Everex XT5000T Support thread

So is the loss of profile for the MSI card common, or an anomaly? I am just about to pull the trigger....
So is the loss of profile for the MSI card common, or an anomaly? I am just about to pull the trigger....

Mine has been sleep for couple of hours and I did not notice the profile drop for the MSI card yet.
Still no Everex official forum yet. Even the files section is limited for the XT5000T, not even Bios files.........
I am going to sell mine !

It is trouble free, except for a slight crack in the corner of the LCD panel. The panel works fine, just a slight light bleed. It has 2GB of GSkill ram and if the price is right I will keep the 160GB 7200rpm HD inside in addition to the standard 100GB.

I've used the computer extensively under heavy loads and had no BSOD issues whatsoever.

I even still have the original box and all the documentation !

Make me a reasonable offer.

I will eventually put it in the For Sale section.

Just throwing it out there...
Hey does anyone have a link to a current everex display driver that will work on the xt5000t using windows vista? I keep getting a "Display driver stopped responding but has recovered" error but I want to make sure I'm reinstalling a safe driver to replace the current one.

Hey does anyone have a link to a current everex display driver that will work on the xt5000t using windows vista? I keep getting a "Display driver stopped responding but has recovered" error but I want to make sure I'm reinstalling a safe driver to replace the current one.

Sounds like you're having the wifi card issues common to this laptop. Buy.com sells the replacement card from MSI that you need.
Hey does anyone have a link to a current everex display driver that will work on the xt5000t using windows vista? I keep getting a "Display driver stopped responding but has recovered" error but I want to make sure I'm reinstalling a safe driver to replace the current one.



As of 1 week ago, Nvidia has released a notebook driver that includes the 7 series. :)

It really has made an improvement over anything I ever found on Tweakforce or LaptopVideo2go. Could have just been my lack of skills, but try it. :)

As of 1 week ago, Nvidia has released a notebook driver that includes the 7 series. :)

It really has made an improvement over anything I ever found on Tweakforce or LaptopVideo2go. Could have just been my lack of skills, but try it. :)

I tried it but it didn't work... It seems the Fujitsu notebooks are excluded, and the Everex one I think is the same as the Fujitsu in Europe.

I never had any problem until like 5 days ago, all of a sudden i had a blue screen, i tried to reload but i'm having those blue stripes followed by the blue screen, and it's always because of the display driver. I had temporary success by resetting the notebook at its original conditions, but after a few reload the blue screen came back. I tried to disinstall the drivers of the Atheros network card but it didn't help either (it seems the drivers are reinstalled automatically everytime the windows vista loads...).

So now I'm stuck using the computer in safe mode... please help:(
I tried it but it didn't work... It seems the Fujitsu notebooks are excluded, and the Everex one I think is the same as the Fujitsu in Europe.

I never had any problem until like 5 days ago, all of a sudden i had a blue screen, i tried to reload but i'm having those blue stripes followed by the blue screen, and it's always because of the display driver. I had temporary success by resetting the notebook at its original conditions, but after a few reload the blue screen came back. I tried to disinstall the drivers of the Atheros network card but it didn't help either (it seems the drivers are reinstalled automatically everytime the windows vista loads...).

So now I'm stuck using the computer in safe mode... please help:(

I installed them into both Vista32 and XP32 without any trouble. What kind of problem did you have trying to install them. And Fujitsu notebooks are excluded, *not* Fujitsu-Siemens.
I should have mentioned that I have the 5300 but those of you that remember me from the Everex Forums probably knew that. :)

Can anyone make a suggestion for a CPU upgrade for me? The CPU is certainly the bottleneck on the 5300 but it already has overheating issues. The Zalman NC-2000 made an enormous improvement though. Now I can actually play DIRT at a decent frame rate.
I tried it but it didn't work... It seems the Fujitsu notebooks are excluded, and the Everex one I think is the same as the Fujitsu in Europe.

I never had any problem until like 5 days ago, all of a sudden i had a blue screen, i tried to reload but i'm having those blue stripes followed by the blue screen, and it's always because of the display driver. I had temporary success by resetting the notebook at its original conditions, but after a few reload the blue screen came back. I tried to disinstall the drivers of the Atheros network card but it didn't help either (it seems the drivers are reinstalled automatically everytime the windows vista loads...).

So now I'm stuck using the computer in safe mode... please help:(
Remove the large panel on the bottom of the laptop exposing the CPU, RAM, and wifi card. Remove the existing wifi card. Close the laptop back up and see if the BSoDs stop.

If the BSoDs stop, buy this wifi card ($25 shipped), it doesn't conflict with the video card like the Atheros does:
Thanks for your reply Unknown-One.

I followed your instructions but to no avail: after I removed the Atheros Card the exact same problem represented itself over and over.

Maybe I have a failure of the Nvidia display card? I don't know what to do... I have the original Bios by the way if that helps.

