Everex XT5000T Support thread


The full article has a response from Nvidia stating this is old news from January 2007, and that it's already been done a long time ago. So I have to wonder what this change is supposed to actually do. Maybe Nvidia and OPTi hammered something out and this is a fix to turn prefetch back on??? I guess I'll have to try some benchmarking to see if I can find a difference in performance between 1.1D and 1.1E.
Be nice to turn it on, It could be with the lax Everex support they are finnally turning it off too. Since I have Raid there is no way for me to test it out without killing my mirror..............
Be nice to turn it on, It could be with the lax Everex support they are finnally turning it off too. Since I have Raid there is no way for me to test it out without killing my mirror..............

I think you got it... lax Everex. I did some googling and found that most manufactuers released disabled BIOSs back in October and November. So I'm guessing they are just getting around to it now. So I stand by my previous statement: don't use 1.1E!
They upgraded my BIOS with 1.1E, what are the issues, should I downgrade, and if so how?

Also, I didn't notice this right away (because I've been using another laptop) but the left speaker isn't working. I believe it is a simple connection issue, but I can't get access to the motherboard. I've removed all screws and was able to pop the front and sides, but I can't seem to find out why I can't just lift the whole top off. Rather than simply start prying and pulling, I figured one of you guys would be able to give a quick guide to what needs to be removed.

There is no chance that I would send this back to Everex, obviously, but I do need to call them up to get a new PCMIA/Express slot door.

-- Forgot to mention, I can't lift the sides or the front more than half an inch to an inch.
1.1E disables PCI prefetch, which most likely will have a pretty significant performance hit. You can flash it back to 1.1D, but of course you need the BIOS files to do it.
I have this laptop for 2 years, then 1 month ago it refuses to post the fan turns on and the lights blinks but i got nothing in the screen. I tried to let it turned on and cover the air vent with a towel until it turns off. It gets very warm so I let it cool down, then I turn it on again and voila, it post with a message to recover the bios defaults then load windows. This just works for me. You should try this method before spending money in repair.

I ran into the same problem with my XT5000T. My laptop would not post and all I got were the fans turning on. I tried this little towel trick last night and now my XT5000T is working again. So weird, but I'm glad to have my laptop back. Hopefully it'll be ok for a while this time around.
I was on 1, and upped to 1E. No issues so far, but I don't use my laptop a lot - mostly I let it guinea pig things for me (Windows7,m for example). I did replace the wifi w/the MSI card. No reboots yet, but I haven't used it much. :)
I ran into the same problem with my XT5000T. My laptop would not post and all I got were the fans turning on. I tried this little towel trick last night and now my XT5000T is working again. So weird, but I'm glad to have my laptop back. Hopefully it'll be ok for a while this time around.

I've used this trick 3 times now. I'm really afraid i'm going to do serious damage to my machine. After this last overheat i'm leaving it on for good. I only hope it doesn't die when the OS crashes and i have to restart.

Has anyone recently had Everex repair their unit? How much and how fast?

Thank you for this forum, it is the only resource that has helped.
Glad I have found this forum. I am hoping you guys can help. First a quick recap of how I got to where I am today. Laptop "died" in December 2008 middle of the month. Called Everex right before Christmas and shipped laptop back to have MB replaced. After almost 4 months it came back a week and a half ago. Before I even turned it on I opened it up to install my second stick of Ram into the unit. While doing this I noticed the Wifi card had two wires laying on top of it. After some investigation I realized those were the antenna wires. They were marked and I could just make out on the wifi card where they were supposed to plug it. So I did that first. Ok then I booted it up to find out that my HD was wiped clean. Kinda thought that would happen so I started the process of patching and setting up the laptop. At this time the NIC card worked ok and I was able to download all the updates. I believe at that time I even marked to install the optional updates, which included one for the onboard LAN connection. After restarting the machine the LAN connection died. So I tried rolling back which did not work. I look at device manager and the NVIDIA nforce Networking Controller has an exclamation point on it. I open it up and it shows "This device cannot start. (Code 10)". I tried rolling back the driver to no avail. I then went to the Everex website and tried downloading the drivers and when I tried to get it to unzip it showed corrupt. So I did some digging on the hard drive and found a folder with all the drivers inside. I installed them and still same error. I have tried making calls to Everex support and honestly cannot get through to them. So my question is has anyone else seen this problem?

