hello how goies it i was woundering how you liked all thos links and helpfull info that i posted on your post i know it was a lil much but was puting it out there soo ppl other then use might need the help as well any who HEY i was woundering im trying to add ppl to my friends list in my profile but idk if it works idk if it goies b uy how many i post or what but when i send a privite meassage to some say you its not showing up in my sent mail box here on this site soo idk its it working or not would you know and was wounder you dont have to would you be interrested and being the first on my list ?? ill understand if you dont want to its fine after all its just an idea let me know if you get this post cuss idk if its working at all anyway and didyou find a better tv antenna and how many channale your getting and what kind of tv you useing and did u find a dvr you were looking for ?? you never posted back