Enabling PCI 3.0 on X79 mobos with GTX680 drivers


Feb 9, 2007
Has anybody else tried this registry hack to get the bus interface to run at pci 3.0 speeds with their gtx680s on X79 motherboards. (instead of PCI 2.0 as shown on GPUZ) http://translate.google.com/transla...www.4gamer.net/games/022/G002210/20120323002/ I've written it into my registry & GPUZ now shows PCI 3.0 instead of PCI 2.0 when running their bus interface test, ie: when you click on the ? mark. When the 680 is not busy it reverts back to PCI 3.0x16 @ x16 1.1, until you load up the 680 ie: by clicking the ? mark & then it runs the bus interface at x16 3.0. I haven't tried gaming using the hack yet & I was wondering if anyone else has tried this. If not I'll post back with my results after I do.
I have 680s but I am not using an X79 board yet. Undecided if I want to grab an SB-E or IB chip yet. Let ne know how it goes.
I have 680s but I am not using an X79 board yet. Undecided if I want to grab an SB-E or IB chip yet. Let ne know how it goes.

Sure. I played a little Alan Wake & it was OK, plus my Heaven benchmark was a little higher. But I bought another 680 & a Corsair H80 cooler so I'll be playing inside my PC for awhile, plus there's some other things I'm going to adjust as well while I'm in there. Probably be down for a few days, but I thought I'd ask to see if anyone else using an X79 motherboard had any problems possibly due to the hack. Should have started working on it today but I'm being lazy. ;) ttul