dyndns use for a website?

lone wolf

Feb 4, 2003
I have a client that want to host their own registered website, but in their area a staticIP is not offered. I have seen alot of persons talking about the free dns service dyndns.org, when researching, they want to charge, 25$ for hosting dns. This client is non profit, even though 25$ isn't much it is a world for them, is there another solution? I don't want them to have to give their ip to everyone everytime someone wants to see their website.

thanks in advance
If it is their own domain name (ie. hereweare.org) then I do not know of any cheaper way to host it on a dynamic IP.
Your IP shouldn't change if your connection is always on.

I host my own websites on a dynamic IP and haven't seen it change unless I force it to.

I suggest zoneedit.com for your DNS configurations. They're free and they have a small program you can download to update your DNS records in case your IP changes.
I use FreeDNS, located here:

Great, secure, quick, painless, Free. They have a premium service that offers a bit more and its pretty cheap. You might want to give them a try.
There are some pretty sweet sites advertized on gotapex.com that have super cheap hosting for a website and their IP won't change. It's a non profit place but you have to have money in order to operate. How bad do they want it?
I use DYNDNS and have never had a problem with both their free Dynamic DNS or Custom DNS which your own URL using their DNS servers to your dynamic IP. I give them 10 .
DynDNS has a free service. I don't buy 25 bucks a year being a big deal for a company, non profit or otherwise but regardless, you don't have to pay for the added functionality the custom package gives you.