Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Announced for release on 11/11/11.

Really hoping this isn't a flop. I pre-ordered this. My girlfriend though may take over my computer to play this game. There goes my BF3 playtime :(
I plan to trade in $100 worth of games at Best Buy and pre-order the Collectors Edition for PC. :D
The animations we've seen in video so far looks better than previous Bethesda offerings, at least.

yeah, they figured out how to get rid of the giant stick up every characters a#$. As much as I'm looking forward to skyrim I'm starting to get some hopes built up for fallout 4 because of it.
yeah, they figured out how to get rid of the giant stick up every characters a#$. As much as I'm looking forward to skyrim I'm starting to get some hopes built up for fallout 4 because of it.

I hope they give Fallout 4 to Obsidian. Obviously, Bethesda would want control of the assets, though.
I hope they give Fallout 4 to Obsidian. Obviously, Bethesda would want control of the assets, though.

Only problem I have with the Fallout series now is that it doesn't know what time period its in, Or the developers don't design the world for the time period.

Example: I don't think you would be finding edible can goods/boxes of food or medicine 200+ years into the future from the old word. Fallout New Vegas was ok, at least some of the settlements had agriculture, like in the first two games.

Fallout 1 and 2, 70-80 years after the bombs fell was just perfect. It was much more believable.
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Great, it's confirmed, NO werewolves in Skyrim....the land of werewolves.

But hey! They have the crappy ass Vampires still in! yay. Werewolves in DLC most likely down the road.

Why the FUCK would Beth talk about werewolves before, say things like "we aren't talking about that, we want people to see for themselves/be surprised" if they weren't in? That's a GIANT dick move to people.

"oh hey, lets let you discover for yourselves that no, they aren't in."
Great, it's confirmed, NO werewolves in Skyrim....the land of werewolves.

But hey! They have the crappy ass Vampires still in! yay. Werewolves in DLC most likely down the road.

Why the FUCK would Beth talk about werewolves before, say things like "we aren't talking about that, we want people to see for themselves/be surprised" if they weren't in? That's a GIANT dick move to people.

"oh hey, lets let you discover for yourselves that no, they aren't in."

I hope they have a few were creatures at least. If not I will say it's a bit disappointing, I personally do not care though if the pc can become on of them though.

So far what I have seen of Skyrim looks great though. Definitely my most anticipated game since, well probably Oblivion.
Bunch of sites with a 3 hour preview of Skyrim,


Destructoid – “‘Epic’ is a word that has been thrown around to the point of irrelevance, but it’s absolutely the right word for Skyrim. Skyrim is huge, majestic, and genuinely awe-insipring. I have no doubt that hardcore Elder Scrolls fans will play this game for the next half a decade.”

DualShockers - “Playing three hours of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim was the best tease I’ve ever had”

The Sixth Axis – “ Skyrim isn’t just 2011’s biggest RPG, it could just be the best ever. You should be very, very excited.”

Shacknews – “Very few games get such a charge of excitement out of me, but Skyrim is probably my most anticipated game of the year.”

New York Post – “From the limited time I had with Skyrim, I can say with confidence that this will be one of the biggest and most engrossing titles ever. The massive world, numerous side quests and the seemingly endless paths will certainly make Skyrim a game worthy of the Elder Scrolls name.”

CVG - “But what we can’t do is present our readership with a full picture. We can’t put them in the mind-set of being swallowed by the incredible world that Skyrim contains, or becoming immersed in its truly epic storyline.”

Joystiq - “Ever since Skyrim was announced, I’ve had one thing on my mind: dragons. You see, I need to kill them. I need to kill an infinite number of dragons. I don’t know what it is that is fueling this need within me, but there it is: I’m a genocidal maniac and every last dragon must die.”

Videogamer - “The franchise has always prided itself on its open world tendencies, but this is easily working up to have the most vivid depiction of a fantasy setting in an RPG.”

