
ive noticed most people are running this board ina SG01 but does anyone know if the sli bridge will clear the power supply in a qpack? Or will the install just be like "install mobo and cards first then attach the psu to the case"?
Calpis said:
ive noticed most people are running this board ina SG01 but does anyone know if the sli bridge will clear the power supply in a qpack? Or will the install just be like "install mobo and cards first then attach the psu to the case"?
Its tight between the sli bridge and the frame but you cna bend the frame up a little in that area without probs
Has anyone had any temp problems with SLI?

I took mine apart to shorten the cables, add fans and all that good stuff. My parts come in Tuesday so I can put the new sleeving and heatshrink on and see. Sadly I didn't run 3D Mark before I took it apart. If anyone has the 7900 Series cards, what drivers are you using?
Tt Tech said:
Anyone know which NF4 chipset this board uses?
The NF44 I'm pretty sure. You mean C? Probably C41 or 43.

...God, I can't remember! I'm probably wrong. It's definitely a SLI 8x chipset though, lol... :rolleyes:
Still here, haven't had time to figure out how to overclock an AMD (always had Intel before) the BIOS settings all look like a foriegn language to me.

but heres what I have so far in 3D mark 05: http://service.futuremark.com/compare?3dm05=1890127

In 3dmark 06 it is:

I wonder if the 600 or so mhz difference is all that's keeping me 4000 points below you?
It looks like all the other criteria are the same between our systems besides mobo and mhz of cpu...
Would installing a sound card improve my performance?
OK so after getting my 2x7900gt's I can get 230 fsb @2t on my 175opty thats 2530 mghz. I get super pi 1m in 34 seconds. with 3dmark05 I get 12930 and with 3dmark06 I get 7636. Thats stock speeds on evga 7900 gt co's. The real thing that Im stoked by is the coolit freezone that I have temporarily installed. This thing rocks! I highly recommend it to anyone that ocs , if you can afford it. I look at it as an investment as it is self contained(no maintence) and I can use it in the future on any sys I like. At Idle my comp runs at 26-27c at full load it gets to 34-35c vastly better than any watercolling I have ever had. Its slightly larger than I expected and I will have to do a little grinding of supports to fit in nicely into my qpack but it will fit.
MsB, got any pictures of how you installed the cooling system? I have an FX60 that I would love to get one and try it on.
Ill see what I can do tonight. I have it installed where the 120mm fan goes but Im gonna have to trim some off, or remove the support bracket that comes on it so i can get my hdd in . also im gonna have to grind a bit of the case bracing under it so the cover can fit. nothng to radical its just a tiny bit too large for cover.
Aggravation said:
Still here, haven't had time to figure out how to overclock an AMD (always had Intel before) the BIOS settings all look like a foriegn language to me.

but heres what I have so far in 3D mark 05: http://service.futuremark.com/compare?3dm05=1890127

In 3dmark 06 it is:

I wonder if the 600 or so mhz difference is all that's keeping me 4000 points below you?
It looks like all the other criteria are the same between our systems besides mobo and mhz of cpu...
Would installing a sound card improve my performance?

i really doubt a sound card would improve anything besides what you are hearing. its the 600mhz, and the 600/1800 my 7900gt's are clocked at.
there are a few oc guides around these forums. you should be able to pick up at least 400mhz more with your config. probably more.
vanilla_guerilla said:
i really doubt a sound card would improve anything besides what you are hearing. its the 600mhz, and the 600/1800 my 7900gt's are clocked at.
there are a few oc guides around these forums. you should be able to pick up at least 400mhz more with your config. probably more.
Roger that.
I did get it to run at 2400 for a awhile without any problems but memory was running down at 188mhz.... then I took it up to 2600 but it blue screened during 3D Mark...haven't really figured out the subtlties of the settings yet with the memory divider and everything but it looks like the CPU will run near 2600 or higher once I figure it all out.
Can't beat that SLI though....might have to join you in that but another card adding more heat and blocking more airflow in this little Hornet case may not be wise...still working out the fan situation there.
Ok, here's the latest:
I have it at
freq - 265
multi - x10

hypertransport freq at 600mhz
voltage set at 1.50 (but it seems to be fluctuating in CPU-Z at 1.39 to 1.41)
divider 166mhz

220.2 mhz
2x 1024 OCZ
2.5 - 4 - 3 - 6 ..... command 1-T
voltage 2.65


Temps hit 54c under load, Prime95 two instances plus surfing the net...
idle at 38 to 40 depending on room (@74f), stock AMD HSF

Updated since I pushed it up from 260 to 265 FSB....
Possibly try for 2-3-2-5 or 2-3-2-6, OCZ is great RAM I am unsure of what RAM you have and what speeds it will run in this motherboard at 1T. My Corsair will easily run 1T 2-3-2-6, If you want I can try my OCZ and see if it will run the same.
What is an alternative board? Sorry, but I am a noob and this is my first small form.

