Don't know if it's the game or the GPUs

Nov 27, 2011
I have a GPU question and maybe someone here can help me. New to PC gaming

Quick background first (GTX 560 SLI @ 950mhz): Playing Batman Arkham City and the game fps average, according to the BM benchmark, is 70 fps with AA off and 67 with it on. I’ve turned DirectX11 on and off and made other adjustments to the settings and get the same affects describe below. I’ve not experienced this in any other part of the game. Nor have I experienced this when I played Crysis 2. Also using FRAPs to monitor fps during game play. Ok below is the issue.

I’ve been playing Batman Arkham City the last few days and hopefully someone is familiar with the game (sure some here is). I'm in the Mill (trying to recover the cure from joker) fighting the Joker, the one armed sludge hammer dude, the mutant dude and a bunch of the other thugs (don’t recall names). As I start fighting the FPS starts out in the 60’s then slowly goes down to like 5 fps and I am moving in slooooow motion, which is making it hard for me to kill these jokers. First, I thought it was because I was being drugged by the joker or from the hits, but am not so sure.

Could this be a GPU issue? If so, what steps other than what I’ve already done to test the gpus? Or is this part of the game’s way of f$#$# with me? Or is it a game issue. Again, this has only happened in this part of the game, so I am confused. If this keeps up I guess I will have to move on to another game, but I'd like to finish what I started.:(


System Info:

Monitor: Dell U2412
Case: Cooler Master HAF 932
PSU: Corsair Gold AX750
MB: Asus P8 z68-V Pro
CPU: Intel i7 2600K
RAM: Corsair Vengenance 16gb DDR3 SDRAM 1600
Video: Asus GTX 560 SLI
Audio: Ausus Zonar 7.1
OS Drive: OCZ Vertex 3 120gb SSD
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blk 2tb, Sata 6.0gb/s HDD
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper Evo
Optical Drive: Sony Optiarc CD/DVD burner
OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Pro 64 bit
I had the same problem. For that one fight, I turned DX11 off and went from high Physx to medium. FPS shot up. DX11 and Physx are aborrently coded in this game.
They still haven't fixed the DX11 issues with this game? I don't have it so I haven't been following it, but I remember that being a big problem on release.
Mine has been working fine with DX11 so far; it's just this one stage of the game, which has puzzled me..
If it gradually slows down into single-digit frame rates while the fight goes on, probably a memory leak in the coding for the level somewhere.

If it happens fairly abruptly, there's probably shader effects or some such in the level that are exceeding the VRAM on your cards. Whe your video RAM is exceeded, the drivers begin putting data into your system RAM, and a sudden drop into single digit frame rates is the typical symptom of that happening. The transfer rate across the data channels from one to the other just isn't fast enough, unlike the local RAM on the video card itself.
It's just that one stage...I noticed if I looked at a wall with no lights my FPS would shoot back up.

But for that one fight sequence I turned off DX11 left physx and everything was good. Everywhere else DX11 is fine.
Thanks for enlightening me as this is all new to me. I did not get a chance to test the settings last night because I was dead tired when I got home yesterday.

I know I can disable DX11 in the game settings, but do I disable physx in the game or in the nVidia settings?

OK everyone as suggested I turned off DX11 and set Physx to medium for the fight with the Joker and was able to get through the mission.

I have one more question. Can I set up an icon for the PC settings so that I don't have to exit all the way out of the game to change the PC settings? Or is there a way to do it in game similar to like changing the audio, brightness etc?

Thanks for the help.
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of course i have to say, make sure you have the latest drivers
but this sounds more like a game issue, especially if you can run crysis 2 with dx11 comfortably
Yeah it was the game giving me fits. Other than this particular scene, I've been able to run DX11 and all the other goodies. Ironic you mention the driver because the games gives a message that I am not using the most current drivers when in fact I am.


of course i have to say, make sure you have the latest drivers
but this sounds more like a game issue, especially if you can run crysis 2 with dx11 comfortably