Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Announced for release on 11/11/11.

Whatever Skyrim will be, I'm guessing that it will be an all around improvement over FO3 and a definite improvement over Oblivion. FO3 wasn't nearly as bland and dull as Oblivion (and I did spend my fair share of hundreds++ of hours enjoying Oblivion). Oblivion actually isn't dull at all for the first 40 or so hours... at least not for my first playthrough.
RAGE will have mods too. did i make a bad move by getting rage instead of this? im getting BF3 so i cant get this game at launch. nothing to do with finance, but to do with if i have time to play that game as well as bf3, witcher 2, fifa and PES.

see my dilema? lol
I have never played Elder Scrolls but thinking about getting it when I can for like $40. Now control wise, would it be better to use a keyboard or a controller? I will get this for PC but just wondering which would likely be better.
I have never played Elder Scrolls but thinking about getting it when I can for like $40. Now control wise, would it be better to use a keyboard or a controller? I will get this for PC but just wondering which would likely be better.

If your a console gamer, Controller. If your a PC gamer KB+M.
Quick and probably dumb question:

If I gather correctly this game will be a Steamworks title. I have Steam and use it plenty and that's fine for me but here's the catch:

My sister wants to even play this game. Can I install this game on her machine or does she have to pay for her own copy? She understands obviously she'd be getting a Steam account one way or the other and doesn't mind that.

In other words: What's a multiple install situation like on a game that requires Steam?
All i'm going to say is "offline mode", since this seems to be some sort of gray area, and I'd rather not get banned.
I have never played Elder Scrolls but thinking about getting it when I can for like $40. Now control wise, would it be better to use a keyboard or a controller? I will get this for PC but just wondering which would likely be better.

From my experience the only time a controller is better than a KB is for racing games, so as long as Skyrim doesn't hardlock some of the commands, it's most likely that the KB will be best.
From my experience the only time a controller is better than a KB is for racing games, so as long as Skyrim doesn't hardlock some of the commands, it's most likely that the KB will be best.

I prefer to play action games like Assassin's Creed and Batman with a controller. I might try a controller for this too. There's just something to be said for putting my feet on the desk, reclining way back, and getting into the story.
I prefer to play action games like Assassin's Creed and Batman with a controller. I might try a controller for this too. There's just something to be said for putting my feet on the desk, reclining way back, and getting into the story.

With the implementation of the better 3rd person view, along with how consolized the spell cycling and entire UI is already, I'll likely try my first playthrough with a controller, as i'll probably enjoy it more that way.

Then when mods come out, i'll play it 1st person with an overhauled UI.
With the implementation of the better 3rd person view, along with how consolized the spell cycling and entire UI is already, I'll likely try my first playthrough with a controller, as i'll probably enjoy it more that way.

Then when mods come out, i'll play it 1st person with an overhauled UI.

I'll be looking for Darnified UI all the way. ;)
I'll be looking for Darnified UI all the way. ;)

most definitely!

Honestly though, my biggest gripe about Oblivion's UI (and darnified did not fix this, hopefully they have the ability to in Skrim)... is that you could never hold down control or shift and click things to sell them. There was a confirmation each and every time... YES OR NO!?!?

Anyway yea. I better be able to CTRL + Click to sell :)
most definitely!

Honestly though, my biggest gripe about Oblivion's UI (and darnified did not fix this, hopefully they have the ability to in Skrim)... is that you could never hold down control or shift and click things to sell them. There was a confirmation each and every time... YES OR NO!?!?

Anyway yea. I better be able to CTRL + Click to sell :)

Hmmm.. good call.
Yeah, I'm expecting the default UI in Skyrim to be an absolute pain in the ass. Everything I've seen just absolutely screams "consolised". Once again, it's a shame that we have to rely on the mod community to fix such issues.
Yeah, I'm expecting the default UI in Skyrim to be an absolute pain in the ass. Everything I've seen just absolutely screams "consolised". Once again, it's a shame that we have to rely on the mod community to fix such issues.

That's the curse of playing on PC.

Everything popular is console focused and that will not change anytime soon.
Since TF2 is a raging piece of shit now I traded my backpack for a copy of Skyrim. Free Skyrim :D

Did you just find a friend who had it on pre-order or something? I'd like to be able to do this since, as you say, TF2 is a foul pool of channers and autismals and I no longer have any interest in it.
Did you just find a friend who had it on pre-order or something? I'd like to be able to do this since, as you say, TF2 is a foul pool of channers and autismals and I no longer have any interest in it.

