Doom3 sucks! Want a refund! :(

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Aztlan said:
you should stop making such senseless remarks, you didnt bother to tweak your system

heh, I have another system less powefull than yours and still run the game smoothly

What do you mean by tweaking?
I get 60-95fps with MOHAA and UT2003 1280x1024@ max on every settings.

raz-0 said:
You might try checking your setup (i.e. the dual monitor + D3 not playing well advice), or you might be in nedd of a whopping $100 processor upgrade.

The dual monitor thing could have just been it. Didn't know about that.

As far as upgrade, my next upgrade is in December anyway (every two years in december).
you know, i figure, if you can run MOHAA which is an old ass game anyway, and UT2003 at those frames....then why couldnt u put two and two together and figure that D3 is a completely different gen all together. You cant compare D3 to those games.
Lol your system must not be optimized or you dont have drivers installed right haha runs freakin great on my system 9800pro I run at 1280x960 high quality with carmacks tweak and get close to 40 fps in timedemo1.
Point is... people complain about this game because "it sucks" or "it's tood dark" or "it runs like crap".

Well if you had bought into all the hype then you would already known that you would have to do some tweaking.

On the another note... the gameplay wouldn't suck if you would play the game a little more. Of course since you say it runs llike crap you supposedly can't do it. But assumin you could... playing the game through and listening to the story might help.

But your enititled to your opinions.

Although your experience in coding allows you to make these remarks. So maybe instead of complaining about the "bad code" you could contribute, and write some better code.
I have a 9700 Pro running stock and it runs Doom3 magnificently on 1024x768 high detail.

Sounds like you have a machine that is bogged down and/or have another bottleneck.

The gameplay is also quite good, if I don't say so myself.
Shane said:
Lol your system must not be optimized or you dont have drivers installed right haha runs freakin great on my system 9800pro I run at 1280x960 high quality with carmacks tweak and get close to 40 fps in timedemo1.

Enlighten me on "carmack's tweak" if you don't mind.
spectrumbx said:
Well this game plain sucks.

Your problem was your Dual display. All you had to do was do a quick search on this forum and you would find that people with better and worse video cards than yours have the exact same problem and that it isn't a very comon problem. The solution to there problems had been posted long before your thread. That was all you had to do and then disable your dual display. You would have never made yourself look like an idiot and you would have enjoyed the game. Thousands of people are running Doom3 on systems very similar to yours and they arent having a problem. Next time try searching the internet for possible problems and solutions instead of leaping to the crazy conclusion that theres a problem with the coding.
cuemasterfl said:
I'm not on either side of the fence, but why is it his fault? Maybe (just maybe) he lives paycheck to paycheck and can't upgrade to a mega-computer. You just don't know his circumstances.

if he lives "paycheck to paycheck" why is he buying a game the week it comes out?

he has every right to bitch and whine but he has NO right to force people to accept it as a return. WHAT DID HE EXPECT IT WAS GOING TO BE LIKE?
xmurderx said:
You never told us what game you think looks better than doom 3.
affirm to that. This happens with some of my friends a lot, the second something goes wrong the idea that the product is defective get's into their head and they completely give up on it. I think it was the dual monitors(a well known bug), not inefficent coding. Java is a lot different than creating a graphical/sound tour de force w/ a splash of ai and great story come together. I personally was amazed at how well doom 3 ran for most people. I'm glad you got your refund, it's obvious that it took too much time for you to figure it out, but I can say without a doubt you are missing out.
People who do not meet the minimum fun requirements while playing D3 need to upgrade their brain cards.
I was just reading through the posts..

I am a programmer as well... In fact i will graduate in December with a Computer Science Degree in Graphics And Simulation.. Most everything I do is geared towards game programming... Making a 3d Engine is leaps and bounds more complicated that computing numbers for Bank of America.. If you take more processor time on a statistics equation.. no big deal.. customer just waits another second.. If you use a bad algorithm for collision detection and the computer takes longer than a 1/4 of a second then you have a pause.. and gamers are the bitchiest people around.. example.. YOU...
Game programmers in turn have to be extremely extremely efficient in their code and how they structure their algorithms. And to do everything that needs to be done in a game.. then to throw all the dynamic lighting in there (that alone is freaking amazing if you have ever done any game programming) .. its just unbelievable what JC has done.

Oh not a single person has jumped on this guy for saying
"Just look at bank of America to see what I do"

Do you really think a person that did the bank of America site or whatever he is claiming would be the same type of person to come on this forum and bitch about Doom3?
I sure don’t.. I call Bullshit..

