DOOM movie goes to Universal!!!

Torgo said:
With that sentence, so ended my hope of this movie being any good. It will suck, suck, suck. If it had a director with some chops, then I would feel a lot better about it.

So my dreams of Sam Raimi directing with Bruce Campbell starring are dashed. Oh, to see Bruce with the chainsaw again! sniff... sniff...

OMG--Sam and Bruce together again in a DOOM movie. That would be a comedy to remember. He would have to get used to actually HOLDING a chainsaw--not just attaching it to his stump of an arm! :p
Remember that Duke Nukem is still optioned by Dimension Films, and we all see where that's going...
There is only one correct answer. The answer, of course, is Steve Buscemi
Henry Rollins = Wolfinstine.

When that game was out in 93 that guy was a dead ringer.
If we're picking based on looks, nobody can beat Dolph Lundgren for the DooM role. If you don't know that name, he's the russian that whooped on Stallone in Rocky IV, and he beat the hell outta Van Damme in Universal Soldier.

Otherwise, I think we need to stay away from the top-end actors. Arnold will never do it, Vin is a possiblility, everyone else is too old these days. It's going to have to be someone newer to the big screen, like Eric Bana(The Hulk, Troy) or Hugh Jackman(X-Men, Van Helsing) or someone new altogether.

How bout Ron Perlman? (Hell Boy, Blade II)
I think Ron Perlman might be able to pull it off...

he was great in city of lost children and hellboy.
Unfortunatly, every movie based on a game has sucked.

I will still be looking forward to it though. :p
Resident Evil is a nice one...and it's prolly one of the ONLY ones (if not THE only one) that has a sequel coming up...
Metallica_Band said:
Resident Evil is a nice one...and it's prolly one of the ONLY ones (if not THE only one) that has a sequel coming up...

Yeah, I'm lookin' forward to this. Gotta love the laser scene...
Resident evil fucking SUCKED.

one of the worst game > movies ever.

seriously, it was nothing like the games.

What was up with the matrix shit? kicking the dog in slow mo? I was fucking falling out of my seat laughing at how horrible it was.

It wasn't scary in the least bit, they shoulda called it another name besides RE and spared RE's name from being associated with the garbage.

The ONLY redeeming factor of the movie was seeing Milla naked.
Cardboard Hammer said:
Has there EVER been a good movie based on a video game? I sure can't think of any...
First Mortal Kombat was good, silly fun. Final Fantasy was impressive for the CG.
Stiler said:
Resident evil fucking SUCKED.
one of the worst game > movies ever.
seriously, it was nothing like the games.

It wasn't scary in the least bit, they shoulda called it another name besides RE and spared RE's name from being associated with the garbage.

The ONLY redeeming factor of the movie was seeing Milla naked.

OK...since when was it madatory that movies resemble games to the fullest extent??? Aren't there changes made with a movie when it is made from a book into a movie??? And vise versa??? I think it was an excelent movie...certainly one of the best when it comes to directors making a movie based on a game...

So you thought the only good part was seeing a chic naked huh??? Sounds like you've been watching a little bit too much porno...if that's so then you have no right to rate other movies...RE had some nice special fx and sound fx and the acting was good and the story line was believable (believable for a sci-fi movie if that makes any sense)...

some of the cg were too noticable BUT that's a problem with A LOT of sci-fi's...the director would need top notch equipment and personel in order to pull off the kind of cg that RE tried to cg I mean the mutants and stuff...not the special effects...

Final Fantasy movie worked wonders in the cg dept....even tho it lacked terribly with the script...I've watched Street Fighter and it was alright...prolly a 3.5-4.5......I haven't seen Mortal Combat tho...never played the games either so I saw no point in watching the movie...

It looks like things go better the other way around...when games are based on movies...there are much more successful movies to games than there are games to movies...

Well that's all I have to say for now...THANX
C'YA :cool:
Metallica_Band said:
OK...since when was it madatory that movies resemble games to the fullest extent??? Aren't there changes made with a movie when it is made from a book into a movie??? And vise versa??? I think it was an excelent movie...certainly one of the best when it comes to directors making a movie based on a game...
It didn't resemble anything with the games except the character names and the licker's/zombies.

The storyline blew, the acting was horrid for the most part. It was just simply not that good, not scary or anything. It was a run of the mill zombie flick with no outstanding moments or anything, except for maybe the laser part that wa skinda cool. But the general tone of the movie just didn't fit with the RE games. I woulda loved to have saw a movie based on the first RE game set in the mansion and things that was actually a scary/survival movie and not an Action run and gun movie with zombies thrown in.

So you thought the only good part was seeing a chic naked huh??? Sounds like you've been watching a little bit too much porno...if that's so then you have no right to rate other movies...RE had some nice special fx and sound fx and the acting was good and the story line was believable (believable for a sci-fi movie if that makes any sense)...
:rolleyes: yes, my opinon doesn't matter but yours does because i said the best part of the movie was seeing milla naked. Most people will give the same response i've given, because that was the most rewarding part of the movie. Go back to watching your average hollywood junk and stick with directors like mr. paul anderson.

some of the cg were too noticable BUT that's a problem with A LOT of sci-fi's...the director would need top notch equipment and personel in order to pull off the kind of cg that RE tried to cg I mean the mutants and stuff...not the special effects...
I really do wish that more movies would stop the CGI parade and get back into the actual make up and effects. I'd rather watch an american werewolf in london over a lot of the CGI crap they put out today (lotr was the best cgi film bar none though).
Stiler said:
I think Ron Perlman might be able to pull it off...
he was great in city of lost children and hellboy.
I agree he is good for roles were you have a guy who is sorta of a Grunt
and strong and acts like he knows what he is doing, perfect for the Marine in Doom.

