DOOM 3 @ WalMart for $49.82

MasterShredder said:
Trust me, call first :p

I called all the wal marts in my general area, which is like 5 and all of them said, not out yet. One of them actually said, some of the wal marts violated the release law and released it early, but he wouldnt tell me which ones, or if they were even local. Dropped into bestbuy, not there either and called 2 of may local eb's not there either. I'll try again tommorow...
HotL3@D said:
I called all the wal marts in my general area, which is like 5 and all of them said, not out yet. One of them actually said, some of the wal marts violated the release law and released it early, but he wouldnt tell me which ones, or if they were even local. Dropped into bestbuy, not there either and called 2 of may local eb's not there either. I'll try again tommorow...
Did the same thing.. I nagged and nagged and nagged until I could be heard from a fucking 20 mile radius :)
MasterShredder said:
Is that a Viewsonic A90?

Yup. I've had it years with no problems. I never removed the front sticker and now I think it has evolved into a symbiotic relationship with the monitor. It has served me well.

I've loaded more screenshots. My server logs have been very interesting lately... and my bandwidth is shooting through the roof. 9 gig in the past four hours. The neat part is the people using my screenshots and claiming ownership. That wouldn't bother me near as much as the posting them on every page of a message board.

Don't judge by the screen shots. Compression is making them look worser then the game. It looks great and runs smooth, the screen shots give it a more ass look then it has. As somebody else said, it is a bit like Halo in that you need to take your time. Find cover and not run around blasting. There are some really cool ambient effects, you can hear attacks and monsters moving around and occasionally see a shadow. There is no alt fire, so the best advice I can give would be to bind flashlight to right mouse. Click for flashlight and click again for your last weapon.

Sadly, the game isn't very scary. I'm not trying to be Macho Alpha Male, But so far all the scares have been shit jumping out behind you. Which is more of a startle then a scare. Maybe I'm getting a bit worn out on the shooter genre, but the game feels kind of generic. Don't get me wrong, It is so very pretty and it is good game. It is worth the money. I'm just not sure how much life it will have. I know it isn't worth having sex with the disks as so many have claimed as a goal..
Walmart will take all the blood and violence out of the game and replace it with happy elves and dancing fairies.

That, or replace them with illegal aliens...because they work cheaper...

I'd call the local Wal-Mart to find out if they have them, but I honestly don't care...I can wait a few days.
Wal-Mart has said they will sell what people will buy. There was some group trying to get Wal-Mart to stop and Wal-mart told them to fuck off.

I am playing at 1024 x 768 with medium detail. I get a stutters now only at the very start of a level. The biggest drawback I've found is now the satanic forces within the game are forcing me to buy a new video card.