Everex XT5000T Support thread

100c does not appear to be out of the norm for the 5000. Mine would run that playing games such as HL2, Chronicles of Ridddick, etc even without a cooler.
100c does not appear to be out of the norm for the 5000. Mine would run that playing games such as HL2, Chronicles of Ridddick, etc even without a cooler.

Mine topped out at 104C while game playing.

Sighs. :( Even with my cheap laptop cooler and the new bios 1.1D I still get 100 C when gaming, granted it is cooler when not gaming due to the new bios fan speed. But still it's rather a shame that the temp. get's that high. At the price I brought this laptop in July of '07, this laptop was the best. Too bad no one figured out a way to lower the GPU temps to less say the high 80's when gaming. :(
Sighs. :( Even with my cheap laptop cooler and the new bios 1.1D I still get 100 C when gaming, granted it is cooler when not gaming due to the new bios fan speed. But still it's rather a shame that the temp. get's that high. At the price I brought this laptop in July of '07, this laptop was the best. Too bad no one figured out a way to lower the GPU temps to less say the high 80's when gaming. :(

These laptops really need a dedicated GPU fan, and unfortunately they don't have it. There is only so much you're able to accomplish with passive air cooling.
I have seen multiple posts about the screen freezing with lines/blank screen on startup. I have the same problem, and my computer will no longer actually start up anywhere past the fan and a few lights coming on.

I've read things about an nVidia GPU issue, and i called support and he said that that is probably what it was, said i should send it in, but also estimated a cost at like $200 for replacement of the motherboad/onboard GPU. my warranty has expired but i thought they were doing this for free as it was an nVidia issue... anyone know anything on this? has their policy changed? did this guy just not know the deal?

ALSO he said it could be months before I got the computer back because they are waiting on the part. Anyone know anything about the wait/what part it is so that maybe i can get it elsewhere? apparently is a new mobo cus the old one had problems.
I was wondering what is your GPU temp. while gaming using the Zalman cooler? Mines get up to 100 C.

I think the Nvidia control panel may allow me to log that, but if not, what software do you suggest that I use to log this? If I can figure out how, I'll be happy to log it, but keep in mind, I do have a 5300.
I think the Nvidia control panel may allow me to log that, but if not, what software do you suggest that I use to log this? If I can figure out how, I'll be happy to log it, but keep in mind, I do have a 5300.

The Nvidia control panel (with nTune) or RivaTuner.
Alright, well I used Nvidia Monitor since it's already installed, but what sucks is it only logs the GPU and not the CPU. I played DiRT because my computer hates that game. I have to set it on the lowest settings and I can't play any tracks that have other players or the framerate is stupid slow. It does play pretty good on the rally courses though because there are no competitors to render.

Using the cooler, I saw a max of 88* and it played smooth. Without the cooler I saw a max of 92, but more importantly, the game stuttered in a few places (frame rate dropped to what appeared to be single digits for a couple seconds at a time), indicating that the CPU had cut back to 800Mhz to prevent overheating. I played the same track for both tests so I'd say that this is pretty good proof that the cooler does help. Also without the cooler, the temps varied a lot while with it, the temps stayed fairly steady. I do notice that the fan dies down at times and then kicks up at others. I have no explanation for this behavior. The fan needs to be as fast as possible when demanding this much from the computer.
We have always wanted fan conrtol to just place it on high, especially when on AC. At this point I doubt we will ever see that though.............
That sucks. I'm just happy that the combo of the cooler and the new Nvidia drivers have made most games much more playable. I was able to get through Bioshock. With it on Medium settings, it played smoothly.
My XT5000 just died over the past weekend and I checked here about the possible problems. The conclusion I have arrived at, is that the video card fried from overheating. I emailed everex asking them if the card is still covered as I have read from other posts here. I received this email back.

Dear Everex Customer,

Unfortunately we are not offering extended warranties on the Everex
StepNote XT5000T notebooks. If the issue is regarding the motherboard or
anything integrated on the motherboard the replacement cost would be
approximately $260 which includes labor and shipping. Please let me know if
you would like to proceed with an out of warranty repair.

Thank you for choosing Everex!
James, Technical Support Agent

If anyone knows about this let me know...
Well I guess now that Everex has changed owners they are no longer fixing out of warranty units. That sucks.

But hey, you actually got a response via email. Impressive.
Update to my wifi problem: I have replaced the wifi card with another one, and it's still not recognized by the laptop at all. At this point I don't think the card was bad, but something must have happened on the motherboard so it doesn't recognize anything plugged into the mini-PCIe slot anymore.

Interesting. James e-mailed me with my problem. I called in saying my laptop died, but I didn't mention that my warranty was over. All I mentioned was that I had a problem with the laptop before and it's in their system. Also the person on the phone asked for the proof of purchase. Since I couldn't find my receipt, I told them that through an e-mail and said that I had it repaired by them before. James replied to my email and said that he'd set up an RMA for me along with a prepaid shipping label. (I didn't get a prepaid shipping label the first time I sent it back.) Also, he said that the repair may take up to sixty to ninety days.

I did make a mistake though. =\ My wireless card died, and I had the MSI replacement one in there. I totally forgot to swap it out. Now I'm just worried when they replace the motherboard, the components aren't gonna be swapped out, or that they'll find the MSI card and say something.
I have this laptop for 2 years, then 1 month ago it refuses to post the fan turns on and the lights blinks but i got nothing in the screen. I tried to let it turned on and cover the air vent with a towel until it turns off. It gets very warm so I let it cool down, then I turn it on again and voila, it post with a message to recover the bios defaults then load windows. This just works for me. You should try this method before spending money in repair.
My computer was also not posting and I tried the Xbox towel trick and it actually worked! This computer is a joke.... Glad it works now that I already ordered a new laptop......
MN54G Pci-express Mini Card 11B/G Wlan

I too share the "hardware not recognized" problem with this card. I purchased it through Zilla Buys‏ on Amazon. Ive been through the common Asthero card IRQissue, then i bought the 4965 AGN but it randomly lockups, and now MSI not recognized? are you serious? I should just throw this laptop in the garbage and buy a desktop because I cant get this thing to go wireless without some sort of problem. I have not updated my bios yet; would there be reason to do so?

