Dumped On Facebook / Twitter

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
The unintended consequences of technology on our love lives… getting dumped via “status change” on Facebook. What the?!? Dumped on Facebook? Yo man, you better go tweet about that lying hooker and set the record straight for all your followers.:rolleyes:

Over one third of 2,000 people polled (34 percent) said they had ended a relationship by email, 13 percent had changed their status on Facebook without telling their partners and six percent had released the news unilaterally on Twitter.
Wonder why your relationship didn't work out? Because someone couldn't act like an adult and actually talk to you face to face.
He I got dumped back in the day when I saw my girlfriend change her status back to single on her yahoo page :D

It was hilarious in an after thought though, because I'm SOOOOOO glad I'm not with that crazy bitch :D
Yeah in the past year I have been dumped once via text, and then a few months ago once via website PM. Eesh, it makes me very leery to put my trust and faith in anybody anymore.

It's not the dumping that bothers me, it's this completely inept and crazy way of going about it that generally irks me. Makes me wonder how I could ever otherwise like such a weak and stupid soul.
Uhg. These people that electronically 'dump' are probably cheating on the other person long before that the dumping even happened. Thank god I'm already married to the best woman in the world!
If someone breaks up with you this way, they were not worth being in a relationship anyway
E-dumping, eh?

That's pretty cold/cowardly. Way to not even acknowledge the other person.
wth is wrong with ppl using all this face book and twitter crap to break up . what ever happen to breaking up over text messages..
I must be old. I got dumped in middle school through a letter sent in the mail. She couldn't even pick up the phone and lived no more than a few miles away.
Uhg. These people that electronically 'dump' are probably cheating on the other person long before that the dumping even happened. Thank god I'm already married to the best woman in the world!

Two months later:

"Guys, she made an account here on [H] and sent me a PM that said, "I'm sorry babycakes, but Steve really hits the spot with his news posts. Good luck in the future xoxoxo.

With love.

Your ex."

I've had a conversation with an ex girlfriend about where our relationship was struggling that eventually turned into us deciding to just go with a "friends" label. Neither of us really saw that coming. But it happened over AIM. We didn't choose to do it that way, but we were into the convo, what would be the point of stopping to call each other, or for one of us to drive nearly 2 hours? Ok, so break-ups via facebook relationship status, or a twitter post are just ridiculous. But not every "e-breakup" is terrible.
That actually happened to me 2 weeks ago. this girl I had been dating for a while who, a few days before, said herself without any of my intervention, that she loved only me and that I was the only man for her etc etc. Two days later, YYYYY is now in a relationship with XXXXX. On facebook LOL. I was like, wow nice! And after hearing her lame reason, I proceded to cut all ties. :D
My ex and I broke up couple months ago shes into all the facebook twitter crap but shes a stand up chick came to my house and we talked about it then we broke up like ADULTS. Of course we had been together for 9 years so it wasnt some weak crap thing going down. People who break up over emails or text are weak and soulless turds that pretty much dont care about no one but themselves.

Now if your scard of the other persons reaction then maybe I can see it being alittle more ok.
That actually happened to me 2 weeks ago. this girl I had been dating for a while who, a few days before, said herself without any of my intervention, that she loved only me and that I was the only man for her etc etc. Two days later, YYYYY is now in a relationship with XXXXX. On facebook LOL. I was like, wow nice! And after hearing her lame reason, I proceded to cut all ties. :D

What was the reason? We gotta know now
lol. My girlfriend of 3 1/2 years broke up with me over a facebook message. I mean.. come'on. You are too shallow to even type out my email address? women...
my gf is a classy lady, and i would never do this either. but man, breaking up with this one really nice, cute, smart girl that i just wasnt into in high school was one of the hardest things ive ever done. :/
What was the reason? We gotta know now

They met up the day before, apparently she ended up liking him but also had her feelings for me, she was apparrently confused and the day of the facebook skit, he's the one who proposed the status and she APPARENTLY accepted without being sure about what it was and thought nothing of it. SURE.

OH YEAH the guy is suicidal and has taken quite a bit of drugs.
lol. My girlfriend of 3 1/2 years broke up with me over a facebook message. I mean.. come'on. You are too shallow to even type out my email address? women...


You went out with her for 3.5 years and didn't pick up on this level of shallowness before the FB dump? Blinded by physical attraction....
E-dumping, eh?

That's pretty cold/cowardly. Way to not even acknowledge the other person.