I posted on the Steam forums and get an almost immediate reply. Dude bought the gift while I was talking to him.
Interesting, how much can you expect to sell hats and other items for through this kind of trade system?

From back when I used to play I have about 100 items, about 30 of them are hats, some of which are pre-order exclusives. I didn't realise people were trading games for these sorts of things...

Gifting games on Steam. I've never done this before but this seems like that's the potential answer for my sister and myself.

So let make sure if I get this straight: If I buy Skyrim right on Steam directly and I'm checking out if I click on the gift option it means I pay for one copy of the game, I get it for myself, and then it ALSO would go to the gift recipient?

What happens if you buy a Steam game on disc instead? I may by the retail version if Amazon throws me some nice preorder deal. Since you're not "checking out" on Steam I would take it there's no way to gift it at that point?
So let make sure if I get this straight: If I buy Skyrim right on Steam directly and I'm checking out if I click on the gift option it means I pay for one copy of the game, I get it for myself, and then it ALSO would go to the gift recipient?

No. If you buy a game as a "gift" it will go only to the gift recipient. You'd still have to buy a copy for yourself.

What happens if you buy a Steam game on disc instead? I may by the retail version if Amazon throws me some nice preorder deal. Since you're not "checking out" on Steam I would take it there's no way to gift it at that point?

If you buy a Steamworks game on disc you can activate it in whatever Steam account you wish, but it will only be playable on said account.

As I said earlier, there's no [legal] way around it. You either buy two copies or you both take turns using the same account to play it.

Gifting games on Steam. I've never done this before but this seems like that's the potential answer for my sister and myself.

So let make sure if I get this straight: If I buy Skyrim right on Steam directly and I'm checking out if I click on the gift option it means I pay for one copy of the game, I get it for myself, and then it ALSO would go to the gift recipient?

What happens if you buy a Steam game on disc instead? I may by the retail version if Amazon throws me some nice preorder deal. Since you're not "checking out" on Steam I would take it there's no way to gift it at that point?

Wrong. If you buy the game as a gift your sister would get the game but you would not. In order to register it under two different steam accounts you are going to need to buy two copies... there is simply no way around this. Saying that you can install Steam on two computers easy enough but you would have to share your account.
Wrong. If you buy the game as a gift your sister would get the game but you would not. In order to register it under two different steam accounts you are going to need to buy two copies... there is simply no way around this. Saying that you can install Steam on two computers easy enough but you would have to share your account.

Is this game a lot like Dark Messiah of Might and Magic? I loved that game...this looks a lot like it!
Unfortunately the combat is much worse than Dark Messiah, and it's also open-world, unlike Dark Messiah.

I wouldn't say that. The magic is probably better.... and maybe there is some fun parrying going on after all. Having said that, I'm also bummed that they aren't following the ways of Dark Messiah's combat system (and Mount and Blade). Hopefully they took notes from Dark Messiah more than we think nevertheless. There is still a lot of room for possibility that we might not know until ship date.
Wrong. If you buy the game as a gift your sister would get the game but you would not. In order to register it under two different steam accounts you are going to need to buy two copies... there is simply no way around this. Saying that you can install Steam on two computers easy enough but you would have to share your account.

yup...only way to do it is if you shared your user name/password with another person...then you can both have Steam installed and play any game in your library...but you can't be logged on at the same time
yup...only way to do it is if you shared your user name/password with another person...then you can both have Steam installed and play any game in your library...but you can't be logged on at the same time

That's why you have the person you're sharing the account with use offline mode.
Finally broke down and pre-ordered this game. Normally I wouldn't but I want this game super bad and would have bought it day one anyways...
I wouldn't say that. The magic is probably better.... and maybe there is some fun parrying going on after all. Having said that, I'm also bummed that they aren't following the ways of Dark Messiah's combat system (and Mount and Blade). Hopefully they took notes from Dark Messiah more than we think nevertheless. There is still a lot of room for possibility that we might not know until ship date.

Well the fighting system as been taking baby steps since Morrowind so I doubt we will see anything in depth until Elder Scrolls 7 or 8. :D