eVGA 131-K8-NF44-AX NF4 SLi mATX Mobo Thread

Vanilla, would you say that for a non-overclocker, this board would be fine though?

That's what the general consensus seems to be, and if that's the case, I'm going to pick one up.
ToastMaster said:
Vanilla, would you say that for a non-overclocker, this board would be fine though?

That's what the general consensus seems to be, and if that's the case, I'm going to pick one up.
I'm pretty sure Vanilla would agree with me on my stance that while this board might not be a great OCer, it is a good performer.
It's performing great for me so far and I have not been overclocking at all....yet.
The board is a great performer and I was able to get 220 fsb @1t timings last night on a very volt limited 3500. tonight I will put my 175 i it and see what happens. When it comes to lan rigs if youhave a choice of sli over a few hundred mghz on the cpu, SLI wins. Its would be a stupendous board for someone with the cash for an fx 60 where all you need is to up the multiplier. In the end no matter 2t or 2t or 200 memory or 166 memory settings what matters is performance pure and simple so if you can tweak it a bit and get nice scores like opera man than its a great board . I have only just begun to explore it and will prolly try flashing it.
2.5 is nice on this board.

Maybe EVGA just needs a new bios.

Thanks for all ur help guys.

I'm really interested in this board... except I hear it wont fit 2 cards with AC on an Qpack.
2.5 is nice on this board.

Maybe EVGA just needs a new bios.

Thanks for all ur help guys.

I'm really interested in this board... except I hear it wont fit 2 cards with AC on an Qpack.
How many slots? It'll fit two two-slot cards, but then you lose the ability to install an X-Fi. The onboard sound is decent.
M4rk said:
How many slots? It'll fit two two-slot cards, but then you lose the ability to install an X-Fi. The onboard sound is decent.
heres to hoping the 7900gt is single slot solution
ToastMaster said:
Vanilla, would you say that for a non-overclocker, this board would be fine though?

That's what the general consensus seems to be, and if that's the case, I'm going to pick one up.

for a non overclocker this board is fine, maybe except for its price. it will run at default speeds/timings stably.
I was able to get my 3500+ to run stable @ 2.4 ghz thats 220 fsb @1t timings Im sure the only thing limiting it was the stock hsf and limited voltage. I am runnning my opty 175 @ 230 fsb @1t timings I had it at 260 fsb multi 10 also @1t but im afraid its getting too hot and was unstable. also I might add that a couple times of running at 260 1t caused data corruption and had to repair but Im still working on it as i said.
Im sure that as soon as Im able to get the new cooling sys in I will be able to run it at 240 fsb with multi of 11 that 2640mghz. about as good as it get with this cpu its never been a good ocer. the best I was ever able to get out of it was 2700 on water in my dfi kit. So Im verypleased with this board and dont understand why people are having troubles with memory having to run @ 2t unless its just very particular about memory. Im running 2x1gig ocz gtx and havent had time to run any benchmarks but will get this thing tuned in in the next couple days. I just hope that the new 7900gts are single slot. I think this board is quite capable of running at 240 fsb 2@1t and that good enough for me. Im well pleased with this board and think I got my moneys worth.
Someone said: "the 2T thing only applies to 1GB sticks of ram right? Not 2X512? "
Does this mean that if I want to use 2 GB of ram I could use 4 512 sticks and avoid the timing issues?

I ordered this board primarily for it's SFF capabilities and the ability to use SLI, I wasn't really planning to overclock it, but since I haven't ordered the CPU or the RAM yet please help me make those choices with the goal of optimizing any potential for overclocking it since it seems stupid to not run a CPU at it's best performance level.

So if you had to build a SFF with this board and had to use a dual core CPU and were going to use it primarily for gaming, photography (Photoshop) and video (Premiere Elements 2.0) what CPU and RAM would you choose to get the most performance out of it? Also how does the timing issue affect me with my intended use of the rig?

Right now I'm waiting and hoping for the X2 4400+ price to drop to $400 or less and I could see spending $225 on RAM. For video cards I'm waiting for the price on 7800's to come down a bit or else I'll have to go for something in the 6800 family.

Thanks for any advice or constructive criticism.
Aggravation said:
Someone said: "the 2T thing only applies to 1GB sticks of ram right? Not 2X512? "
Does this mean that if I want to use 2 GB of ram I could use 4 512 sticks and avoid the timing issues?

I ordered this board primarily for it's SFF capabilities and the ability to use SLI, I wasn't really planning to overclock it, but since I haven't ordered the CPU or the RAM yet please help me make those choices with the goal of optimizing any potential for overclocking it since it seems stupid to not run a CPU at it's best performance level.

