
Apr 30, 2012
So now where does it go? When it was knocking on 300 I figured it already had the halving value added to it but I couldn't bring myself to completely cash out. From here what is DOGE gonna do? Will it fade away and slowly disappear like every other POS coin or will this actually gain traction for another run towards 300?
This happened once before when it was pumped to 270 briefly. It was a few weeks prior to the pump just before the block reward split. From there it started losing value quickly over the next few days/weeks... it ended up back at a low of 134 before it was pumped again, this time to 300 (again, just briefly). I have this feeling that even if it drops below 200, it will get pumped again, possibly more than once, before the next block reward halving.

I know how you feel though. I was waiting for 300 and the best I saw was 292 and I didn't sell then. Now I'm holding 4mill DOGE (sold only 500K recently at 250) and hoping it will follow suit as it has in the past, this time possibly making it officially to 300 (and maybe beyond). Even if I sold now I wouldn't be taking a loss or anything... not by a long shot. That's probably why I am less anxious about selling right now when I don't have to.
the dogecoin community is a major reason why i believe it's sticking around. i wouldn't doubt another run at 300, might be a couple weeks though.
the dogecoin community is a major reason why i believe it's sticking around. i wouldn't doubt another run at 300, might be a couple weeks though.

Same here. As far as community goes doge would be at least in the top 5 or even top 3.
I kinda feel DOGE is more like Worldcoin.

Worldcoin has been one of the bigger pump/dump coins for a very long time and I feel like DOGE is a giant pump/dump scheme. Yes they have a rabid community but for the most part the community really doesn't have all the coins/power.

DOGE hasn't been around long enough yet to develop proper trending but I see if going through round after round of massive pumps followed by massive dumps. Next time it starts being talked about a TON just buy up and ride it for a while but watch out for that dump! I think I'm going to hold around 200k no matter what and flip/rebuy my holdings. I had a couple million but sold all but 200k at 290. I figured at 200k if it got huge I wouldn't miss the space ship to the moon but more likely it would tank so I locked in profits on most of my holdings.

I personally have all of my bills paid for next few months so I have stopped cashing out nightly like I was when I was in all out building mode. I am switching to just no maintenance mining and holding coins. I'm north of 2BTC worth sitting around now. I think while so many coins are really low I'll just drop like .01 BTC worth into like 40 different coins and do the spray and pray again. Even if 39 tank more the odds of just 1 making it big are good enough to offset the rest. I guess thats kinda like playing a slot machine. Thats about 3 days worth of mining so its not going to kill me to lose all of that. I'll probably have to start day trading again soon.
I think while so many coins are really low I'll just drop like .01 BTC worth into like 40 different coins and do the spray and pray again. Even if 39 tank more the odds of just 1 making it big are good enough to offset the rest. I guess thats kinda like playing a slot machine. Thats about 3 days worth of mining so its not going to kill me to lose all of that. I'll probably have to start day trading again soon.

I think this is your best bet. Getting to a point where you can do this a couple times and not have it really affect your bottom line is good. If even one takes off it's worth while, and it's nice to 'invest' in those without having to use USD.
It's just too big to fade away into nothing at this point. Too much money has been invested into it for it to go away. This includes both the miners who have invested their hash power, and those who have invested their BTC. The only people that actually hate DOGE are the same people who hate LTC and BTC and for the same reason - they missed the boat. I've stopped caring about it being a meme coin some time ago, and just see it for what it is now - a way to transfer money. It's nothing more than a bunch of numbers with a label on it. People like it, people accept it - that's all that really matters with crypto in the end.

And also, a lot don't realize that DOGE actually is unique. It is going to be the first big coin to test out some sort of inflationary model (5% yearly) once all coins have been mined. I think it's great we're going to get to see this start playing out in less than a year!
It's just too big to fade away into nothing at this point. Too much money has been invested into it for it to go away. This includes both the miners who have invested their hash power, and those who have invested their BTC. The only people that actually hate DOGE are the same people who hate LTC and BTC and for the same reason - they missed the boat. I've stopped caring about it being a meme coin some time ago, and just see it for what it is now - a way to transfer money. It's nothing more than a bunch of numbers with a label on it. People like it, people accept it - that's all that really matters with crypto in the end.

And also, a lot don't realize that DOGE actually is unique. It is going to be the first big coin to test out some sort of inflationary model (5% yearly) once all coins have been mined. I think it's great we're going to get to see this start playing out in less than a year!

