Dubai Splurges on Lamborghini Police Cruiser


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
What do you get a police department in Dubai that already has everything? The logical answer would be to outfit the police with a $450K Lamborghini, of course. If you are considering trying to outrun the police cruiser, think again: this puppy can hit a top end of 217 mph. Perfect pick for the Dubai police. :D
Yeah it can hit 217, but unless you are an experienced driver at those speeds you're going to fly into a wall even if you're driving straight.
Can see where this is headed.

Those police officers are not qualified to drive it.

it's 4wd, so it might be easier to control than that gallardo
why not a bugatti ? lot's of people have them there why not the cops ?

just sell a few gold barrels of gold crude and u got a car.
Dubai is not so based in oil. It's a commercial hub and a financial center.
Police can catch up to speeders, then what? Beep the horn really loud, shout out the window "Please pull over!" and expect the speeder to comply? Pfft...
Dubai is not so based in oil. It's a commercial hub and a financial center.

It's a commercial hub and a financial center for oil money from the rest of the UAE/region. It may not be chiefly exporting oil, but it is built on oil money.
Those police officers are not qualified to drive it.

it's 4wd, so it might be easier to control than that gallardo

That Gallardo is 4WD/AWD. The Gallardo was only AWD until the updated design with the LP550-2 and Balboni edition.
I'd like to see their officers get out of that in a dignified manner and quickly.
What a colossal waste of money

A top end corvette that costs 115,000 does everything this does
Those buttheads are lucky to have flush toilets. There is no sewer system there, have you seen photos of the 20 mile long line of shit tankers trying to get to the dump site? The drivers get pissed, no pun, and just pull off in the desert and dump it. Maybe that one is a pun "Dump." But they do have Mach One cop cars.
What a colossal waste of money

A top end corvette that costs 115,000 does everything this does

Until it approaches a corner...then everything goes out the window, including the driver.

But this makes sense with all of the supercars their citizens own in that country, the police has to keep up with them somehow.
Actually Dubai has about 20 years worth of oil left. The rest of the UAE however has about another 95 years before they run dry.

Is this the same source that predicted we would be in an oil-less Mad max world by 2000?
We aren't running out of oil. They tell you we are to justify the price, but magically pump more every year.
You will be able to tell when we are actually running out of oil when cars get 2-3-4x the fuel economy they do now. (note they will charge 2-3-4-5x what they do now so it will be moot, so don't get your hopes up.)
You should. Reality is free for everyone.
Your opinion (not your own btw :eek:) is based from the cartel that sells you the oil and told you so. One more time: Oil production has continued to increase despite repeated claims like yours through the 70's, 80's, 90's, 2000's, 2010's, we are running out of oil.
Like I said. When your new car get 200+mpg and costs $50 USG, you can believe oil is low. Do you really believe oil is low and they still sell it cheaper then water?
Hmmm how is that going to work?

Police see Ferrari zoom by and 180MPH they go in pursuit and catch the Ferrari. The window winds down and the look in the car and...

"Oh Sheik/Prince (insert name here)...we didn't know it was you! Please carry on!"
Yeah it can hit 217, but unless you are an experienced driver at those speeds you're going to fly into a wall even if you're driving straight.

What are the roads like in Dubai? Considering it's a desert, i'd think the roads run straight for miles :confused:

On the other hand, how do these things perform off road?

Actually Dubai has about 20 years worth of oil left. The rest of the UAE however has about another 95 years before they run dry.

If you can get China off our backs (Philippines), you'll have a potential oil supplier within the territory of an ally nation.
Sounds like most of you have not left your mother's basement in years, let alone the country. Travel a bit and get to know the world. Ignorance can be bliss, especially if you don't know that other people are laughing at your ignorance. May be you should just stay in the basement and stop reading now.

For starters Dubai does not have much for Oil, they are currently subsidized by other nations around the area that do have some oil. But they are basically trying to turn them selves into a financial and tourism center, much like Singapore and Switzerland. I can say with some certainty they have mostly succeeded. The money is coming from all over the middle east and Asia, so it is not strictly an oil based economy. If you insisted that it was, then the US is also an oil based economy, especially seeing as how we are the world's largest producer of oil at the moment.

