Ebay Live Cashback.... back. 25%

So I want to buy a pair of shoes using BIN but the best I can find is 8% at the moment. I have never used Livesearch before so I don't know where to look for the 25% cash back but is the best available 8% right now?

And btw, how the hell is this a profitable business venture for MS?

It's at 8% now.

It may be profitable in the end as MS introduces their search engine to new people.
So what is a common cashback for eBay? Is it worth waiting for a return higher than 8%?
So what is a common cashback for eBay? Is it worth waiting for a return higher than 8%?

The Buy it Now markup over auctions is usually 10% or more, so I don't find 8% worth using Buy it now, unless you find a rare deal.

nobody knows if 25% will come back, hopefully.
So I want to buy a pair of shoes using BIN but the best I can find is 8% at the moment. I have never used Livesearch before so I don't know where to look for the 25% cash back but is the best available 8% right now?

And btw, how the hell is this a profitable business venture for MS?

Well publicity comes at a very high price it seems ;) M$ is making the profit of only the possible future use of live.com for your search engine, and yes, the most available right now is 8%
Cashback is at 9% now.

Good to see that it finally budged, keep an eye peeled for more activity.

Remember that 10% coupon posted earlier expires tomorrow, march 16th.
So I want to buy a pair of shoes using BIN but the best I can find is 8% at the moment. I have never used Livesearch before so I don't know where to look for the 25% cash back but is the best available 8% right now?

And btw, how the hell is this a profitable business venture for MS?

Well, I guess this is where the xbox strategy comes in. That is spend all and any profit you can to gain a solid user base then you can make profit.
I think we'll be lucky to see a lot more than 10%. That's just a little more than total costs to sell something on eBay. I know I used the high percentages to just straight up make money by flipping stuff on eBay - I'd buy it, get it in the mail, relist it and make some money after counting in the cashback :)
I hate when this thread gets bumped... get's me all excited for 25%... only to dash my hopes yet again.

Hey does anyone know if cashback will work with "Best Offer" option??
I hate when this thread gets bumped... get's me all excited for 25%... only to dash my hopes yet again.

Hey does anyone know if cashback will work with "Best Offer" option??

ok, next time I'll start a new thread.

Does not work with Best Offer, no.
is there anyway this thread can be L O C K E D

Everytime I need a 25% coupon I click on this but its the same thing over and over. Just lock this and make a new thread when the 25% comes back.
son of a BITCH!!!

I literally this morning at 3am bought an $1100 Canon lens at 10% off, and now its at 12%, i coulda got another $20 off

Does anyone know if this has ever went up to say 15% or even 16%? I'm wanting to buy a laptop and I don't even need the 25% to reach the $200 limit.

Right now it's at 12, but if it goes up to 16 that would be an extra fifty bucks and hey, $50 is $50. I just want to know if it's worth waiting. I don't need the laptop right this instant, I'm going to be using it for school in the fall so I have time to wait, but is it possible it will go up that high?

Also, I apologize in advance to everyone who's going to rush to this thread thinking "OMG 25%!!!" when this gets bumped.
I'd probably wait... I setup cashbackr to send me an email when it hits 25% cause it's not really worth it to me at any lower... Was planning an I7 build when it came back, but it was gone before I could finish deciding... hah...
I've just bought a few things at 12%, but they were also giving instant cashback on both of them. I didn't have to wait 60 days or anything like that.
** Cashback still at 12% **

meh this is not really hot...should be lockage
Whether or not this is a hot deal right now is not relevant, this thread is in the discussion area, and not in the main [H]ot deals section.

Some of us use these threads to help spread related info, some of us use it to gripe and complain, and some of us even use it to post worthless comments ;)
** Cashback still at 12% **

Whether or not this is a hot deal right now is not relevant, this thread is in the discussion area, and not in the main [H]ot deals section.

Some of us use these threads to help spread related info, some of us use it to gripe and complain, and some of us even use it to post worthless comments ;)

Talk about irony.
Now 14%.

Try "925 silver" - whatever the heck that is. Had to refresh a few times.
We need to change the title to : "Ebay Live Cashback". This is very misleading.
I just made a discovery. If I search velociraptor at live.com in FF, no ebay link comes up, but in IE I do get an ebay link
Dunno, they change when they feel like it, I try "xbox" every time and it shows the current percentage usually within 1 or 2 tries.

MSIE 8 - see it
Firefox 3.1b3 - do not see it
Google Chrome - see it

no scripts being locked with ff, but i do have ABP on, and using EasyList USA.

and after disabling ABP, i now see it in firefox. :)
Sweet, its back at 25%!1!!!
