Doom3 sucks! Want a refund! :(

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they wont reject my return cause at the eb i bought it at they were worried about selling it to ppl who couldnt run it so i have 14 days to return it and its only been like 5
While yer at it use some of the return money to get a new keyboard. Seems yer shift or caps lock key doesnt work.

It's just funny that people just demand money back for something they don't deserve it back for. I'd just like to crown You an asshat. (refering to the medeoker dude)
JR_Rider said:
i beat it today and am takin it back tomorrow and usin the money for my new thermal right heatsink and vantec tornado

Its people like you who make it so people with legitimate reasons to return a game cant.
spectrumbx said:
. Or, it could simply be that we have different expectations and taste.

No, its that we have computers than can either run it better, or we are willing to live with the fact its a kick ass game regardless of the graphic settings
JR_Rider said:
i beat it today and am takin it back tomorrow and usin the money for my new thermal right heatsink and vantec tornado
No offense, but that is pretty lame. You bought the game, if it was mediocre game, then you bought a mediocre game, deal with it. If you would have been wise you would have waited for the demo. I bought Enter The Matrix, played it for a few hours and never played it again, yet I accepted that I spent my money on a game that I wasn't entirely happy with, if it didn't run right I would have taken it back, but it ran fine, it is just that I didn't care for the game that much. I feel i should just do that with every game I "buy" when Half-Life 2 comes out I will play that for like 5 days, about 20 hours a day, beat it and then return it, sice maybe i feel it wasn't worth my $50 but if it was $10 I would have bought it and kept it. Then I will do that with S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and then Battlefield 2, Black & White 2, and every other game that I wouldn't mind getting, but am not sure if it is good enough to spend my hard earned cash on, but since I have nothign better to do I will beat it anyway.
Whether they accept it or not, I don't care I just don't think they should. You knew the minimum requirements, you bought it, you should keep it. I love the game, never experienced a game like it, awesome gaming experience thus far and I am glad I spent my money. Maybe I'll just buy and return every game after I beat it so that I can just feel I never pay more than I feel like for a game.
Dioes this post have an 'idiot' magnet or am I missing something?

We go from bashing one fool to another...
Its best its all kept in one thread, keeps the idiocy from spreading to other conversations.
If you actually keep it and take the high road, yes. If you are just saying that to placate us then no. I mean if you bought the game and played it for an hour and HATED it then yes, you can take it back to EB. Thats why their return policies are like that. They dont like losing customers over bad games. Hell if i would have know about that policy i would have returned Enter the Matrix. I do beleive that some games are so horrible that they do not deserve my money and I should be entitled to a refund. Imagine buying a car that stalled every five minutes, had a loose steering wheel and the paint peeled off it after it rained once. You would have gotten some use out of it , but its not worth $20k

Anyways, dude, if you keep the game kudos to you. There will be mods come out down the line that should make the purchase worth your while anyways
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.......Man im bullshittin you man.......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHA......Im takin this shit back tomorrow afternoon...........AAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA
JR_Rider said:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.......Man im bullshittin you man.......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHA......Im takin this shit back tomorrow afternoon...........AAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA


dont tell mommy or she wont drive you to the store so you can commit your crimes :rolleyes:
This thread is the diarrhea of forum content.

Kronki, are you still protesting trillian?
dont tell mommy or she wont drive you to the store so you can commit your crimes sound like a lil ass kid...........i drive myself ............oh ya........hahahahahahahahaaaaa
emorphien said:
This thread is the diarrhea of forum content.