Also I notice that there is a Nvidia network controlling device... maybe I should disable that one as well?
Yep probably the gpu. The issue of faulty Nvidia gpu's was discussed in depth in the other forum. While some attempted to claim anything BUT the gpu was responsible, they were humorously referred to as the Super Duper IT Guys because of a cock measuring contest they were in and it is assumed they were site managers for Everex. I think they may post here.
For those who still don't know Google up Nvidia video card failures and the associated legal actions.
But don't waste your money on things like wifi cards as numerous people who bought into that line of crap still had video failure and Everex death.
If you have to buy a cheap wifi adapter from Newegg. Saves some money and hassle. Plus when the Everex fails, as it will, you can use the adapter on another pc. Or modify it to a cantenna.
Wow, the " there is one problem, and there can be no other" man hath returned. It must be nice living in ineptatude land........
Are we sure these Everex laptops even have the GPUs with the bad solder in them? I've had no trouble with mine since replacing the wifi card, and I cart it around in a backpack 4 days a week, so it gets a fair amount of physical abuse from that.

Perhaps it's a combination of drivers not mixing well that's causing these issues? Quick way to test that would be to boot a Linux Live CD and run it for a few hours to see if the system locks up.
No Clue. Mine was working last night. Backpacked mine around school today, turned it on. and yyeahhh.. dead. Called Everex, and they said they want a proof of purcahsed, but I can't find my reciept. I have a previous invoice from a warranty repair from them, so I hope they accept that.
Are we sure these Everex laptops even have the GPUs with the bad solder in them?

No, we don't. Are their problems? Yes. Does it appear to be heat-related? Yes. Is it due to "faulty" GPUs? We simply do not know. The evidence we have is anecdotal at best, and in some cases contradicts itself. So rather than jump on the "Nvidia is producing bad chips!" crazytrain I am man enough to say I just don't know the exact nature of the problem.

The one thing we *do* know is that no one is telling. But as long as Everex continues to replace failed laptops I'm 100% a-ok with that.
I think my dad jinxed me. It was working last night. This morning, before I went to school, he's like don't forget to back up your hard drive on your laptop, because I just put together a new comp over the weekend.
Hi guys. I'm new to these forums, but I've had my stepnote for just over a year. I purchased it used, but in pristine condition, and up until last week, have loved this very roomy laptop.

Last week, while working, out of nowhere, the screen went all screwy, with horizontal multicolored "Fuzz", the crashing all together. On re-boot, I got a couple messages about a crash dump, and that's as far as it would load. I was finally able to get back into windows, via the Vista repair feature, and was fully back up. This lasted for a couple hours, when it crashed again.

I finally broke down and just did a total format/wipe, and re-installed Vista Ultimate. Now I am experienceing all sorts of hell trying to get this this running smoothly again. Since the new install, I have experienced one episode of the multicolored crash, and another where the screen just went black, while the sound kept playing for a few seconds, then the whole thing shut down, with only the power light and wifi light staying on.

The windows "Problem" popup keeps saying that there is a confllict with the nvidia nforce controller, but I have tried the original drivers (what's posted anyway), as well as the new updated release from nvidia, but the conflict still shows in the "problem" window.

The other major issue that I'm going through is the sound. I've tried the realtec drivers from the RT site, which for the first day or so worked 100% better that the original drivers. Then, overe the course of the day, the sound would start to fade in and out, until it gradually just went away. The mixer was showing the sound metering, but you could hear nothing.

I'm at a loss... :confused::(
Any ideas?
Hi guys. I'm new to these forums, but I've had my stepnote for just over a year. I purchased it used, but in pristine condition, and up until last week, have loved this very roomy laptop.

Last week, while working, out of nowhere, the screen went all screwy, with horizontal multicolored "Fuzz", the crashing all together. On re-boot, I got a couple messages about a crash dump, and that's as far as it would load. I was finally able to get back into windows, via the Vista repair feature, and was fully back up. This lasted for a couple hours, when it crashed again.

I finally broke down and just did a total format/wipe, and re-installed Vista Ultimate. Now I am experienceing all sorts of hell trying to get this this running smoothly again. Since the new install, I have experienced one episode of the multicolored crash, and another where the screen just went black, while the sound kept playing for a few seconds, then the whole thing shut down, with only the power light and wifi light staying on.

The windows "Problem" popup keeps saying that there is a confllict with the nvidia nforce controller, but I have tried the original drivers (what's posted anyway), as well as the new updated release from nvidia, but the conflict still shows in the "problem" window.

The other major issue that I'm going through is the sound. I've tried the realtec drivers from the RT site, which for the first day or so worked 100% better that the original drivers. Then, overe the course of the day, the sound would start to fade in and out, until it gradually just went away. The mixer was showing the sound metering, but you could hear nothing.

I'm at a loss... :confused::(
Any ideas?