He is probably some kid who knows a guy who knows a guy who is a cousin of a friend who knew someone who did the Bank of America site..
(Also if he did the bank of America site.. a new computer would be very easy to obtain)

1 more thing now that im thinking about it.. I have a great computer..
2.8C oc'd to 3.5ghz with a gig of ram.. anyone.. and i mean anyone who has done extensive coding (not hello world crap) Knows compile time sucks.. so he talks about his box being more for developing than gaming? why is it so slow? that makes no sense from a programmers standpoint..

*Gets off soapbox*
Doom 3 is a classic case of a great engine but disappointing gameplay. It gets repetitive very early on, not to mention that it's far too easy on medium dificulty setting, which spoils the tension, knowing that you dont have to worry about your health or ammo. Its obviously still a great game but not worth solely upgrading for IMO.

Gameplay is always more important than graphics, and whilst the visuals are state-of-the-art, the gameplay is a re-hash of a concept which is 10 years old now.
I'm enjoying it.
Most who are complaining finished the game in 2 days or less. Or coarse they'll complain, it's over. I feel the game is more about entertainment, like watching a movie.
I play 1 hour a night, taking my time. I'm in no rush to finish.
sandman~ said:
Doom 3 is a classic case of a great engine but disappointing gameplay. It gets repetitive very early on, not to mention that it's far too easy on medium dificulty setting, which spoils the tension, knowing that you dont have to worry about your health or ammo. Its obviously still a great game but not worth solely upgrading for IMO.

Gameplay is always more important than graphics, and whilst the visuals are state-of-the-art, the gameplay is a re-hash of a concept which is 10 years old now.

I cant argue that its a 10 year old concept (more than that actually), but I will remember to hold every single person who didnt like doom3 to the same standards. there is such a movement in a lot of people to be different and hate the game that the entire forum seems to be !!!!!!s who say it can do no wrong, anti-!!!!!!s who say that the game is everything that can be wrong and who demand money back for open software knowing full-well the burden you accept by buying a game youve never played for full price the week its released, and a very, very few of us who think doom3 is a great game but isnt the end all of games in any sense.

that means I expect the same people to bitch about HL2 not being original. Its NOT going to be anything new gameplay-wise. Every new FPS I expect to see as many threads from the same people bitching on how they want their money back for an "old concept"
Frozen8950 said:
I was just reading through the posts..

I am a programmer as well... In fact i will graduate in December with a Computer Science Degree in Graphics And Simulation..

1 more thing now that im thinking about it.. I have a great computer..
2.8C oc'd to 3.5ghz with a gig of ram.. anyone.. and i mean anyone who has done extensive coding (not hello world crap) Knows compile time sucks.. so he talks about his box being more for developing than gaming? why is it so slow? that makes no sense from a programmers standpoint..

*Gets off soapbox*

I got tears to my eyes from laughing... oh boy!
Please go get your tuition back. Really, ask for a refund.

Seriously though, since you are graduading soon, you will have a better understanding of how thing really work in the real world.
The requirements for graphics development are certainly different from those of J2ee application developement.

Do you have an application server cluster? I do.

Maybe I should have my servers' specs in my sig. :)
spectrumbx said:
Please go get your tuition back. Really, ask for a refund.

Is that your solution to everything?

Seriously, there was something not right between your computer and Doom3. Probably the dual monitor thing, or maybe you needed a driver update or something, because people with lesser systems are running it fine.

But instead of trying to fix it, you gave up, complained and got your money back, then came on a forum to complain some more about the game and its code. Comparing its performance to other games with engines that are years old. Then you try to impress people with your internet job, like that makes you an expert at 3d game engines or something.

You are the one responsible for it not running on your system.
spectrumbx said:
Do you have an application server cluster? I do.

Im willing to bet he uses one at work, no one needs an app server at home :p

And writing J2EE code is so far removed from writing rendering engines that you dont have enough experience in the subject to be able to make a judgement on the quality of Doom 3's source code.
Look fellas, the creator of this post is another one of those people that thinks that nothing is ever his fault, atleast as far as computers go. If he gets a program and it doesn't work, he automatically blames it on the software and demands a refund. Why, because the other alternative is unthinkable to him, that it might actually be something he's done. He can't believe that for a second, so he runs back to the store and bitches until they give him a refund on open software.

Very few programs are going to work in every single situation in every single circumstance without some tweaking. Especially if you have a relatively uncommon setup (ie: dual monitors). If you aren't willing to take the time to do some research, then it's your own damn fault for being ignorant and impatient. If you genuinely don't like the game that's fine and dandy, but if you are just bitching because it wouldn't run good on your system, then that's your own damn fault.