There are some truely pathetic people. I've learned: for them to continue to exist and prosper, these people are able to convince themselves that it's "OK" because they have "reasons" or they're "special." These people are the worst. :mad:

How about this one. "Dumped" ...... by no communication at all. Prior, we communicated via email a lot, moreso then phone. We'd often just meet to go out to Dinner / whatever; typically these plans would be arranged via email. Well, one day, she just decided to take like four days to reply to one of my emails - "I'm soooo sorry..." This particular email I had sent was an offer to do somthing for her and a family member of hers who was coming in to visit for just that weekend. I only mention that because in her four day late email reply she said "That's sweet of you.... They actually just left this morning." Yeah, no shit. That's because you replied to my email four days late, slut. I wish I had succumbed to logic at that time; but long story short... she continued the weird response times (like an LCD, ha ha) then started saying "i'll call you soon, miss you!" or "sorry" then finally just dissappeared. Never a comment, a sign or a hint (except for the slow responses).

Sheesh. What gets me the most now is all the time (and $) wasted taking her out ~7-9 times. I don't know if it was just the free meals/drinks, gold digging, attention or just a shitty person. Sigh. I mean, shit, if given the option, I would have rather wrote her a check for $1000 at the beginning and call it that. At least then I'd have those several months and my sanity and faith in females back to pursue other things and still out the same $$$!

I guess the moral is: girl who prefers email/FB over real phone = warning sign.
I guess the moral is: girl who prefers email/FB over real phone = warning sign.

I dunno, I find phone conversation really really hard and awkward, chatting over instant message isn't bad, it allows for a minute or so before needing to reply so there are no awkward pauses.
I always get a chuckle seeing an ugly brakeup occur of Facebook... it reminds me why people shouldn't post every little bit of personal information about their life on that site. As soon as someones relationship status changes, a bunch of people start posting wondering whats going on.

What I find really annoying, is how social plans (parties, get togethers, etc.) are planned exclusively over Facebook. I've seen a few people get butthurt because they weren't a "friend" of the host or didn't get added to the event by accident. Can't beat calling the person or a simple text message.

You went out with her for 3.5 years and didn't pick up on this level of shallowness before the FB dump? Blinded by physical attraction....

yeah. need pics.

It wasn't cause of physical attraction, but the fact that she wouldn't open up. I never did feel completely comfortable around her, but being the guy, I would NEVER break up with a girl. It's just wrong to put a girl through that.

anyways.. here she is since someone asked:

There are some truely pathetic people. I've learned: for them to continue to exist and prosper, these people are able to convince themselves that it's "OK" because they have "reasons" or they're "special." These people are the worst. :mad:

How about this one. "Dumped" ...... by no communication at all. Prior, we communicated via email a lot, moreso then phone. We'd often just meet to go out to Dinner / whatever; typically these plans would be arranged via email. Well, one day, she just decided to take like four days to reply to one of my emails - "I'm soooo sorry..." This particular email I had sent was an offer to do somthing for her and a family member of hers who was coming in to visit for just that weekend. I only mention that because in her four day late email reply she said "That's sweet of you.... They actually just left this morning." Yeah, no shit. That's because you replied to my email four days late, slut. I wish I had succumbed to logic at that time; but long story short... she continued the weird response times (like an LCD, ha ha) then started saying "i'll call you soon, miss you!" or "sorry" then finally just dissappeared. Never a comment, a sign or a hint (except for the slow responses).

Sheesh. What gets me the most now is all the time (and $) wasted taking her out ~7-9 times. I don't know if it was just the free meals/drinks, gold digging, attention or just a shitty person. Sigh. I mean, shit, if given the option, I would have rather wrote her a check for $1000 at the beginning and call it that. At least then I'd have those several months and my sanity and faith in females back to pursue other things and still out the same $$$!

I guess the moral is: girl who prefers email/FB over real phone = warning sign.

although she didn't have facebook (my girl) I went through something very similiar to your situation. I feel exactly like you do, i'd have just gave her a damn check instead of going through all the bullshit.

It's kind of dumb, but I learned one thing, when you're seeing someone for the first time, go ahead and date other women too, so you don't get stuck on one just cause she said yes or some shit. Nothing's better than just playing the field a little, plus it feels good when you can tell a girl, sorry, got another hookup at that time, how about another.

But that aside, let's be honest, its infinitely worse if they unfriend you and then they talk about god knows what about you on their facebook page and you can't see it.
It wasn't cause of physical attraction, but the fact that she wouldn't open up. I never did feel completely comfortable around her, but being the guy, I would NEVER break up with a girl. It's just wrong to put a girl through that.

anyways.. here she is since someone asked:

Eerily you and the other guy I quoted, managed to place together my ex in two different experiences, but she was basically your experience and the other guy's both in one

I can relate to the whole don't wanna break up with them first thing, but now having had it done to me, when I feel that things are going south, if I feel like things can't be worked out through talking, I'm gonna just be gone then and there, don't worry about her feelings man, it's far more preferable than dragging out a situation that obviously isn't working
I would NEVER break up with a girl. It's just wrong to put a girl through that.