Things like this Lamborgini police car draws a lot of attention to Dubai, not much else. Much like having the tallest building in the world, indoor skiing, underwater hotels, etc., etc. They are much more liberal than the rest of the area, e.g. the ultra conservative Saudis, the somewhat conservative Kuwait, Bharain, Oman, etc. so many of the western folks like to visit and shop there. It is also enroute to the far east and Australia from Europe, so it is a convenient stop for long distance travel (me, I would prefer to get it over with in one long stretch). Even companies like Halliburton that gets billions in US defense contracts through its subsidiary KBR has a headquarters in Dubai. I really don't know how a company has headquarters in two countries, but they do.

I always laugh at the dweebs calling folks from the middle east "camel jockeys", really witty, not! What are the most prized animals that Europeans and Americans drool over? Arabian horses. If you still think its funny, go ahead, don't worry about the rest of us laughing at you.
You should. Reality is free for everyone.
Your opinion (not your own btw :eek:) is based from the cartel that sells you the oil and told you so. One more time: Oil production has continued to increase despite repeated claims like yours through the 70's, 80's, 90's, 2000's, 2010's, we are running out of oil.
Like I said. When your new car get 200+mpg and costs $50 USG, you can believe oil is low. Do you really believe oil is low and they still sell it cheaper then water?
The Saudis are beginning to drill offshore, ask anybody about the cost of drilling offshore vs on land, the cost difference are an order of magnitude. Why would the bother with something like this if they really have 95 years of oil left? They hold the numbers close to the chest, nobody knows what the real numbers are. Why you ask? If the peoples of the country knew in what kind of doo-doo they were in, you think they would put up with this monarchy? If people knew the numbers that companies like Exxon, BP, etc. were mere speculation and not necessarily true, what do you think would happen to the stock prices? The companies may be in trouble, or worse the CEOs may get fired, or loose some of their stock options. I'm not saying they are lying, I'm just saying they have powerful motivations to keep us all thinking that they have things under control and we don't have to worry about it.

And if you really think the US invasion of Iraq was to (take your pick, all have been mentioned as excuses):

a) Get rid of WMDs
b) Save Iraqis from Saddam Hussein
c) Install democracy
d) Stop terrorism

Have you asked yourself why the largest embassy in the world (employs 15,000 people) happens to be there along with three permanent military bases? I don't care which party is in the Whitehouse, the troops will stay.

Since Iraq was under international sanctions, they have not done much with their oil reserves, most of it is still sitting underground waiting to be exploited. Some say they may have as much as half of the worlds reserves, but again, that is all just speculation.
I always laugh at the dweebs calling folks from the middle east "camel jockeys", really witty, not! What are the most prized animals that about a dozen Europeans and Americans with more money than sense drool over? Arabian horses. If you still think its funny, go ahead, don't worry about the rest of us laughing at you.

There I corrected that for you.

Arabian Horses? Might make a good lean burger?
Buying a car that expensive for police duty seems sort of silly, but it's probably a publicity stunt and not really intended to be used for anything. They'll probably just put it a garage where it never goes anywhere so it can compete with the Nintendo Wiis of the world at being the fastest to collect dust only to eventually sell it as some special one-of-a-kind police car. :rolleyes:
I'm impressed by this...
"15 per cent of the traffic tickets issued on any given day in Dubai are for speeding in excess of 130mph"

Holy crap that's some excessive speed!