Just be careful with that train of thought. Plenty of heavily invested entities have disappeared into the darkness (Enron, Lehman Bros, Fannie/Freddie, just to name a few). I truly believe Doge is going to be one of the first scrypt-based coins to fork in the next few months to help remain asic-resistant. They have already openly announced to their community about being proactive vs reactive.
Having started mining only ~3 weeks ago I've been sitting on my DOGE and learning as much as I can, about the community, price history, BTC and all other crypto-currencies so I don't make a huge mistake (or I should say, lessen my chance to make a mistake). I only have ~100,000 DOGE and the recent fork situation made me think it would tank. Glad to see that really hasn't happened yet. I've read a lot of comments about it hitting 300 and higher. Crypstsy showed a spike to 800 during the BTC crash early last week. It was so fast I didn't have time to sell (or buy when it hit 2).
It's just too big to fade away into nothing at this point. Too much money has been invested into it for it to go away. This includes both the miners who have invested their hash power, and those who have invested their BTC. The only people that actually hate DOGE are the same people who hate LTC and BTC and for the same reason - they missed the boat. I've stopped caring about it being a meme coin some time ago, and just see it for what it is now - a way to transfer money. It's nothing more than a bunch of numbers with a label on it. People like it, people accept it - that's all that really matters with crypto in the end.

And also, a lot don't realize that DOGE actually is unique. It is going to be the first big coin to test out some sort of inflationary model (5% yearly) once all coins have been mined. I think it's great we're going to get to see this start playing out in less than a year!

Many people dont like crypto currency simply because its not legit, and frankly costs more to produce than is gained, along with the risk factor. It has nothing to do with missing the boat.

Second, plenty of "too big to fail" entities have failed miserably. That blind mindset will surely help you lose out big time.
Many people dont like crypto currency simply because its not legit, and frankly costs more to produce than is gained, along with the risk factor.

Uh, what? I need to have my rigs inspected by MIT then, because I've broken some laws of physics. I'm getting out more than I put in. :D
It's just too big to fade away into nothing at this point. Too much money has been invested into it for it to go away. This includes both the miners who have invested their hash power, and those who have invested their BTC. The only people that actually hate DOGE are the same people who hate LTC and BTC and for the same reason - they missed the boat. I've stopped caring about it being a meme coin some time ago, and just see it for what it is now - a way to transfer money. It's nothing more than a bunch of numbers with a label on it. People like it, people accept it - that's all that really matters with crypto in the end.

And also, a lot don't realize that DOGE actually is unique. It is going to be the first big coin to test out some sort of inflationary model (5% yearly) once all coins have been mined. I think it's great we're going to get to see this start playing out in less than a year!

I hate DOGE and I was in back in the sub 50 days. I'll never really like it but that doesn't mean I wont mine it anytime its the most profitable. Most of the smart miners on DOGE especially cash out nightly. I was auto cashing out nightly back when it was at I think 30. I don't have long term faith in the coin because no matter how big the community is its absolutely the dumbest community I've ever come across other than reddit (oh wait its sorta the same)
Many people dont like crypto currency simply because its not legit, and frankly costs more to produce than is gained, along with the risk factor. It has nothing to do with missing the boat.

Second, plenty of "too big to fail" entities have failed miserably. That blind mindset will surely help you lose out big time.

Costs more to produce than is gained? I beg to differ.

Of course, those who are not smart about what coins they mine are going to lose out.

And risk factor? I would submit that there's actually not much risk at all. What risk might you be talking about?
Not sure. My $6,000 of mining hardware is paid off. My risk factor at this point is practically nothing. If it all goes to zero tomorrow, I've got my hardware paid, and I still have the hardware.

Actually my risk factor is not taking the other $10,000 worth I have in the crypto market out right now. But it's money I never had to begin with. I now have something in the market that I can start slowly trying to work into a 6-figure number. I'm going big instead of going home. Hopefully this $10,000 worth can blow up into $100,000 worth by next year. :p
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Not sure. My $6000 of mining hardware is paid off. My risk factor at this point is nothing. Actually my risk factor is not taking the other $10000 worth I have in the crypto market out right now. But it's money I never had to begin with. I now have something in the market that I can start slowly trying to work into a 6-figure number. I'm going big instead of going home. :p

This is basically where I stand.
I thought Doge was going nowhere when I first saw it. Still don't think it's here for the long haul, but I still found myself mining 56k of it last week to hold in case it goes big.

That said, I'm so new to the whole mining thing I'm not sure I can hold for too long. Need to cash out and scale things up in terms of hardware if I'm going to get anywhere serious with this hobby.