I know absolutely nothing about dating. So help me out here...

How is it okay for you to string along a relationship that you know is destined to fail? Isn't the best solution to cut it off clean and quick?
I know absolutely nothing about dating. So help me out here...

How is it okay for you to string along a relationship that you know is destined to fail? Isn't the best solution to cut it off clean and quick?

from my experience, yes sir, in hindsight, I wish I had done exactly that. That's the advice I'd give you, but then remember, it being an experience and all you have to try to learn something from it so you can apply that knowledge in the future. "Clean and Quick" is the lesson I learned, that's what I'm stressin here.
I know absolutely nothing about dating. So help me out here...

How is it okay for you to string along a relationship that you know is destined to fail? Isn't the best solution to cut it off clean and quick?

It was good the first year.. we got along, she told me /some/ 'secrets' and stuff.. but then it stopped. Basically after that we just existed as a couple. *shrugs* I know it was screwed up, but hindsight is always 20/20.
How is it okay for you to string along a relationship that you know is destined to fail? Isn't the best solution to cut it off clean and quick?

I agree with you on that one, however several years back I was guilty of stringing along a few girls, as I didn't have the heart to hurt them. Looking back now, I was dumped by one and the other eventually got the hint from me not returning phonecalls or text messages. That being said, if I was nt he same situation again, I would defnalty end it. A relationship has to be equal with both people equally happy. If one isn't, how can it be a meaningful relationship?
There are some truely pathetic people. I've learned: for them to continue to exist and prosper, these people are able to convince themselves that it's "OK" because they have "reasons" or they're "special." These people are the worst. :mad:

How about this one. "Dumped" ...... by no communication at all. Prior, we communicated via email a lot, moreso then phone. We'd often just meet to go out to Dinner / whatever; typically these plans would be arranged via email. Well, one day, she just decided to take like four days to reply to one of my emails - "I'm soooo sorry..." This particular email I had sent was an offer to do somthing for her and a family member of hers who was coming in to visit for just that weekend. I only mention that because in her four day late email reply she said "That's sweet of you.... They actually just left this morning." Yeah, no shit. That's because you replied to my email four days late, slut. I wish I had succumbed to logic at that time; but long story short... she continued the weird response times (like an LCD, ha ha) then started saying "i'll call you soon, miss you!" or "sorry" then finally just dissappeared. Never a comment, a sign or a hint (except for the slow responses).

Sheesh. What gets me the most now is all the time (and $) wasted taking her out ~7-9 times. I don't know if it was just the free meals/drinks, gold digging, attention or just a shitty person. Sigh. I mean, shit, if given the option, I would have rather wrote her a check for $1000 at the beginning and call it that. At least then I'd have those several months and my sanity and faith in females back to pursue other things and still out the same $$$!

I guess the moral is: girl who prefers email/FB over real phone = warning sign.

I dunno, I find phone conversation really really hard and awkward, chatting over instant message isn't bad, it allows for a minute or so before needing to reply so there are no awkward pauses.

Bolded the part that needs repeating..

From someone who has been married for going on 12 years now, communication is paramount in a relationship. If you can't communicate through something other then text, then I hate to break it to you but the relationship simply doesn't stand a chance. You need to be able to communicate face to face, or at the very least voice to voice. Text/email is not the same, and if that is the only way you can communicate you might as well cut your losses and move on.

Sorry if that comes off a little harsh, but people need to realize why their relationships are failing miserably. Simply put, if you need to rely on a crutch to communicate then clearly the relationship is not nearly as deep and meaningful as you think it is.
Some of the stuff people put up with is amazing. I've had someone do the typical "you're everything I want" spiel then completely stop all communication for no reason.

It wasn't hard to figure out with a little google-fu that she found someone else, but the sad thing was she couldn't even say anything about it.

Her loss.

Don't get hung up on people who are immature, just look at their actions that anger you and don't succumb to do those very things.

That said, anyone who breaks up with you over facebook is just cowardly. When you don't have the ability to respond it just seems flat out rude. Not that you would "convince them" otherwise, but for the pure fact that you are finding out after other people.

I can't imagine how dumb one would feel if a girl broke up with you over facebook and one of your friends ends up telling you about it...