Kronki, are you still protesting trillian?

no, im on, but i am busy getting a headache from code
JR_Rider said: sound like a lil ass kid...........i drive myself ............oh ya........hahahahahahahahaaaaa

Bicycles with safety wheels don't count.
JR_Rider said: sound like a lil ass kid...........i drive myself ............oh ya........hahahahahahahahaaaaa
I wouldn't go insulting people by attacking their age, because I don't really see a superior level of maturity from yourself, not to mention your grammar doesn't appear to be at a level which would resemble somebody that has seen that many years of english classes. You didn't like the game. Big deal. If you didn't like it you shouldn't have played it all the way through, you should have returned it after an hour. That is like me going to a restaurant, sampling the food, then proceed to eat the whole meal, maybe order seconds and then tell them I wasn't 100% satisfied and demand my money back. Kind of like those people you see get kicked out of restaurants on COPS, and they keep coming back and doing it over and over again. Just low, sorry but I think most would agree.
You, JR_Rider, are the reason this shit costs so much in the first place. You my friend, are the reason that many species eat their young.
If you didn't like it you shouldn't have played it all the way through
no no i never said i didnt like it ..... you made that done now i want my cash back and i couldnt care less about yall, may sound selfish but i really dont care....oh ya and thx for all the attention yall are all to kind
JR_Rider said:
naa i have a good system .......6800 gt graphix card amd processor good stuff ......ran it at ultra high but now i want my money back cause the game was medeokor

So it was poor quality, but you liked it?

I can see why you like talking with such poor grammer, it's such poor quality, you like it...
Oh I get it, it wasn't poor quality, it was just 'medeokor'.

Why don't you tell us how 'guud' it is then?
emorphien said:
I predict lockage.

We can only hope... and a couple of bannings might be nice also. I have noticed in recent months that the forums have become infested with swearing, whining, and insulting members. All of which recently joined (not all but the majority).
ok ok ok time to end this sharade......this is all fake im not returing this game it was good i liked it i was just board and yall amused me, as planned, yall shouldnt let ppl annoy you or get to yall so much jeez ...............the game is good im keepin it...........THE
d34dly said:
We can only hope... and a couple of bannings might be nice also. I have noticed in recent months that the forums have become infested with swearing, whining, and insulting members. All of which recently joined (not all but the majority).
yes, yes, yes, yes and yes. Ohh how I wish they awarded moderation powers like on /. Or just made me a moderator *snicker*.

I think they're overwhelmed by all the noobars flooding the forum.

Actually, if "overwhelmed forum admin" were in the dictionary it would say "see:"

JR_Rider said:
ok ok ok time to end this sharade......this is all fake im not returing this game it was good i liked it i was just board and yall amused me, as planned, yall shouldnt let ppl annoy you or get to yall so much jeez ...............the game is good im keepin it...........THE
This is reminding me of a certain brand of underarm deodorant.
JR_Rider said:
ok ok ok time to end this sharade......this is all fake im not returing this game it was good i liked it i was just board and yall amused me, as planned, yall shouldnt let ppl annoy you or get to yall so much jeez ...............the game is good im keepin it...........THE

Thanks for wasting space... :rolleyes:
lol.. why have all the comparisons changed from D3 vs HL2 to D3 vs FarCry..
Why cant it be HL2 vs FarCry?

actually i dont really care.. its just that its 2am and this thread has amused me and i want to see if it will go in yet another direction lol

its funny how the original poster has stopped talking in this thread yet it still has made it past 6 pages..
ne0-reloaded said:
FARCRY!!!!! farcry looks 10 times better than doom 3

its kinda hard to compare those games. doom3 really has no vast landscapes with water to compare with farcry's. so do you really think farcry's indoors look better than doom3s? ...
doh-nut said:
its kinda hard to compare those games. doom3 really has no vast landscapes with water to compare with farcry's. so do you really think farcry's indoors look better than doom3s? Hell yes! :D
People need to play Doom 3 all the way through and then say there are no vast landscapes.

Man Hell is awesome...
coffee33 said:
doh-nut said:
its kinda hard to compare those games. doom3 really has no vast landscapes with water to compare with farcry's. so do you really think farcry's indoors look better than doom3s? Hell yes! :D

you gotta be joking. farcry's insides arent bad but theyre nowhere near as awesome as dooms.
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