Doom 3 Has Gone Gold


Jul 11, 2004
Believe me, or not, a close friend I have who works for id just called me up! A couple of hours ago, it went gold! They are going to announce it before thursday at 11:30am EST. Can't wait for this game. Already asked for a copy from him, but he said its impossible to get...August is going to rule!
Hardee17 said:
Believe me, or not, a close friend I have who works for id just called me up! A couple of hours ago, it went gold! They are going to announce it before thursday at 11:30am EST. Can't wait for this game. Already asked for a copy from him, but he said its impossible to get...August is going to rule!

I'm sorry. I find this very hard to believe. These days everyone and their mother are employees for _________(insert game company of choice).

BTW, I work for 3d Realms. ;)
Do you really? :p

Yay, its finally here.. ID actually kept most of the release dates with a few delays.. unlike Valve (delay, delay, one more delay, oops! we lied: ONE more delay)

and where can i find a summary of the backstory in doom? it'll be kind of nice knowing the story behind a much anticipated game..
FanZ said:
Do you really? :p

Yeah...uh it's done. But, I can't say when it will go gold. It will come on 10 cds, 2 dvds, or about 70,000 3.5 floppies.

The 3.5 edition is special and limited to the first 5000 copies. They will have grooves in them so you can create you're own lifesize Duke Nukem statue.
worst thread ever. "i have a brother who has a girlfriend who's moms coworker knows this guy who has been to ID once and he says doom 3 is going gold tomorrow."
gee, thats really informative. and with such reliable references why dont we just post it as real news?
front page on every site "Doom3 gold... so says some guy."
please, who cares. its not like we will miss it. everyone and their mom would hear. even those without computers. even those who are completely succuluded from the outside world will hear when doom3 is gold.

so stop spreading freaking rumors, its getting annoying as hell.
just wait, dont get your panties in a bunch. If they haven't announced it until thursday at 11:30EST, then you can flame until your hearts desire. Until then, just keep it on the DL.
Harkamus said:
I'm sorry. I find this very hard to believe. These days everyone and their mother are employees for _________(insert game company of choice).

BTW, I work for 3d Realms. ;)
Haha. So what ever happened to production on the game Prey? You still working on it?:D

Haha yeah, we hear this stuff all the time so don't fret over the skepticism. We will just wait and see. Either way I'm sure I will be rushing down to Fry's when it comes out, then I'll just let it sit on my shelf until I get that upgrade I've been dreaming of.:p
Hardee17 said:
Oh my gosh, just look at this:

Amazing. Coincindence? I think not. Lets not flame and instead talk about how awesome its going to be.

Dude, WTF(and I emphasize the f*ck) are you getting so excited about? The guy said he worked for ebworld. He's probably lying out his ass. I find it weird that he specifically manages all of Activision's products. I call bullshit.

That's not any different from the post starter that said he knew a frog that works for ID.

I work for Carmack and helped design Shuttle X for the X prize. :rolleyes:

__________taken from that link
i work at a EB distribution center and i help mamange all of activisions incoming/outgoing stuff......

we've got the doom 3 boxes, cd (and yes, DVD editions, regardless of what Todd Holleshead said about no DVD version a while back) cases, manuals, and pamphlets allready to go....... The boxes you see for the preorder look NOTHING like the actual retail boxes..... they have a much better image on them and no poly-ated looking hell knight......
ThisMonsterLives said:
Hark you need to get laid. Bad.
I'm not the one getting excited over a pointless thread. :rolleyes:

Oh look. Doom 3 is out.

It's out when it's out...when ID says it's done.
i don't believe any of this, if it goes gold they would anounce it ASP.

all they have to to is shot off an email to any of the game sites.
it must go gold before july 20 for it to make the august 3 release date.
id has kind of kept this game at a low profile, it gets all of its hype from us waiting for it, I wouldn't be surprised if it just showed up one day without warning. Can't wait for it either way though.
it's TRUE!!

Welcome to id Software's Finger Service V1.5!

Name: Todd Hollenshead
Description: CEO
Last Updated: 07/14/2004 12:17:15 (Central Standard Time)
Yes, this is the official word that DOOM 3 has been code released and has been approved for manufacturing!
It won't be long now until the anticipation ends and the PH34R begins ;-) We literally just hung up with
Activision and have confirmed that our latest release candidate has been mutually approved and is finally
GOLD. Thanks to everyone for their patience (yeah right! =) and for everyone at id, Activision and our
numerous partners for helping us create what I believe is absolutely the best game we have ever made.
sorry to break up your gay banter on this wonderful topic, but I was just looking around for some new games to get into. By the way, what do you mean by becoming Gold?
It means the game has been approved to go to the duplication plants and will soon ship to stores. i.e. primary development is done.
xphantg0d said:
What does it mean when a game goes "gold"?

it means its done, the final cd/dvd is ready to be sent to the manufacturer for final pressing of the cds or dvds
OMG i just got done crying from hapiness after reading the pcgamer review and this thread :)

Im so happy i finally get to jump back into my favorite game series ever :D

FanZ said:
and where can i find a summary of the backstory in doom? it'll be kind of nice knowing the story behind a much anticipated game..

well you could read the books for the doom series if you can find em, written by dafydd ab hugh and brad linaweaver, good luck tho they went out of print like seven years ago :(
This Just In!!! Master Copy Stolen Before Making It To Manufacturing Facility!
.....and stock in ATI, Nvidia, and all Computer retailers jumps 10% on the news.....