E3 Thread : Post your links and update to the minute info.

hahaha holy crap that was funny.. dat facial animation.

That was funny indeed, some people clearly don't have a sense of humor or are just idiotic kids (everyone in Gametrailers chat).
HA! all these "epic serious" trailers and then they just 180 in the Wizard demo. A refreshing twist :p
The Wizard thing was really cool, but they did say it was a Tech demo. Impressive, but we've seen these types of demos before, where you see crazy detailed faces... but there's no AI, minimal environments, etc.

Self publishing Indie stuff? Awesome!
Hahaha! I was actually about to make a comment about the lack of Giant Enemy crabs, and he actually cracks a joke about it.
Another trailer from Square, and it's not another FF game, before the other one is even released?!
More AC4???? Jesus, the game's not even out, and I'm already sick of it.
Okay wtf is going on haha, i keep thinking mty PC is about to BSOD
While the Wizard "tech demo" looked cool, thus far almost nothing else looks "next gen" at all. I'm seeing good games, but very little that couldn't be done on the PS3.
Hopefully they're saving the selling points until the end. Again, there are likely some good games...but they're just good PS3 era games.
Versus XIII was renamed to XV.

I'm glad they did that. The game looked too bad ass to be shoved in with the FFXIII stuff. It really looks like it's own FF game. One that potentially takes things a new, better direction. I love how the battle system looked and to totally geek out for a second: The animations looked really smooth and just great.

Also fucking finally KH3.
What do you mean..?

At a previous E3 didn't they announce/show a second FF game, when another one that was coming out hadn't even released yet? I'm just joking because they showed two trailers and only one of them was Final Fantasy.
They showed Versus, said FF IV is coming out to PS4, and mentioned FF XV.

Versus looks insane. It's like Uncharted meets FF. Huge scale battles, platforming, cover system.

Well 15 is the next game in the line-up. 13 is already out, and 14 is an MMO that's soon to be released (renewed).

I feel almost bad for that guy playing AC4 heh...