DVD ripping


Limp Gawd
Aug 26, 2003
I know there's another current DVD ripping thread right now, but I think my question is a little different, since I'm not worried about compression. I'd like to put all of my DVDs on a central server, but I want to keep all of the extras and the audio channels. My wife prefers to read subtitles. Somtimes that's too much for me... Assuming that storage space is not an issue for me, my guess is that I just want to copy everything from the DVD onto a hard drive. Is that going to be a problem, or is it really that simple?
It is that simple. You can run DVD Shrink to save some space if you want, it keeps the extras unless you tell it to remove them.
does dvdshrink lose PQ when compressing? I've used clonedvd2 and you start to lose PQ if you don't have enough room on the disk after you've dumped the extra audio and subtitles.
screw ISO's. they require mounting and are a pain. use DVD decrypter to do a full rip of all the files. your dvd software will see it as a disk and play it no problem. If you want a little compression, use dvd shrink.
I use DVD Decryptor for this. It rips the disc whole to my server. You can also choose to not rp certian portions of the disc. I usually leave out foriegn languages and stuff like that.
everything looses PQ whne it compresses. it's the name of the game. byut with DVD shrink, I comrpess the hell out of the bonus features and menus, then remove the foreign language tracks. usually saves me 1-2 gb and the main movie is untouched.
IDversusEGO said:
screw ISO's. they require mounting and are a pain. use DVD decrypter to do a full rip of all the files. your dvd software will see it as a disk and play it no problem. If you want a little compression, use dvd shrink.

You rip it, to like a Video_TS folder with Vobs? I tried to do this with DVD Decrypter the other day, and when I opened the folder in ZoomPlayer it would only play the main movie. Can you get menus some how? I dont think I cut them out because an ISO and the folder of the same movie are the same filesize
sounds like you ripped in IFO mode. DVD decryptor has two rip modes. IFO only gets the longest video file. File gets the whole disk. or you opened the wrong file with zoom. there shoud be a video_ts.ifo file. I think that;s the one you need to open with your media player.

Do you know of any software that will work like that under linux? Also, is a wireless connection fast enough to play a DVD over a network or do you have to transfer the movie over to the HTPC first?
general said:

Do you know of any software that will work like that under linux? Also, is a wireless connection fast enough to play a DVD over a network or do you have to transfer the movie over to the HTPC first?

You should be good with a solid G connection.
As other people said, DVD Decryptor to rip (use IFO mode), and if you want to save space while retaining all features, audio tracks, subtitles, etc, look into ratDVD. It can compress an 8GB dvd into a 1-3GB file, while keeping all features. The compressed file can be watched (quality is fine, comparable to 2CD DivX or XviD movie, and it can be expanded to restore the original dvd with original quality fully restored.
I dont get how it's possible for a movie to be compressed to 3GB, and uncompressed to 8GB without quality loss. Data must be lost somewhere. What format does this RatDVD put the stuff in, is it playable through ZoomPlayer?

I did do IFO rip, and opening the IFO file in Zoom yielded an error. I'm trying a normal file rip of the movie now.
Never mind, I don't know what screwed me up b4. IFO does a perfect folder of just the movie, and is like half the size, file mode has whole disk. I'll have to look into this RatDVD more, have CrimandEvil or IDversusEGO tried it at all? Just curious if you guys have toyed with it
The one i've really started to use is called dvd fab
it has some excellent options of making 1:1 backups..

including splitting it onto 2 4.7DVDRs and also making single 1:1 copies onto the disk..

it was also the only way i was able to backup my House of Flying daggers disk as it has some sony copy protection..
ratDVD is only good if you want to compress and keep the menu's and still have a single file. most compression tools require you to strip the menus and bonus features and make on video file of the movie. ratDVD lets you keep the extras and menus, but it still drops quality as it is compressed. fromt he brief attempts I did, it seems to have a worse size/PQ ratio than Xvid. but that is really like comparing apples to oranges.
n64man120 said:
Never mind, I don't know what screwed me up b4. IFO does a perfect folder of just the movie, and is like half the size, file mode has whole disk. I'll have to look into this RatDVD more, have CrimandEvil or IDversusEGO tried it at all? Just curious if you guys have toyed with it
I'm looking at the site, I still think I perfer using either DVD decrypter or DVD Shrink. I will say that alot of what ratDVD purports to do you can do with DVDShrink.

Anyways what would I know, I'm a heathen that perfers to rip into VOB and then transcode it into x264. :D If I wanted the menus and extras I can always pull out the DVDs, usually I just want to watch the damn movie. ;)
Very good point, I will probably do the same. Quick question... x264 means what?
One stupid question guys.

I have got DVD Decripter and have about 63 moves on my HD. How do I go about burning them to a DVD again?
Are they ISO's? If so, go to dvd decrypter, top toolbar look for mode, ISO, write. Pick your iso and your done.
I'm new to this, so forgive any stupid questions. When using DVD decryptor, the ISO files are compressed. Is there a codec used to do this? The reason I ask is I heard there is a new divX out and I would like to make sure I am taking advantage of every possible means to keep the movies in top quality. Is there a way to upgrade decryptor's compression?
Your not compressing anything when you do an ISO, it's a bit for bit copy.