I tried TanWARE's shut-down-during-bios-boot-method but didnt seem to do anything different.

I can see the unknown device under device manager, but everytime i point it to the driver location, it tells me that the *.inf file doesnt contain any information about my hardware! could i have just got a bum card from Zilla Buys? Anyone have this problem with the MN54G?
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I too share the "hardware not recognized" problem with this card. I purchased it through Zilla Buys‏ on Amazon. Ive been through the common Asthero card IRQissue, 4965 AGN lockups, and now MSI? Urge to kill this computer rising, RISING! I have not updated my bios, dont know if that would solve this issue or not.

When you first install a new card you need to get the tables to recognize it. You can get the cmos tables to reset by powering up and hold the power key before bios till it shuts down. This causes the tables to reset on next power up. If you dont the tables allocate the Athros cards resources and will net initialize the card properly at boot.
Interesting, I RMA'd this back around Christmas, they got the laptop on Christmas eve in fact. I was originally told "3 weeks" (lol, now theres a joke) but up to 6 weeks (even bigger joke). Well, turns out they were closed from Christmas Eve through January 6th, and then they didn't have the motherboards until 2 weeks ago.

Now I've got their regional manager emailing me weekly on specific updates. Over 3 months, ridiculous. I was curious if anyone who RMA'd around that time has gotten their laptop back yet or any updates on theirs. Mine was put on priority (whatever that actually means) but they still haven't repaired it yet. I would hope, at the most, another 2 weeks.. but I've hoped that since January.

Oh, and to let everyone know, they aren't swapping mobo's for another for free according to my sources, but you can most-likely get that waived. Your best bet is to have them ship a motherboard to you, because otherwise you won't see your laptop for months.

They actually had laptops backed up for SIX MONTHS. So I'll assume there are a lot of pissed off people floating around (must not be on here).
I just received an email from their Tier 3 support, they're supposed to give me a call today. I can tell you, if they tell me anything other than "It will be shipped.." and give me a specific date, I'm filing a lawsuit and getting ahold of the Better Business Bereau. No chance I'm waiting more than another week.
Odd, I didn't know what the guy was talking about until I looked back on here - the tech support there monitors the this form (the guy mentioned something I said on here & didn't pair two things together). Just an interesting thought.

I have contacted my lawyer and he's allready got something going with the BBB, so we'll see who can get this done quicker. T3 is fine, its just Everex's repair center who isn't doing anything. Just have to wait and see.
Thats allright, I just got a tracking number, my laptop will be back this Thursday. I'll make sure I have it tested professionally to verify everything is in working condition, but I'm glad they finally stepped up and fixed it.
I just came across this nifty little utility called Calibrize 2. It's a quick and dirty monitor calibration program, and the first freeware utility I found that actually fixed the display on this lappy. And it literally took less than 5 mins to get it set.

One quick note -- use the Nvidia control panel to adjust the brightness while configuring Calibrize. I had to lower it from 50 to 35%. And voila! It doesn't look washed out anymore. And after I adjusted the gamma things don't look so reddish anymore either.
Got the laptop today/yesterday & everything appears to be operational.. there is a missing PCMIA door, but I'll call tomorrow on that (not really a big deal, but kind of random to lose that).

They wiped the hard drive & put a stock setup on here, but it has SP1. It looks to be a bit leaner than the original copy of Vista they provided.

The laptop idles between 50 and 60C and the fan runs pretty much constantly. They replaced all the screws on the bottom with more flush black ones. The battery doesn't look like mine, but I will have to verify that later. Hopefully it hasn't lost its charging capacity while it sat in California - we'll see.

It looks about the same, but I did notice some cosmetic wear on it, doesn't look to extensive, but I haven't given this a full go-around yet. I'll repost later on after I have this looked at.
I tried TanWARE's shut-down-during-bios-boot-method but didnt seem to do anything different.

I can see the unknown device under device manager, but everytime i point it to the driver location, it tells me that the *.inf file doesnt contain any information about my hardware! could i have just got a bum card from Zilla Buys? Anyone have this problem with the MN54G?
I tried TanWARE's shut-down-during-bios-boot-method but didnt seem to do anything different.

I can see the unknown device under device manager, but everytime i point it to the driver location, it tells me that the *.inf file doesnt contain any information about my hardware! could i have just got a bum card from Zilla Buys? Anyone have this problem with the MN54G?

This error typically happens when you're not using the correct driver.
I tried TanWARE's shut-down-during-bios-boot-method but didnt seem to do anything different.

I can see the unknown device under device manager, but everytime i point it to the driver location, it tells me that the *.inf file doesnt contain any information about my hardware! could i have just got a bum card from Zilla Buys? Anyone have this problem with the MN54G?

When you boot it should claim the bios post failed and the cmos will load hardware defaults. This unloads the Atheros resoures and alows the MSI to initialize and capture its resources and load the device id's etc....................
Good find! But I gotta ask, what the hell is "PCI Prefetch adjustment"???


Now I'm not on my XT5000T so I can't see if this afffects us but if disabled I can see where it causes the IRQ issue with the Atheros as then it can't hide the latency of the video/wireless and could cause the essential lockup by the hardware essentially agruing with each other for the pci buss.............
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