Dual Windows Activation


Sep 12, 2006
Hey fellas, just quick comment and question here.

I picked up a copy of XP Pro OEM from newegg, loaded it onto my my newly built machine, and activated it.

Now, heres the weird part. I am about to sell my Dell 700m notebook on eBay, so I reformatted and installed the same OEM CD. Little did I know that you could not activate the product key on two machines, only one. Therefore, I would now be limited to the 30 day period to use the XP Pro OS on the notebook. I tried anyway to activate it, and as guessed it said that it had already been registered to another machine, which it had. Now, I was just messing around with it and was clicking the different icons in the start menu and in the taskbar notification area. The first time i tried to activate on the 700m, I clicked the notification pop up, and was denied. THEN, I clicked the start menu icon with the little keys icon that shot me to the same "Activate Windows" screen in which I was denied previously. For some reason I tried again, and IT WORKED! Funny thing is, it didnt ask for the product key again, I just selected "lets just activate windows," clicked next and it went to a screen that said something that made me think that it was connecting to the internet to validate, then it just said thank you for activating. Now, when I go into system tools and click the little keys icon, a window opens and says, windows is already activated.

Most people would call me an idiot for asking questions when it comes to this seemingly "double activation" and say "why the hell do you care, it says it's activated!"

But I am going to ask questions. They are simple.

How is this possible? What do you think happened here? Lastly, is the activation legit? or is this some kind of security feature to make you stop messing with it and will eventually stop working?

Let me know, thanks
Don't be surprised to see a little star pop up on the first install, telling you your copy of XP needs to be validated. It happened to me, in a similar situation, and required a call in to straighten out the screw up, and properly activate the copy you want to be activated. Be advised that thier is a validation tool that loads with any new updates, that can cause that little Blue star to appear on your tool bar.
So what happens when the person who buys your lappy cant reinstall/register it because MS tells them its still on another PC (yours)

- are they out of luck and have to buy a new OS?
- or do you have to buy them a new OS?

(guess the opposite can happen to you if you go to try and install....)

OEM is tied to the 1st computer/motherboard its installed on, your not supposed to move it to another PC at all.