So if you had to build a SFF with this board and had to use a dual core CPU and were going to use it primarily for gaming, photography (Photoshop) and video (Premiere Elements 2.0) what CPU and RAM would you choose to get the most performance out of it? Also how does the timing issue affect me with my intended use of the rig?

Right now I'm waiting and hoping for the X2 4400+ price to drop to $400 or less and I could see spending $225 on RAM. For video cards I'm waiting for the price on 7800's to come down a bit or else I'll have to go for something in the 6800 family.

Thanks for any advice or constructive criticism.

I am using a Dual Core CPU with 2 sticks of 1gb ram at 1T with this MB all stock settings!
My benchmarks and gaming perfromance is on par with my A8N-SLI and Shuttle SN26P results.

I would consider buying the X2 4200+ for $357 at the egg or ZZF, as thte extra cache does not make much difference from my research.

The NVIDIA 7900GT should be available in a few days for $300-$350 (hopefully) which is also a good deal and it is single slot!
dworley said:
I am using a Dual Core CPU with 2 sticks of 1gb ram at 1T with this MB all stock settings!
My benchmarks and gaming perfromance is on par with my A8N-SLI and Shuttle SN26P results.

I would consider buying the X2 4200+ for $357 at the egg or ZZF, as thte extra cache does not make much difference from my research.

The NVIDIA 7900GT should be available in a few days for $300-$350 (hopefully) which is also a good deal and it is single slot!
I'd use an Opty 165 or 170 instead of an X2, mainly for the larger cache size. Don't know if that applies to the 4200+ though. The Optys can also OC better. This board runs great at stock speed and can manage a meager OC with 1T timing for the memory. It really depends on what type of memory you use when it comes to 1T timings with 1gb sticks. Most do great (Mushkin, OCZ), but some are problematic.

Btw, I really want a 7900GTX Duo...
What HSF setup is anyone using on this board and are the new AMD stock HSF's really as good as people are saying?
I wanted to get the X2 4400+ and run two sticks of 1GB...due to the RAM slot config ( have to use slot 1 and 3) it doesn't leave much room for the Zalman7700 I had my eye on.
Aggravation said:
What HSF setup is anyone using on this board and are the new AMD stock HSF's really as good as people are saying?
I wanted to get the X2 4400+ and run two sticks of 1GB...due to the RAM slot config ( have to use slot 1 and 3) it doesn't leave much room for the Zalman7700 I had my eye on.
The stock HSF fo rthe Optys are awsome.

I don't think quad SLi will work with this board, but you never know till you try... ;)
I was just joking around. I am really thinking about getting two of the 7900GTX 512mb cards, a FX-60, and the Silverstone case. I just hope that heat wouldn't be a problem.
UPDATE: I am running at 2.421 ghz at command 1t so this board does work. You need a damn good chip and put the memory in the blue slots. I am very pleased now and should have benchies tonight. I also put in a 5 /4" bay cooler and added a card cooler in between to go with the one on the side. This system will run cool as well as fast. So while this is not the quietest system ever it will absolutely rock performance wise.

So perhaps Vanilla Guerilla is not exactly correct when it comes to this board stinking...:D
operaman said:
UPDATE: I am running at 2.421 ghz at command 1t so this board does work. You need a damn good chip and put the memory in the blue slots. I am very pleased now and should have benchies tonight. I also put in a 5 /4" bay cooler and added a card cooler in between to go with the one on the side. This system will run cool as well as fast. So while this is not the quietest system ever it will absolutely rock performance wise.

So perhaps Vanilla Guerilla is not exactly correct when it comes to this board stinking...:D
Wow! What chip and what stepping?
I ordered mine today very very good service from Monarch though the coupon is expired. I bought a FX-60, 2GB Corsair 3500LL RAM, Raptor 150GB and a Pair of 7900GTX's. I hope to have it up and running over the weekend.
M4rk said:
Wow! What chip and what stepping?
It is UPMW 0550. It has been fun messing with it for sure. I mean, I get over 12000 in 3DMark05 and I get great cpu scaling. PLUS, with the added cooler my temps are nice :D
operaman said:
It is UPMW 0550. It has been fun messing with it for sure. I mean, I get over 12000 in 3DMark05 and I get great cpu scaling. PLUS, with the added cooler my temps are nice :D
operaman are you running regular ide hdds or sata cause at first it was ocing well then I had a corruption incident now the best I can get is 220 fsb @1t 200 memory settings and cant get anyting higher no matter what I try whether i discount the meory to 166 or run it @ 2t or both. So, Im thinking its the raptor drives and the sata controller isnt locking that well.
operaman said:
It is UPMW 0550. It has been fun messing with it for sure. I mean, I get over 12000 in 3DMark05 and I get great cpu scaling. PLUS, with the added cooler my temps are nice :D
Dang. That's a 165, right? Is there any better stepping? Where did you buy it?
M4rk said:
Dang. That's a 165, right? Is there any better stepping? Where did you buy it?
ZZF. Love it. It is head and shoulders better than my two other opty 165's. My MPMW 0540 is a great ocer once you get 1.5v on him (2.7 ghz). Otherwise it won't go much past 2.3 ghz. The other UPMW 0550 is about the same (2.62 @1.5).
Uhh, cool, but how does it work? I see newsletters... Is that how you order?
Well I ordered one of these. Will see how it handles my parts as they sit in my fullsized current rig. Hoping for the best, which this guy vanilla obviously isn't. Will post w/ updates when it arrives midweek.
I am writing this post from my new SFF with this board and two 7900GTX Superclock's in SLI. I'll get some benchmarks and pictures by morning. Overall it was a great build. I used the Zalman 7000CU heatsink and the Enermax Liberty 620watt Powersupply.
M4rk said:
Uhh, cool, but how does it work? I see newsletters... Is that how you order?

