Epic Buys Cloudgine


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Hot on the heels of NVIDIA finally getting its GeForce Now cloud gaming service into beta, we learn this morning that Epic Games nows owns Cloudgine Ltd located in the UK. Cloudgine is a fairly young company, founded in 2012. Giving the video a quick look, you will see that this a cloud gaming services company as well as what look. Interestingly enough, this sector of the market is getting a lot of attention. Companies like Parsec Gaming allow you to build your own virtual cloud gaming computers that allow you to play your games on the go, and even share those with friends as well. Yep, share your games....

Check out the video.

Since its inception, Cloudgine’s research and development has been based on Epic’s Unreal Engine 4. Cloudgine’s cloud computing and online technologies will enhance the UE4 feature set to help developers push the creative and technical limits of games, film, animation and visualization through advances in physics simulation and networking.

As a reminder, Epic is hiring! We are recruiting for Cloudgine’s office in Edinburgh, Scotland, where the team will grow and develop leading-edge technology, as well as the other Epic Games UK locations in Guildford, Newcastle and Leamington Spa. We encourage anyone who is interested in learning more to visit epicgames.com/careers.
I'm still curious what the input lag is like and the demand of bandwidth to do this with ISP regulation these days is this even feasible or is this a very niche market?
I'm still curious what the input lag is like and the demand of bandwidth to do this with ISP regulation these days is this even feasible or is this a very niche market?

Bad enough no one wants these stupid things. How many attempts are going to fail before people realize this?
ok, so not so much a gaming service as a cloud based gaming engine. Interesting.
Bad enough no one wants these stupid things. How many attempts are going to fail before people realize this?

For real-time action games this will fail, i agree. I'd like to see this w/ super intelligent AI in Civilization though. No more cheating AIs to play against, just super human AIs. At least then you know you're beat fair and square :p
Crackdown 3 uses this engine
Also They come from space uses this engine
The bad thing about things in the cloud will be monthly fees. Most likely because to maintain the game it will be like a mmorpg server
Even Steam in-home streaming has input lag in a gigabit network. It's playable, but I can't imagine how bad it would be over the internet.
Wait a second, so how does the game sharing work? One game that could to be played on multiple accounts ?
I'd like to see this w/ super intelligent AI in Civilization though. No more cheating AIs to play against, just super human AIs. At least then you know you're beat fair and square :p

that would actually be great. AI processing on your local machine is really hampered by the lack of CPU power