Multi color is a BAD sign. This is without a doubt a video card issue! See if Everex will repair or replace it. Don't waist time with the irq conflict, it will only possibly help some of your issues, contact Everex A.S.A.P. .................
Perhaps it's time to start taking a serious look at keeping these machines cool. First order of business, video drivers.

As I quickly found out with Linux installed on the XT5000T, some video drivers downclock the graphics card when it's not in use, others do not. This reduces power consumption, extends battery life, and decreases heat output; this is true of both Windows and Linux Nvidia video drivers. It would be highly advisable to make sure your current video driver is properly down clocking the graphics card.

Another thing to look at is CPU clockspeed scaling and voltage control. I'm using RMClock to handle clockspeed scaling and to keep the CPU undervolted (tested orthos stable for 8 hours). Undervolting dropped CPU temperatures a noticeable amount.

There's also the possibility of cooling mods, such as adding a copper shim and thermal paste between the CPU and its heatpipe cooler instead of the thermal pad. I've been tempted to try this, but I don't have anything I could use as a decent shim, and I've got it running cool enough as it is.
My XT5000T screen is just not showing anything. I hook up an external monitor and it says "no input signal".

The green lights come on and the fan comes on.

Anyone have a similar problem and know how to fix it?

Please help ;(

Everex representative said since it's out of warranty they have to charge for repair. They said there hasn't been any statement from Everex saying there is a particular problem that is widespread and that they will fix for free.
My XT5000T screen is just not showing anything. I hook up an external monitor and it says "no input signal".

The green lights come on and the fan comes on.

Anyone have a similar problem and know how to fix it?

Please help ;(

Everex representative said since it's out of warranty they have to charge for repair. They said there hasn't been any statement from Everex saying there is a particular problem that is widespread and that they will fix for free.

You need to call them back and talk to someone else. The person you spoke with clearly doesn't know what they're talking about.
Grr. The everex forums are still down. Do they even plan on getting those back up again?

Anyway, here's my problem. My XT5000 is going on 2 years now, so it's way out of warranty. It's not modded in any way, except for adding an extra gig of memory and a second hard drive. Running XP happily.

A few days ago, my wireless card disappeared from device manager. I haven't changed it like other people did - it's the original Atheros card, since it never made any trouble for me so far. I can't get the computer to recognize the card anymore, it's like it wasn't there physically. If I install the drivers manually, it shows in device manager with a yellow sign and "code 10 - device cannot start". The hardware wizard won't pick it up at all. I took the card out, looks OK, I cleaned out the contacts and inserted it back, but no difference. Any ideas?

(FWIW, my bios is C.1C-4406-8A20)
A few days ago, my wireless card disappeared from device manager. I haven't changed it like other people did - it's the original Atheros card, since it never made any trouble for me so far. I can't get the computer to recognize the card anymore, it's like it wasn't there physically. If I install the drivers manually, it shows in device manager with a yellow sign and "code 10 - device cannot start". The hardware wizard won't pick it up at all. I took the card out, looks OK, I cleaned out the contacts and inserted it back, but no difference. Any ideas?

(FWIW, my bios is C.1C-4406-8A20)
Try pulling the card and re-seating.
Buy the cheap MSI card suggested here.
One thing to try, not sure it will work but it is a free attempt. Hit the power button to turn it on, while the system is powering into bios press and hold the power buttton. This will force a shut down and bios resetting the tables. When you power up it will go to bios and select default options. The system may reboot a few times to reset the devices but this may get the card back.
One thing to try, not sure it will work but it is a free attempt. Hit the power button to turn it on, while the system is powering into bios press and hold the power buttton. This will force a shut down and bios resetting the tables. When you power up it will go to bios and select default options. The system may reboot a few times to reset the devices but this may get the card back.

I did that, the BIOS table got reset to default, but now the laptop doesn't POST anymore. When I try to power it up, it turns on but stays at a blank screen with the fan on high, no disk activity. I tried powering it up about 8 times so far, same result.
I got the machine to POST and boot. I have to turn wireless off from the front switch, otherwise it won't POST. If I turn it back on at any time afterwards (including after booted into XP), the computer freezes instantly and I have to use the power button to turn it off.
I got the machine to POST and boot. I have to turn wireless off from the front switch, otherwise it won't POST. If I turn it back on at any time afterwards (including after booted into XP), the computer freezes instantly and I have to use the power button to turn it off.

I'd say the card is dead. Pull it from the machine and pickup either a USB or ExpressCard replacement if you can't find the MSI (which, btw, I *was* able to find...)
Ditto to Willy, the reset just proved the card is really dead, no harm no foul as it wouldn't work before either if it is that far gone. Remember to do the power thing when you get the new MSI card too so the tables setup properly.
Hmm. How about this: would someone be willing to send me their Atheros card that they've replaced with the MSI? Before the card kicked the bucket it worked fine, gave me no IRQ sharing trouble etc. If anyone is willing to do that please send me a PM.
pm sent jh1523, i have a intel 3945 wifi card and the original atheros. let me know :)