Don't Look Now, but 5G May Be Right Around the Corner

You guys complaining about data caps and the such should really vote with your wallet and switch over to Sprint or any other carrier that doesn't have caps. Otherwise things will stay the same and the other companies will think you're happy on your leash.

Nobody is happy on a leash. The problem we have is poor competition.

If you step away from Verizon, you may get laxer usage policies, but it comes at a cost of getting piss-poor coverage, unless you live in a market where AT&T has a decent network, but then AT&T is just as bad from a "leash" standpoint.

The other two carriers, T-Mobile and Sprint just don't have sufficient coverage.

So unfortunately there really isn't a choice.
Before they introduce this we need the government to say caps are bullshit and the phone companies need to upgrade their networks if they can't handle it.

Sadly that will never happen so we need to just stay at 4G for the next 500 years...or until extinction.

Why do you need the government to say anything? administer with your wallet, not with your bureaucrat. This is why we are in the current regulatory mess we are in now. It's guys like you calling for government to do something and the government responding, "We are from the government and we are here to help."
I'm sure when Verizon launches their 5G phones, they'll say my grandfathered unlimited plan is somehow "incompatible" with their new phones and I'll have to switch over to their new, tiered data plans. :(

I'm holding onto it for as long as possible!

I worked for Verizon Wireless last year. When they got the iPhone 4 last February, they said that customers with old Alltel plans would have to switch over to a Verizon plan for the iPhone, yet those older plans worked fine for the Android and other smartphones. :rolleyes:
Easier said than done with so little choice and contracts.

It still stands however. Even so, no one is forcing you use a cellphone, smartphone, or any other cellular/mobile device. People choose to purchase these things and in that choice have accepted the consequences that come along with it. So why ask government to intervene on a private contract between two parties. If the government hadn't decided it would insinuate itself into regulating industries on this level, this wouldn't even be a discussion.