Yeah it can hit 217, but unless you are an experienced driver at those speeds you're going to fly into a wall even if you're driving straight.
Depends how stable the car is at speed. Throw an overpowered engine in a random family car that isn't designed to go faster than 80mph, and yeah, you'll end up in a wall. A car designed to go fast will tend to be more stable at those speeds.
What a colossal waste of money

A top end corvette that costs 115,000 does everything this does
Almost everything in Dubai is a waste of money. Also, I'd feel much safer planting my foot in the middle of a corner in an AWD Lambo compared to a Corvette.
I was in Dubai during dessert storm, got some much needed time off. Dubai is an amazing place, but some parts of the culture is stuck in the stone ages. I made this mistake of complaining about our meal being late at a restaurant. No big deal here in the states, but over there, the manager took the poor waitress outside and beat her then brought her back to our table to apologize. She was just a kid, from some dirt,shit-hole country they contract(slave) out for work and i got her beaten because our food was slow. I really wanted to give the manager an attitude adjustment, but going to jail in Dubai is not a good idea.
Here in the states, we have people claiming gov oppression, they have no idea how lucky we are to be able to even make that claim. enjoy your freedoms, do not take them for granted.
Sounds like most of you have not left your mother's basement in years, let alone the country. Travel a bit and get to know the world. Ignorance can be bliss, especially if you don't know that other people are laughing at your ignorance. May be you should just stay in the basement and stop reading now.

For starters Dubai does not have much for Oil, they are currently subsidized by other nations around the area that do have some oil. But they are basically trying to turn them selves into a financial and tourism center, much like Singapore and Switzerland. I can say with some certainty they have mostly succeeded. The money is coming from all over the middle east and Asia, so it is not strictly an oil based economy. If you insisted that it was, then the US is also an oil based economy, especially seeing as how we are the world's largest producer of oil at the moment.

Things like this Lamborgini police car draws a lot of attention to Dubai, not much else. Much like having the tallest building in the world, indoor skiing, underwater hotels, etc., etc. They are much more liberal than the rest of the area, e.g. the ultra conservative Saudis, the somewhat conservative Kuwait, Bharain, Oman, etc. so many of the western folks like to visit and shop there. It is also enroute to the far east and Australia from Europe, so it is a convenient stop for long distance travel (me, I would prefer to get it over with in one long stretch). Even companies like Halliburton that gets billions in US defense contracts through its subsidiary KBR has a headquarters in Dubai. I really don't know how a company has headquarters in two countries, but they do.

I always laugh at the dweebs calling folks from the middle east "camel jockeys", really witty, not! What are the most prized animals that Europeans and Americans drool over? Arabian horses. If you still think its funny, go ahead, don't worry about the rest of us laughing at you.

Reminds me of that Fox News morning show that used a screenshot of ancient Damascus from a video game (Assassin Creed I think?) when talking about the crisis in Syria.

So many basement dwellers in this country.
A few high speed chases and it will end badly for that Lambo. Countdown until pictures of crashed Aventor hit the internet begins now.

Personally, I think a fleet of cheap fast cars. (mustangs, vettes, etc.) ie: 20 x $50k cars would do better coordinated together, than one $1mill car!

And noone has even mentioned air support. UAV's or helicopters are infinitely more useful at "chasing" cars!
This country is entirely built on the back of slaves....not to mention that it is the center of active sex slavery (most of females from eastern Europe and Asia).

The fact that this country is one of the major tourism centers is words to describe.
This country is entirely built on the back of slaves....not to mention that it is the center of active sex slavery (most of females from eastern Europe and Asia).

The fact that this country is one of the major tourism centers is words to describe.

Our Capitol building and White House are built by slaves too. ;)

UAE is just coming into modern society. They'll eventually grow up and join the world abolishing slaves. It's not a matter of if, but of when. Same with China.
What most people don't realise about Dubai is that they are trying to change their strategy. Many years ago they decided that it wasn't a good idea to focus on something that would dry out some day, and thus why they started pimping other facets such as high-end tourism, which is something that you can mantain for many many years once you have established it properly.

Just go and check the pharaonic building they have done in the past years, and you will see that they are seeking international attention and that it is working.

Still, private property is not totally something real over there, because the Prince owns everything and you just lease it for 99 years. I know first hand since a very very good friend of mine has family working over there.
Until it approaches a corner...then everything goes out the window, including the driver.

But this makes sense with all of the supercars their citizens own in that country, the police has to keep up with them somehow.

The thing you really need to consider is that its a Chevy.. Ewwww.