By the way, $10 says he actually burned a copy of it before he took it back.
spectrumbx said:
I got tears to my eyes from laughing... oh boy!
Please go get your tuition back. Really, ask for a refund.

Seriously though, since you are graduading soon, you will have a better understanding of how thing really work in the real world.
The requirements for graphics development are certainly different from those of J2ee application developement.

java is a fucking joke. his major probabily requires 10x the thought that you put into your job a month.
kronchev said:
java is a fucking joke. his major probabily requires 10x the thought that you put into your job a month.

I second that, Im sitting here in a research lab slaving over code to perform context switching for executing code between two different pieces of custom hardware, and heres some punk saying that he is better than me because he writes java code? Im not saying he's less of a programmer than I am, But he sure as hell isnt better.


Also im not bagging on java, I like java, its good for what its good for, but its not the end all and be all of programming languges. I mean working on a hardware jvm implementation has been paying my bills all summer :) But then again, the only thing i touch java code for is to test my c code ;)
The Batman said:
The 'I downloaded it, didn't like it because I have a shitfaced computer and am too incompetant to tweak it, to the recycling bin with thee" store.

Bahahaha, I like that store!
TEMM said:
I second that, Im sitting here in a research lab slaving over code to perform context switching for executing code between two different pieces of custom hardware, and heres some punk saying that he is better than me because he writes java code? Im not saying he's less of a programmer than I am, But he sure as hell isnt better.


Also im not bagging on java, I like java, its good for what its good for, but its not the end all and be all of programming languges. I mean working on a hardware jvm implementation has been paying my bills all summer :) But then again, the only thing i touch java code for is to test my c code ;)

first few years of programming courses for me has been java. i hate it. so many things wrong with the damn language, and YES i have done everything, network code, encryption, 2D/3D graphics, audio input/output, multithreading, etc.

Then again what am I writing right now? PHP... who needs a compiler :D
I love how you are constantly changing your story of who you 'are', to hide your garbage man status..

Dude, you need to quit pretending to be a 'programmer', so you'd look like your 'in the know' and grow up. Doom 3 has a new form of 3d.. Stencil shading... What this does basically is animate the walls to look like they are alive, and so light can reflect.

But alas, doing this HEAVILY effects system performance, so you end up with low res textures and small polys. This is why Doom doesn't 'look as good'.

This stupidity you show is just like someone saying Quake 2 is badly coded because their 486 could run Doom 1 perfectly and Quake 2 can't... The more they add to games, the slower they will be.
spectrumbx said:
I got tears to my eyes from laughing... oh boy!
Please go get your tuition back. Really, ask for a refund.

Seriously though, since you are graduading soon, you will have a better understanding of how thing really work in the real world.
The requirements for graphics development are certainly different from those of J2ee application developement.

Do you have an application server cluster? I do.

Maybe I should have my servers' specs in my sig. :)

Idiot, try actually making sense and arguing, WITH REAL ARGUMENTS, instead of senseless bashing.

Or can you, since you have no argument and you know it?
Anyone notice anything about this guy?

First he's a programmer, which is why he 'knows that Doom sucks'

Then he's a web designer, and made the Bank of America site.

Now he has servers...

What next little bit of dreamland will we get? Something tells me this guy is stuck in his own dreams...
Something tells me we should stop posting in his thread so he can crawl back to his hole :p
Newsboys2004 said:
Anyone notice anything about this guy?

First he's a programmer, which is why he 'knows that Doom sucks'

Then he's a web designer, and made the Bank of America site.

Now he has servers...

What next little bit of dreamland will we get? Something tells me this guy is stuck in his own dreams...

versello said:

the bank of america site sucks (it really does, my friend unfortunatly uses it), so can she get a refund?
spectrumbx said:
Not a coder, J2EE software architect for you.
Visit the Bank of America website to get a glimpse of what I do. :)

Yet another reason to avoid BOA.
All I can say is doom 3 is a great game, im about half way thru it and I love it. Best first person shooter I ever played to date and I been playing since the days of the atari 2600 :)
i beat it today and am takin it back tomorrow and usin the money for my new thermal right heatsink and vantec tornado
If the money is that important then his job must not be that great. :p

Any person here with half a brain and a decent system can run the game just fine so it doesn't say much about someone who can't.
naa i have a good system .......6800 gt graphix card amd processor good stuff ......ran it at ultra high but now i want my money back cause the game was medeokor
JR_Rider said:
naa i have a good system .......6800 gt graphix card amd processor good stuff ......ran it at ultra high but now i want my money back cause the game was medeokor

Yet you still managed to beat it. Do people honestly think this is a rent-a-game month? You payed for it, now you're stuck with it. I hope they decline your return.
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