Appreciate any help I can get.
I would try installing the nForce drivers from www.nvidia.com.

Not sure which driver to install. When I follow the nforce link which series is this new motherboard. I have asked Everex when they told me they were going to install that I wanted to know what the MB was. Which should I use.

thanks for your prompt reply!

Thanks everyone this is a great forum. I have had my stepnote for about 1 year and 1/2. Just recently i have moved to warmer climate and within the first 2 days it has died. Same problem as others with no post and just fan running.

I think i am out of warranty options. Should i try the towel trick? Any other ideas that i could try?

Thanks in advance
So my DC jack on my XT5000T is not longer charging unless the adapter is pushed very hard into the port. I am getting ready to send it off for a new port and was wondering if anyone else has done this. The guy doing the repair was only able to find the correct port at one site and it costs $30. Does anyone else know where to find a new port for a more reasonable price. The first guy also had alot of trouble getting my laptop open. There is something holding the center of the laptop together when all the outside screws are removed. After looking at some of the pictures here it looks like perhaps the keyboard has to be removed 1st? If anyone has any help regarding the DC repair, finding the jack, and disassembling the Laptop please let me know. Thanks,

Thanks everyone this is a great forum. I have had my stepnote for about 1 year and 1/2. Just recently i have moved to warmer climate and within the first 2 days it has died. Same problem as others with no post and just fan running.

I think i am out of warranty options. Should i try the towel trick? Any other ideas that i could try?

Thanks in advance
Yes, the towel trick works... but you should leave it on always. If you don't you'll be overheating it all the time because it's not a permanent fix.

I had to put a sticker note next to the touchpad so my fiance remembers not to shut the lid. I haven't called Everex yet, their forum being down doesn't give me much hope. I'm out of warranty as well.

Does updating the BIOS have any effect on this bug?

On a side note, the top surface of the laptop seems to get up near ~160F before the shutdown occurs. I measured with my infrared thermometer.
Does anyone know the "24 Hours support number"??? I called the number given me but it doesn't connect. The website doesn't have the 24 hour support number listed either.

Has anyone here tried running Windows 7 (either Beta or Release Candidate) on their Everex XT5000T? I have it installed, but I don't know where to get drivers for the chipset, VGA, WLAN, etc. The only one I seem to have working is the Power Manager; all others that I've tried that were listed for XP or Vista on Everex' website (chipset, VGA, WLAN) give me errors when I try to install them. Should I be trying to install Vista drivers on this in the first place? I'm kind of new at this sort of thing, any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Does anyone know the "24 Hours support number"??? I called the number given me but it doesn't connect. The website doesn't have the 24 hour support number listed either.

Per thier site there is no longer 24/7 support..............