Looks like the site is being updated again. Subscribe to the newsletter and post in his forums. He'll answer you personally if you have questions.
benamaster said:
I am writing this post from my new SFF with this board and two 7900GTX Superclock's in SLI. I'll get some benchmarks and pictures by morning. Overall it was a great build. I used the Zalman 7000CU heatsink and the Enermax Liberty 620watt Powersupply.

got any pics :D
Here are the pictures, the wires are a mess I plan on shortening some of the power wires. Thanks to everyone who posted the great information and helped me decide what to buy.







You can view the gallery of pics at http://www.benadamski.com/hardocp/gallery
benamaster said:
Here are the pictures, the wires are a mess I plan on shortening some of the power wires. Thanks to everyone who posted the great information and helped me decide what to buy.

You can view the gallery of pics at http://www.benadamski.com/hardocp/gallery

Very Nice!
I could only afford one 7900 gtx right now, but hopefully i'll be running sli sooner than later.
Yes it sure is! I'd say about a little over a 1/4 of an inch. The inner card idles at 49C and the outer at 41C with no cover on. I have alot of wires to shorten still. The Liberty has pretty long wires but is a great powersupply. I can take some more pictures of anything specific if anyone needs. Overall it was easy no need for a dremel.
benamaster said:
Yes it sure is! I'd say about a little over a 1/4 of an inch. The inner card idles at 49C and the outer at 41C with no cover on. I have alot of wires to shorten still. The Liberty has pretty long wires but is a great powersupply. I can take some more pictures of anything specific if anyone needs. Overall it was easy no need for a dremel.
Tell me how your wire shortening escapade goes. I have the Liberty in my QPack too, and the long main wire is annoying.
Looking good benamaster. :D I just ordered two 7900 gts for mine. I want room for sound card. I am going to be extending some cables on my PSU so I can run it external. I just need to go to the electronics store and find some connectors that will work.
M4rk said:
Tell me how your wire shortening escapade goes. I have the Liberty in my QPack too, and the long main wire is annoying.

Its still in surgery right now first one I did was the DVD drive one. I'll do the ATX one later on but its a pain to label all of the wires. I'll get pics ones I have it nice and tidy. One word though the cables that come with the eVGA motherboard for the Optical Drive suck they are really long and bulky whereas the SATA cables barely reach.
benamaster said:
Its still in surgery right now first one I did was the DVD drive one. I'll do the ATX one later on but its a pain to label all of the wires. I'll get pics ones I have it nice and tidy. One word though the cables that come with the eVGA motherboard for the Optical Drive suck they are really long and bulky whereas the SATA cables barely reach.
You're right. I was looking at them today and thought...is that heatshrink? ...Unshrunk? Wtf?

I'm gonna buy some better cables from Xoxide or something. The ATX cable on the Liberty is going to be a bitch for me, but it should be the only one I have to do, other than the PCI-E cable.
I am not sure what it is made out of. It is a lot larger than any rouded cable I've ever seen before. I generally don't use the motherboard cables but was unsure what length I needed til I got the case. I salvaged most of the sleeving and just burned the end with a lighter and used some black heatshrink on the end. Still haven't done the ATX yet but everything else is done.

Has anyone tried the Silverstone 92mm fan with 80mm case? I was thinking about using one where the hard drive fan is.
Sre the liberty PS's smaller than standard ATX PS'S? I can't find any deminsions on thier site.
I'd say the Enermax Liberty is a little bit shorter. If you're going to use a QPack then you would still have to use a short optical drive. The advantage is that it is modular though the cables are still long. I am shortening mine.