vanilla_guerilla said:
theres a $30 off coupon in either the thread here or in motherboards forum. considering that it costs almost the price of 3 tforce boards, and considering the issues that the nf41/43 boards have (no 1t over 200mhz, for example), you should use it. you will need the $30 for rma shipping or replacing the things you smash in anger while trying to get the board to work.
i'm not just talking out of my ass. i have bought 3 7800gt/free motherboard combos (2xnf41, 1xnf43) and they ALL had these issues.
do yourself a favor, buy a 61xx, and put the $100 you save towards a better vid card.

btw afaik there has been no bios updates from evga or jetway for the nf41/43 since august. if any boards need a bios update its them.
nemesis1 said:
What is an alternative board? Sorry, but I am a noob and this is my first small form.

This is the only SLI mATX board. Alternates would be the DFI RS482, Biostar tForce and the Foxconn Boards. There should be a sticky that lists the mATX boards and how well they perform.
anyone know of a uk/european dealer that sells this board? looks like monarch don't ship overseas...
nasman said:
anyone know of a uk/european dealer that sells this board? looks like monarch don't ship overseas...

As far as I know the only other dealer is Falcon Northwest but they only sell whole systems.
No bios fixes/releases yet for the board?...I'd really like to go with this boad but I've got an Opty 148 that does 2.8 and don't care to lose my OC...No bios hackers out there to mod the current bios?...Damn...
thespymaster said:
No bios fixes/releases yet for the board?...I'd really like to go with this boad but I've got an Opty 148 that does 2.8 and don't care to lose my OC...No bios hackers out there to mod the current bios?...Damn...

If you're going to have SLI it will outweight the benefit of your overclock depending on the game though.
Yeah but, with the CPU scaling article thingy the [H] put up the other day,...it looks like you need to go at least 2.4 to remove the cpu bottleneck. Therefore, an OC is in order...besides, is there anyone he that wouldn't want to go fast...?
Well some of us are going fast with better CPU's like the 4800+ and the FX-60. You might be better off with something like the DFI RS482 board if you want to keep the overclock. Its a very strong and stable overclocker.
Dillusion said:
So did we establish that this board doesnt OC?

It doesn't OC well. Consensus is that it will do between 210 and 220. Its kind of picky running at 1T.

I have an FX-60, I couldn't even take the multiplier to 14. The FSB won't do 210 or 215. I have it at 205 and might try 206 or 207.
benamaster said:
It doesn't OC well. Consensus is that it will do between 210 and 220. Its kind of picky running at 1T.

I have an FX-60, I couldn't even take the multiplier to 14. The FSB won't do 210 or 215. I have it at 205 and might try 206 or 207.

Yeah,...thats what I'm afraid of...I know there has to be a Bios hacker out there somewhere with the skills to tweak...if eVGA or someone else can't get it sorted out soon,...I'm gonna have to go DFI RS482/1900XTX and be done with it...gonna build within the next 2-3 weeks and don't care to wait...
thespymaster said:
Yeah,...thats what I'm afraid of...I know there has to be a Bios hacker out there somewhere with the skills to tweak...if eVGA or someone else can't get it sorted out soon,...I'm gonna have to go DFI RS482/1900XTX and be done with it...gonna build within the next 2-3 weeks and don't care to wait...

If you don't plan on buying two 7900GTX Superclocks then get the DFI RS482 with the x1900xtx. That is my other box. It overclocks like crazy with my Opteron 170. I can do 250mhz at 1T like butter. Now when it comes to 3D Mark the SLI box gets 9195 and the x1900xtx on the DFI gets 5538 in 3D Mark 06.
benamaster said:
If you don't plan on buying two 7900GTX Superclocks then get the DFI RS482 with the x1900xtx. That is my other box. It overclocks like crazy with my Opteron 170. I can do 250mhz at 1T like butter. Now when it comes to 3D Mark the SLI box gets 9195 and the x1900xtx on the DFI gets 5538 in 3D Mark 06.

Well,..I was planning on the SLI 7900GTX's but, I don't care to deal with a flakey board especially when I'm gonna lose the OC, Audigy2, and wireless PCI card all at the same time...now, if it OC'ed fairly well (250+), then I'd get a USB wireless and go with the onboard sound but, to give all of that up just to get 2 7900GTX's isn't worth it IMO...
thespymaster said:
Well,..I was planning on the SLI 7900GTX's but, I don't care to deal with a flakey board especially when I'm gonna lose the OC, Audigy2, and wireless PCI card all at the same time...now, if it OC'ed fairly well (250+), then I'd get a USB wireless and go with the onboard sound but, to give all of that up just to get 2 7900GTX's isn't worth it IMO...

It depends on your monitor size. If you want to game at a higher resolution then SLI is great.

You can't go wrong either way.