Has anyone here tried running Windows 7 (either Beta or Release Candidate) on their Everex XT5000T? I have it installed, but I don't know where to get drivers for the chipset, VGA, WLAN, etc. The only one I seem to have working is the Power Manager; all others that I've tried that were listed for XP or Vista on Everex' website (chipset, VGA, WLAN) give me errors when I try to install them. Should I be trying to install Vista drivers on this in the first place? I'm kind of new at this sort of thing, any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Let Windows 7 handle all of it. After you do initial install, it will update all drivers needed. I have been running 7 Beta and 7 RC since shortly after release, and they work beyond amazingly on my XT5000T. In fact, Windows 7 on the XT5000T is very strongly recommended. It is faster than Vista and it is faster than XP. (Also, there's no driver roulette. Everything just works out of the box. And yes, gaming works wonderfully - went from 4 FPS in WoW with Zune running in XP, to around 40-50 FPS with Zune running.)
Well after trying multiple reloads of drivers still had no luck getting the onboard NIC to work. Called Everex support and finally got through to them. They sent me a recovery disc which I used today. The recovery disc is dated from 2006 by the way, used the disc and the system is exhibiting the exact same problem. So now I am asking if the new motherboard they sent out has some sort of an IRQ issue that is preventing the NIC from starting? Does anyone know how to force the IRQ's to reorder or reload to get this thing working again? It worked just briefly after I first hooked up the system from getting a new MB installed in it. But after I made the mistake of updating the NIC drivers it promptly died. If the new motherboard is in fact another make/model or a slightly different one then this old recovery disc could actually be the cause of the problem. I would just hope that the folks at Everex would know that and send me the correct recovery disc. But.......

Any ideas guys?
Hey all, I've been having trouble with my CPU temps, which idle at around 70 C and max at about 100+ C during gaming. The problem is, when it hits above 100 C, the laptop instantly shuts down. I suspect this was a measure introduced by AMD to prevent permanent damage from heat, but I just can't understand why the temperature is so high.

I'm tried undervolting with RMClock at 8x0.9, but that still doesn't prevent it from reaching these extreme temps. This is a huge problem when playing graphically demanding games, such as Battlefield 2, and after about 10-20 mins in game it shuts down, making it unplayable.

So my question is, what can I do to cool the CPU? Will installing the new BIOS, new drivers, etc. do anything?

By the way, this laptop is a replacement sent by Everex after I had the infamous blank screen issue. I didn't have the shut down problems with the old one.
I got a sony vaio(VGN-FW355J) for 900$ and it scores 4.9. 4Gs of ram, T6400 with a 3650 ATI and blue ray. You can get them for 800$ at certain places. Dont see whats so special about this laptop.

Nevermind 2 year old thread
900 Euros maybe, or 900€ if thats how you guys put it.. They're around $1200 in the US here.

Whats special about this laptop is it was sold 2 years ago for less than what you paid for yours, It has an excellent video card, screen, and with an aditional $15-50 you can get 2-4GB of RAM (depending on deal & if you replace the first chip). This laptop was sort-of bare-bones, but gave you the ability to upgrade easily, which is quite a bit more difficult on the Sony's or other brands. Its still hard to match the price point they were sold for even now. For the quantity & quality of components in the laptop (minus the faulty nVidia chipset (which effected most laptops in some way), its hard to spend less than a grand to get the same performance.
Hey everyone! I've had the laptop for about a year now and I am starting to experience some monitor problems!!!

I opened my xt5000t and my monitor didn't turn on! So I was about to plug in the dvi into my desktop to see if it was the monitor or the gcard. Before i did that i messed with the little white prong that gets pressed down when I shut the laptop and it rebooted fine! After that it hasn't been able to turn on again.

Was there a warranty on this?
Hey all, I've been having trouble with my CPU temps, which idle at around 70 C and max at about 100+ C during gaming. The problem is, when it hits above 100 C, the laptop instantly shuts down. I suspect this was a measure introduced by AMD to prevent permanent damage from heat, but I just can't understand why the temperature is so high.

I'm tried undervolting with RMClock at 8x0.9, but that still doesn't prevent it from reaching these extreme temps. This is a huge problem when playing graphically demanding games, such as Battlefield 2, and after about 10-20 mins in game it shuts down, making it unplayable.

So my question is, what can I do to cool the CPU? Will installing the new BIOS, new drivers, etc. do anything?

By the way, this laptop is a replacement sent by Everex after I had the infamous blank screen issue. I didn't have the shut down problems with the old one.

Are you sure you are not reading the GPU temps????? The temps posted are fairly accurate for the GPU but not for the CPU.

