Doom 3 looks horrible

What system will I need to run at 4000x3000?

My system:

IBM Clone

Will it handle it?
My computer broke just looking at that pic, I stand no chance (SOMEONE LOAN ME A GRAND!!!!)

I will never repay you if you loan me a grand
By the way folks, when you're talking about Doom III's "low poly models" you're talking about 2000-4000 polys per model. Farcry generally is around 2000-3000 I believe. Gabe "Like To Talk Out Of His Ass" Newell claimed ~5000 polys for HL2 player models, but then again he also made some ridiculous claims on poly counts on vehicles and guns which they were trying to tone down in the last couple Q&A sessions that have come out. For instance he once claimed guns would be about 2000 polys, but they're now saying more like 500 (which is about the same number as an entire UT1 character model).
If you look back to the early development of D3, that's the way it was designed to be a LOW POlygon model with normal map. YOu stop the Game , you take the Screen SHot of that frame and there.... you will see it , edge and low poly.. but when the Game is running... what you will get is more than that .. Dynamic lighting, Cool Special effect, 5.1 Sound... .it's all Gaming experiences..not only Visual (ovel all )

Part of the Interview with D3 team from

The presentation itself looked just as nice as always running the gamut to show off most all of the announced technological features in the game from the lighting to the sound to the amazing textures generated by the DOOM III tech. For those that haven't heard the word on how this all works, here's the breakdown: Artists begin by making a movie quality model of a level, character, or monster for the game. This super high quality model with a ridiculous polygon count is then run through the engine, with all of its bumps and ridges and details, and gets turned into a normal map which can lay over a much lower polygon count model to make it look like it has all of the bumps and ridges that the original high count model had. The special trick is that this normal map still gets real-time shadows. "It's the Carmack magic that allows us to take something that high quality and take it down into the lower poly count and still have the shadows and detail that you would see on the high count model," says Willits. It's an amazing effect that maximizes detail and performance all at the same time.

If you look closely you can tell, but for my money it looks better than anything I've seen in the gaming industry ever. "In stills, you'll see the edges and look lower polygon to people," argues Nilsson, "but when you actually see it all actually moving and all of the detail, you'll be like, okay, wow." Of course, this means that the team has to create these incredibly detailed models to start. "The technology has definitely added a lot more time to make textures and monsters and everything. We can't just paint the wall anymore, we have to go and model every nook and cranny and bolt and nut. So building all of that stuff takes a lot more time."

Fuck this I am going back to Tetris !
Seriously , I do think it looks alright and if its done so we can have acceptable framerates ,then be it. Besides there is heaps more to game experience then just the resolutions of the bumpmaps .
The stills of the freakin mutant monkeys in Far Cry looked like crap to me...then I saw them move in game and it was a different story. Give id a break...I doubt you will be counting the pixels when a Hell Demon is barring down on you. I know for a fact I'll be looking at putting two in the chest and and one in the head...not hey I think these textuers look like the xbox verson! :rolleyes:
I don't know why people knock the X-Box version like they do. Playing Doom 3 on my 32" TV while lying in bed will be a much different experience than playing on my computer monitor scrunched at my desk. The graphics look good for both, so I don't know why I see all this bashing. At TV resolutions even the X-Box version will run smoothly. Both have their strong points, as in co-op for X-Box, mods for PC, etc.

I'm going to get both myself...
RagingGecko said:
Either thats the Xbox version or the shot was taken with settings turned way down. None of the other screens i've seen of D3 look that bad.

I have.... it makes me wonder sometimes....
The models show that they are not using a ton of polys and therefor suffer for it but they still do look pretty good for using as little as they are. Hopefully the engine allows people to use high polys so other games will look even better. This picture is no surprise to me, they have always looked the same, I guess some people just could not imagine what a high res shot would look like.

And speaking of blocky monsters, the regular trigens on Farcry are a real eyesore.
the textures were probably never meant to be scaled to such a high resolution. it looks like ass because of aliasing from texture sampling. those textures are probably being stretched to over 3-4 times the intended resolution.

and how the hell do you get an xbox to render at 4000x3000 :rolleyes: