DOOM: The Dark Ages

2016 was perfect, I doubt it'll ever be topped, for me at least. I'll definitely play this but not sure how I feel about it from what I've seen so far, the mounted dragon stuff in particular. Doom is something that doesn't need new mechanics to feel "fresh", and Eternal proved that to me. I'm definitely on board with this one being "darker" though.

Agreed. 2016 was true Doom, where Eternal felt like Super Doom Mario Bros with the jumping and platforms and climbing garbage that should never be allowed in a Doom game.
Agreed. 2016 was true Doom, where Eternal felt like Super Doom Mario Bros with the jumping and platforms and climbing garbage that should never be allowed in a Doom game.
I don't think the climbing was all bad, but Eternal was WAY more linear than 2016, and offered LESS choice in how to engage with the gameplay. You went down the ONE PATH, and used the ONE GUN that the game wants you to use.

It's still fun, but 2016 was so much more fresh and personal.
Eternal was really difficult in spots...especially those Slayer Gate sections where they throw 500 enemies at you mixed in with some of the hardest enemies in the of the most twitchy fast moving games I've ever literally need to constantly be in motion combined with parkour and platforming

the first Ancient Gods DLC was so ridiculously difficult that they needed to nerf it with a later patch
I kinda want a Doom that leans into Doom 64 vibe

Just listen to that soundtrack - it's nightmare fuel

Agreed. 2016 was true Doom, where Eternal felt like Super Doom Mario Bros with the jumping and platforms and climbing garbage that should never be allowed in a Doom game.

Eh, I actually like this.. but something about the combat just didn't resonate with me

2016 had a simple ebb and flow to it that somehow hit my caveman brain just right and Eternal just wasn't hitting that note
DOOM 2016 was out in May, Eternal was out in March - January 2025 for Dark Ages would be amazing but wishful thinking.....
The trailer music sounds a lot like Andrew Hulshult's style. I wonder if that is who the new composer is.
Darker, grittier, and more grounded appear to be hallmarks of the new game. Sounds like somewhat of a return to form in terms of gameplay with an aesthetic that swaps some of the sci-fi for medieval.

"Doom Eternal went up in the air - you were like an F-22 fighter jet. In Doom: The Dark Ages, you're going to feel like an Abrams tank."


After the devs clarifying that it won't be Eternal pt. 2, I'm more down to looking forward to this.

It's not that I didn't like Eternal, it just rubbed me the wrong way, especially after having so much fun with 2016, and I was glad when it was over, unlike any of the other Doom's which I have played more times than any other games that I own. Eternal was a one and done for me.

Hopefully Doom: The Dark Ages holds some replay-ability for me.
They just need to fire Hugo Martin, he turned doom into a terminatorpredatoralien mess.
They don't name it specifically, but do say that the newest engine is being used for Dark Ages:
This excerpt from that interview makes me really want to see and play Dark Ages:

The cause of this epiphany? The projectiles. The nightmarish gauntlet of floating, homing hazards. "I noticed right away how slow those projectiles move – it just dawned on me that that is the maze. The movement is more horizontal as you weave your way between the projectiles, and every projectile mattered in the original Doom."

Doom Eternal invested heavily in verticality, making constant movement across multiple planes of wider combat arenas a central component of the core rhythm to encounters. Martin says that returning to the ethos that underpinned the series in the first instance became a "core pillar" of what the team wanted to achieve with Doom: The Dark Ages. "We couldn't go any higher in the air than Doom Eternal. That was a great experience, but we want each game to stand on its own," says Martin.

"If you were an F22 fighter jet in Doom Eternal, this time around we wanted you to feel like an Abrams tank," he adds, and it's an analogy that's indicative of where id is steering Doom: The Dark Ages. "It means you're more powerful and grounded. The combat system for new players – those who only got into Doom with the reboot – I think with The Dark Ages they are going to feel like this is a reimagined combat system. But for long-time fans of the series, people who played the original Doom, you'll see it's really a return to form."

And yup: there isn't interactive gameplay created by bullets which instantly hit their target. But with classic FPS' slow-moving projectiles, combat encounters become a dance, last longer and can build in intensity more, and endurance of focus is a bigger element at play. I've noticed and lamented this missing in newer FPSes for a long time.
Can't wait to see what kind of puzzle platforming comes with this baby :D. Actually I am looking forward to this game since it appears that useless mechanic for Doom is absent. Eternal I played once and every time afterwards I get bored with it. All the other Doom games I played was 5 or more play throughs. Hopefully this will be that kind of game where once is not enough and the 2nd and 3rd time is even better than the first.