What program are you using to monitor temps? HWmonitor works well.
Disable RM Clock for the time being and check temps, needs to be taken out of the equation to help figure out what is going on.
Flash the BIOS to 1.1D, this will run the fan all the time. Tanware posted a link above that has the BIOS files.
Replace the thermal compound on the processor with some AS5 or ICD7.
With RMclock running and using the 1.1D BIOS cpu temps should idle in the high 40 to low 50 range.
Ive owned this notebook for about 2 years, and am experiencing the same issues with no boot. Ive already had it RMA once, replaced motherboard, fixed the issue. I am no longer in warranty so I have been trying everything possible to get it to boot.

Earlier in the threat people were mentioning the dip switches, well I removed the sticker and tried almost every combination on the switches, and eventually it booted back up, so i can confirm messing with the switches does not seem to harm the system. Odd part was the only way I could get the laptop to reboot was when all the switches are to the right (default order) basically I tried powering it up few times and eventually I could get it to post. Once in windows the date is showing september 2006, so it seemed to reset the cmos. I removed the wireless card, that has always been a hassle.

also i removed the heatsink for gpu and noticed a ton of dust etc that seemed to help get the airflow going, you have to physically remove the heatsink to really see all the pileup.

Now I am scared to restart it - I do not recommend RMClock
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The only problem I see could be poisonous vapor due to the re-heat.
I know there were a couple of electronics, one of the Kenwood home theater in a box receivers comes to mind, that needed resoldered to see the remote.
Nice catch on finding that.
In the old forum one of the posters was in Thailand when his Everex died. The shop there claimed to have replaced the gpu. Possibly they just resoldered it.
I am imagining the pain of stripping down to the mobo and baking it (not to mention re-assembly). Ugh!
Yeah, I just stripped mine down. I even took off my casing for my monitor to see if that is my prob of it not booting. But it's my mobo..... How much in a new one?
i pulled my system apart,took the cpu,memory and heatsink off, and a little black card that was screwedto mobo, put the motherboard in the oven for 15 min upside down(gpu facing up) at 200 degrees celsius. waited for it to cool at room temp and i am now on the net with it, saw this on forum and decided to try it( google it< persons are even doing this for some video cards with success) , strang enough now the atheros card showing up after months of it being dead. using it for about 11 hrs now. i even had artifact om my screen when my computer decided to come up, now its back to normal. thank u for mentioning this oven thing it worked.
^^ wow pretty amazing stuff, i plan on baking mine too, seems to work well. The laptop is acutally very easy to disessemble once you've done it a few times. Right now the only way I can get the notebook to post it to do the towel trick, or constently power it on and off until it posts. I'm not sure what i did but there seems to be a way to reset the cmos, which allows my system to post, after 100 times of failed bllyoots i eventua get an error screen stations the cmos settings are incorrect, and have been reset to defaults..

Also Windows 7 is much better on this laptop than vista, and anyone with windows 7 driver issues.. you can use the vista drivers that came on the everex disc with windows 7 also.
i pulled my system apart,took the cpu,memory and heatsink off, and a little black card that was screwedto mobo, put the motherboard in the oven for 15 min upside down(gpu facing up) at 200 degrees celsius. waited for it to cool at room temp and i am now on the net with it, saw this on forum and decided to try it( google it< persons are even doing this for some video cards with success) , strang enough now the atheros card showing up after months of it being dead. using it for about 11 hrs now. i even had artifact om my screen when my computer decided to come up, now its back to normal. thank u for mentioning this oven thing it worked.
Not sayin' I don't believe you but pics would have been nice ... you know, action shots of taking it out of the oven ... did you wear a chef's hat?:)
hey i kid not, even the connectors on motherboard are now cream from heat off course. but i was very cautious at first, then i thought it worked for someone else so why not try. having a computer that starts when it wants is like having a girlfriend that only let u turn her on once a month. so i am now wondering if this works on women too :D. be sure to put it on aluminium foil paper ok.
by the way i am on the net with it right now. call me i will tell u what to do. 876-450-3529 rage