G4TV - “The weather mechanics implemented into Skyrim are the best I’ve ever seen. The blizzard I walked through looked like snow, milky white diamonds plummeting to the ground.”

Kotaku - “Skyrim is so immersive and deep an experience that a person could play for a third of a work day and never even brush by the main storyline.”

Wired – “Though the three-hour demo didn’t answer those heavy questions, it did get me pumped to spend hundreds more hours immersed in Skyrim’s ridiculously detailed world next month. And the first thing I’m going to do when I pick up the game again is collect better loot, max out my skills and slay that freaking dragon. I can’t wait.”

IncGamers - “And what a world. After exiting a small, claustrophobic, dimly-lit cave we emerge into a landscape composed of a lush green grass and trees, vividly-coloured wild flowers, galloping deer, stalking foxes and singing birds. In the distance we see blue-grey ice capped mountains sheltered by imposing dark clouds. Separating the distinct hues of blue and green is a river, at some points flowing gently, at others rushing over rocks to form small whirlpools and dramatic waterfalls.”

IGN – “Skyrim feels like a real place, from the way the wind kicks up snow from the edges of rocky cliffs to the way the surface of ponds ripples under a light rain. It’s packed with structured content, but also filled with plenty more reasons to explore.”

VG247 – “Bleak Falls Barrow is a dungeon immediately more memorable than any from Oblivion: vegetation fighting to gain a hold amongst the cold rock, low tunnels giving way to exposed chambers through which the bleak sky can be glimpsed and a narrow bridge hewn from the rock spanning an abyss into which an underground waterfall cascades.”

Rock, Paper, Shotgun – Part 1, Part 2

Married with Videogames – “Bethesda took a lot of elements from Fallout 3 and Oblivion to create what is going to be a fantastic game that will keep you quite busy throughout this holiday season and for quite sometime after that.”

Tech Digest TV – “A game that may well not just meet the hype, but best it”

Inside Gaming (Machinima) – “While your character will no doubt be at the center of your Skyrim experience, it’s the game worlds of The Elder Scrolls series that are always the stars of the show. It’s tough to say just how big Skyrim’s world is compared to the other games, but even in our short play session it’s obvious this is quite an expansive slab of land.”

Coin-Op.TV – “Skyrim looks great and we already know that Bethesda is going to bring us a fantastic story and exploration of the world. I played about two hours of the game mostly in third person perspective and can say that Bethesda has really opened up the world and nailed this point of view – makes me wonder how I made it through those earlier games in first person view!”
I know a lot of dedicated fans liked Morrowind more than Oblivion, but saying you don't expect much because of a complexity level? That's a bit ignorant. It's your opinion, so I won't say you don't have your reasons for thinking so: but having a look at the game catalog for the next few years, aside from Skyrim, I can't see ANY game coming close to the complexity and level of player individuality of Oblivion, let alone the improved system Skyrim has to offer. I used to be that way "whoa, they took away left handed control-stick-clutch-shifting in Forza 4? its so dumbed down!" but in truth, if you try skyrim out, you may disappoint yourself by enjoying it.
The animations we've seen in video so far looks better than previous Bethesda offerings, at least.

In 3rd pov, it's the best I've seen, ie, the character itself....the dragons also seem fine.
I think this game is going to be huge, lol.
I know a lot of dedicated fans liked Morrowind more than Oblivion, but saying you don't expect much because of a complexity level? T

I want the combat to be a challenge but don't want unnecessary complexity in the inventory system.
The game seems geared to your style of play as well, so u could easily replay taking different combat approaches.

By and large this is F03/Vegas with swords and potions, so all that matters is that combat isn't terrible and the game compels you to keep playing.....with the nature of RPG this is fairly easy, so IMO, it's really just down to the quality of the storyline.

It almost sounds like some Dark Souls weirdo's are questioning this game just as Iracing weirdo's question all non sim racing games.
Great, it's confirmed, NO werewolves in Skyrim....the land of werewolves.

But hey! They have the crappy ass Vampires still in! yay. Werewolves in DLC most likely down the road.

