DOOM movie goes to Universal!!!

blindrocket said:
Yup, he's a hardcore gamer and very cool guy.
He started D&D when he was 12.
And Vin Diesel is the name he used when he was a young bouncer.
so whats Vin's real name then? ..and I heard he openly admitted to being gay on the Orpah show (or some equivalen show)
Valdus Pryme said:
I didnt know he was a voice in Iron Giant... or that he played D&D etc... :cool:

he was the voice for the iron giant :)

He said he did it because he thought it'd be nice for his kids to know something he did and see it.
ThreeDee said:
so whats Vin's real name then? ..and I heard he openly admitted to being gay on the Orpah show (or some equivalen show)

His name is Mark Vincent, and I've never heard about him being gay before.
oqvist said:
somehow I don´t think actor skills is all that relevant in this kind of movie... How many lines did that Doom dude have in the real game? zero. How much story? Just about zero.

I really can´t see how they can make a movie that even resembles the game...

Ever see "House Of The Dead"? They just atached the game title to a random zombie movie. They even flashed in game screen shots in between scenes. Dumb movie........
Well I saw Riddick and I must say, Vin kicked some ass as did Karl Urban [the guy that played Eomer; nephew of King Theodan in TTT and RotK]. All around good movie.

And I think the chick that played Jack/Kyra was in a few eps of Angel [the red leather electro chick].
ThreeDee said:
so whats Vin's real name then? ..and I heard he openly admitted to being gay on the Orpah show (or some equivalen show)

LOL He was on Regis, and he didn't say he was gay.
Doom has a good story if they decide to flesh it out. It basically reflects a man-made Armageddon, which is something that can easily be sold at the box office. The chaos eventually reached Earth in the game series, didn't it? With the right hands, this could definately be a big success.

You don't really need a lot of back-story to sell the idea of chaos. Dawn of the Dead did well at the box office and it really didn't explain a thing about the plague phenomena. In fact, it took a few steps back by limiting the possibility of resurrection to those who were bitten (In the previous trilogy, anyone who died could and would be resurrected).
WickedAngel said:
Doom has a good story if they decide to flesh it out. It basically reflects a man-made Armageddon, which is something that can easily be sold at the box office. The chaos eventually reached Earth in the game series, didn't it? With the right hands, this could definately be a big success.

You don't really need a lot of back-story to sell the idea of chaos. Dawn of the Dead did well at the box office and it really didn't explain a thing about the plague phenomena. In fact, it took a few steps back by limiting the possibility of resurrection to those who were bitten (In the previous trilogy, anyone who died could and would be resurrected).

Dawn of the Dead was horible. Romero is suposed to make a 4th movie. God I hope he does, and does it his way instead of how the new Dawn was made. The original was much better. The trilogy is AWESOME.
I wouldn't go so far as to call it was bland, though. I can concede that some of the characters were trite and out of place, though. The sense of chaos, however, was absolutely superb and surpassed even that of the original trilogy. The gore and zombie designs were excellent as well. What bothers me is that nothing has truly been resolved throughout the series. The origins of the "virus" haven't even been solidified yet. Fans have speculated that the phenomena was a form of radiation brought back from the Venus probe, but nothing was ever truly answered.

I prefer the 90's remake of Night of the Living Dead to all of them. The original Dawn of the Dead had this cheesy, almost mediocre feeling to it (There were a lot of forced comic relief scenes, like the zombies in the skating rink). The colors of the zombies were silly too, featuring a bright green Gumby-ish look. Day of the Dead didn't have the comic relief, but it felt cheesy because of all of the mediocre actors and the forgettable characters they portrayed. The gore was a step in the right direction, but they didn't really do much with the story. There was so much they could have covered since the entire world had supposedly been claimed at the time, yet they kept it confined to a single military base.

Romero is working on a script that is currently named "Dead Reckoning". Unfortunately, the script isn't even complete yet, nor has he found a studio that is interested in doing it his way (One is offering too low a budget, and the other doesn't like his choice in naming and direction). The movie would take place after Day of the Dead, where a society has grown inside a fortified city. The zombie menace is essentially ignored, and aside from the rare incident, life is going well. The Dead Reckoning is a mobile fortress that travels outside of the new society and into "dead" cities for supplies and weapons. A rogue and his followers assume power of the city and the Dead Reckoning, and the plot goes on from there. It's an interesting concept. Unfortunately, Romero is doing other projects first (Supposedly a macabre remake of The Wizard of Oz...of all things to waste time on)...
I thought that American Mcgee was doing a Wizard of Oz Macbre remake movie? backed by disney and everything I don't see how that'd work unless disney put it out under their other studio names.
Stiler said:
I thought that American Mcgee was doing a Wizard of Oz Macbre remake movie?
There's gonna be an American Mcgee Wizard of Oz game like the Alice in Wonderland game...haven't heard of a movie but damn...just think of taking kid to see Alice in Wonderland Disney movie and then taking the same kid to the American Mcgee version... would scar the child for life... :D :p
as far as I know American's Oz game has been put on indefinite hold. Who knows why, but it's a real shame. Alice is one of the most underrated games of all time.

I had heard that they were thinking of a movie tie-in for the Oz game(kinda backwards of the usual way things work), but that also is on hold.

I doubt we'll see a Doom movie, simply because iD doesn't seem to be interested in pursuing the franchise. I think we're FAR more likely to see a Quake movie (based on 2/4 vs the stroogs) w/ some deathmatch tie-in type stuff. Who knows, I heard that "they" were thinking of a UT movie, also. (there go the rumors running hehe).