Ron Perlman is great in general for Sci-Fi movies he was Johner in Ailen: Resurrection
who was an Asshole but very Bold. Perfect actor for the Doom Movie IMHO :cool:
Eric Bana rox0rs. But I dunno if he can play the role.

Pitch Black is on TV right now, love that film. I do like Vin Diesel, and I think he'll be perfect for the role. Such a badass :D

Bruce Campbell is SUCH a joker. I can't see him in a serious movie. :p
KevC said:
Bruce Campbell is SUCH a joker. I can't see him in a serious movie. :p
He was in a two part episode of "Homicide: Life on the Street" in a very serious role. Even had a moustache. Anyway, he was really good. He's a good actor who can do dramatic roles. It's just that he seems to be drawn to parts and movies that feature off the wall or quirky characters.
i just told one of my friends at WB to swing by lorenzo's office and tell him that he shouldnt have passed this up... hahahah not that it will do any good.. but hey... one can only hope right?
Stiler said:
you know, Vin gets wayyyy too much fucking flak for fast and furious and crap.

He was good in boiler room, the small part in saving private ryan, Pitch black, and the voice in iron giant.

People just like to bandwagon him based on fast and furious and XXX crappy movies.

Vin was a hardcore D&D player, even tattooed the name of his guy on him. He runs his own game company that helped with the actual GOOD riddick game that just come out.

I think he'd be pretty good in the doom movie.

true, he's like the geek that got "pumped" up and landed his movie carrer, but still a geek at heart :p
Speaking of that did anyone see Carrot Top recently he got fricking guns
for arms jebuss :eek:
Alex A. said:
Speaking of that did anyone see Carrot Top recently he got fricking guns
for arms jebuss :eek:
HAH!!! I don't believe it...he's as thin as a carrot and his arms/legs prolly sounds like a carrot if ya break them...LOL!!!
Hehe yeah my countrymen dolph lundgren. No seriously rather Peter Stormare in that case. Dolph Lundgren is NOT an actor...
oqvist said:
Dolph Lundgren is NOT an actor...
True. He attended Washington State University and then Clemson. He has master's degree in chemical engineering from the University of Sydney and was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to MIT. Speaks five languages: Swedish, English, German, French and Japanese. He's friggin' smart as all get out (I.Q. is 160)... except for choosing acting roles perhaps.
You are kidding me?

Are you talking about Dolph Lundgren that starred against Stallone in Rocky 2 or what it was? He did break some ribs on that little italian too btw :D
Metallica_Band said:
HAH!!! I don't believe it...he's as thin as a carrot and his arms/legs prolly sounds like a carrot if ya break them...LOL!!!

Dude...Carrot Top does have guns. Check out those 1800 CALL ATT commercials. He's got guns for a person his size. He doesn't have anything else though.
Bruce campbell as marine, and bruce willis as sarge, with sam raimi directing... that would be fucking funny. I just hope they don't take themselves seriously when they make the movie, because if so it will suck.

Final Fantasy was above par. Resident Evil was good. Every other game-> movie blew hardcore. I think the most important part is not to view it as "it wasn't at all like the game" and instead see it as a matter of "how does it portray the game world." I mean, imagine if RE were like the game... by the 40th door everyone in the asleep. *imagines "zoom, door opens, pans, zoom, door opens, pans repeated ad naseum*
The R-Rating can get away with a lot. Dawn of the Dead was pretty damned graphic.

FYI: The only thing that ever got Dolph an acting role was his physique. He's a terrible actor. He was great in Rocky IV because he spoke about three lines and one of them was comprised entirely of the word "Dah" (Yes, in Russian).

Vin Diesel is OK...he's the Ah-Nuld of our generation, basically. He's not a great actor, but he's not terrible either...and his voice fits the tough-guy role perfectly (Very deep, dry). He did all right in The Chronicles of Riddick (Which, I'm sad to say, had a lot of potential that really wasn't filled...).
You know who would be almost perfect??? Wesley Snipes...only problem is he's black...he'd play a nice Duke Nukem too if only he were a white!!!

I thought of another actor that could play the part but I forgot his name... :rolleyes:
Stiler said:
you know, Vin gets wayyyy too much fucking flak for fast and furious and crap.

He was good in boiler room, the small part in saving private ryan, Pitch black, and the voice in iron giant.

People just like to bandwagon him based on fast and furious and XXX crappy movies.

Vin was a hardcore D&D player, even tattooed the name of his guy on him. He runs his own game company that helped with the actual GOOD riddick game that just come out.

I think he'd be pretty good in the doom movie.

I didnt know he was a voice in Iron Giant... or that he played D&D etc... :cool:
Yup, he's a hardcore gamer and very cool guy.
He started D&D when he was 12.
And Vin Diesel is the name he used when he was a young bouncer.