Why the FUCK would Beth talk about werewolves before, say things like "we aren't talking about that, we want people to see for themselves/be surprised" if they weren't in? That's a GIANT dick move to people.

"oh hey, lets let you discover for yourselves that no, they aren't in."

Vampires are fucking gay, I've hated them ever since Twilight came out....

I would settle for Werebears.
I want the combat to be a challenge but don't want unnecessary complexity in the inventory system.
The game seems geared to your style of play as well, so u could easily replay taking different combat approaches.

By and large this is F03/Vegas with swords and potions, so all that matters is that combat isn't terrible and the game compels you to keep playing.....with the nature of RPG this is fairly easy, so IMO, it's really just down to the quality of the storyline.

It almost sounds like some Dark Souls weirdo's are questioning this game just as Iracing weirdo's question all non sim racing games.

Oblivion has some of the best combat if used with mods by mod creator Duke Patrick AKA SpookyFX over at the Bethesda forums. I expect that he might create some kick ass mods for Skyrim as well. So Skyrim should have pretty fun gameplay right out of the box but even when it gets a little stale I'm sure mods will spice it up.
Hopefully vanilla won't be so bad as to need mods out the box.
I hope day night cycle is good, as well as lighting, but I could be asking too much there.
Oblivion has some of the best combat if used with mods by mod creator Duke Patrick AKA SpookyFX over at the Bethesda forums. I expect that he might create some kick ass mods for Skyrim as well. So Skyrim should have pretty fun gameplay right out of the box but even when it gets a little stale I'm sure mods will spice it up.

Hopefully the new construction set will make such mods easy and smooth to implement.
Hopefully the new construction set will make such mods easy and smooth to implement.

Hopefully so, I'm not sure if a script extender will be needed but it might take some time for such mods to get off the ground which Is why I fully plan to play the game completely unmodded for at least a few months. (at least if their are no major bugs that is)
Are they going to allow mods? Sorry if this is a dumb question, I have not been staying up on news.
More specifically, Skyrim doesn't use CEG encryption, which makes it alot easier on us for modding.

We should also have the Creation Kit on launch day.

Yep, I've already read both of those articles but it's true. That way a script extender will be much easier to create and much more will be easily modifiable.

So far from what I've heard from the developers the creation kit is suppose to be much more powerful, easier to use and much more efficient then Oblivion's kit. I suppose people who have messed around with the Geck (Fallout 3 mod editor) would notice immediate improvement over Oblivon's kit so I'm not surprised.

I do admit I've easily spent at least 50+ hours in the Elder Scrolls games construction sets so I'm looking forward to seeing how Skyrim's operates.
Anyone else reminded of Highlander when you kill a dragon?

Reminds me of The Quickening.
i just cant bring my self to pre order this... i mean i want to but the disaster that was Oblivion has made me very skeptical this will be what im hoping it will be.

i ended up preordering Saints Row the Third instead on steam.

ill prob ask for this game for xmas or wait for a steam sale next year.

i love morrowind but i couldnt stand oblivion.
More specifically, Skyrim doesn't use CEG encryption, which makes it alot easier on us for modding.

We should also have the Creation Kit on launch day.

sweet! This is what i want to hear man!

I'm pretty sure i'll play the whole game in 3rd person with a controller on my PC, when it comes out. Then play it 1st person with mods when there's a new UI and combat which will hopefully be closer to Dark Messiah mmmm.. more games really need kick, it's just feels so good! *hopes skyrim has kick*
Care to elaborate?

the worst part was scaling.

very few if any hand placed items. one of the fun things about morrowind was once you found an item on a replay you could try to figure out how to get it with your lower level and get that added boost early on if you get it.

i still remember the entire layout and item placements of morrowind and i havnt played that game in years. like the chameleon ring at the bottom of a pond....

sure there are mods that fix lazy devs but they shouldnt be needed.

so i think ill be happier waiting a while for a mod to fix skyrim before i buy it.