I now have something in the market that I can start slowly trying to work into a 6-figure number. I'm going big instead of going home. Hopefully this $10,000 worth can blow up into $100,000 worth by next year. :p

I would love to even get to that five figure number. Power supply reviews don't pay the bills around here. Even so, right now I'm making pure profit with my first 270X long since paid for, so if I can actually find another one in stock I can at least get my foot a bit further in the door. And then another, and then another...
Not sure. My $6,000 of mining hardware is paid off. My risk factor at this point is practically nothing. If it all goes to zero tomorrow, I've got my hardware paid, and I still have the hardware.

Actually my risk factor is not taking the other $10,000 worth I have in the crypto market out right now. But it's money I never had to begin with. I now have something in the market that I can start slowly trying to work into a 6-figure number. I'm going big instead of going home. Hopefully this $10,000 worth can blow up into $100,000 worth by next year. :p

Gotta love $6000 in "free" hardware :D
And it would be so much more if I didn't once listen to those who are always (and ongoing) like "this is going to die off soon" or "don't bother, it's just a bubble that will soon end", and etc. So I stopped listening and results so far are good. :p

I can only imagine what I'd have if I got into this game and started up my operation a year earlier than I did. I started with 3 MH/s back in May '13 just mining LTC. And even as a noob I knew not to sell as I mined (obviously some exceptions to this ie MaxCoin). What I lacked was the post bubble experience of waiting for peak to be reached, passed, and then stabilized after at 70-80% of peak price (the return to normal to phase) where you have plenty of time to dump your stash!

And what I also learned was that things will have to seem pretty damn dismal again some point again before it can all blow up again - this will be the queue once again for doomsayers. And we are not there yet.

And also, for a computer hardware enthusiast - BEST HOBBY EVER! :D
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And also, for a computer hardware enthusiast - BEST HOBBY EVER! :D

I'm finding this to be very true after just getting into mining. It's not so much the mining that is "fun" as is the tinkering and getting the best hash out of each GPU (I only have 3). Flashing BIOSs and tweaking got me another 20-80 hash per card from defaults. I know some people hate this but you learn a ton from doing it. I've modded an old Lian Li case that, up until now, I'm not sure why I even kept it around. Glad I did. Cost of entry to mining for me was just the cost of the GPUs, had everything else from being the family computer technician (as I'm sure we all are).
yup... still got me 4 mil. Been thinking of trading a chunk in for LTC.

Meh, still not at the point of losing money on it. And considering there seems to be this air of confidence going around that BTC will recover, then it is somewhat likely that DOGE will recover as well considering all the alts are loosely tied to BTC. I'm not picky though... I'll wait until a month from now to see if maybe the next block reward split bumps the price a bit like last time. I will hodl!
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I may be premature in saying this as anything can happen in the next little while, but as BTC appears to be starting its recovery, DOGE seems to be as well... only a few points so far, but it's an encouraging sign.
I was a big fan of DOGE but I recently converted everything back to BTC while the rate was highish. DOGE continues to get good news and, despite the halving, continues to stagnate which was put me off a bit. Also, the meme/community seems to be getting a little stale so it just felt like it was time to get out. I'm still mining it sometimes through Wafflepool but straight to BTC. Maybe I'm wrong, but it's all play money anyhow.
I've mined all I have... except the stuff I traded LTC for, but I mined all of the LTC that was traded for it as well. So it's all profit when I finally sell it. The only thing the price will affect is how much profit I make on it. That's why I'm willing to continue holding to see if the price goes up some. If not, well, I just have to accept less profit. :p
And also, for a computer hardware enthusiast - BEST HOBBY EVER! :D

I could not agree with this statement more if baby jesus had said it himself.

There's a lot of good and bad you could say about either side of the trading or mining fence, but for my inner hardware enthusiast, mining and the associated geekery is the only part that's fun. I've started valuing fun and less stress over trying to make top dollar and worrying about it. Which is priceless.
I sold some DOGE 220-290. It's definitely stagnating right now, but what is happening now has to happen before it can really boom again really boom again. Things have to get BAD before they can get even better, and DOGE is no different. LTC peaked at $4.40 in May 2013 and was the greatest thing since sliced bread for miners back then, and then it stagnated over the entire summer all the way down to $1.10 low before shooting up to $48.

I guess DOGE will have to wait until the next big bubble. I think the target then will be 1000 sat (or I hope so :D), as by then it will have become redistributed enough (hoarded) and pulled enough off the market to start up one of the "very typical" 10x+ pumps that happen in the bull market.

Still holding 5M+ myself of the original 7M I had. I have no interested in selling any more for less than ~200. If it dies, I can live with that. If it blows up one day and I don't have the DOGE that I once had, I'm going to be beating myself up over it for a while. :p
And also, for a computer hardware enthusiast - BEST HOBBY EVER! :D

yea, i've been realizing this more and more lately.

i have a small mining operation going, obviously not enough to quit my day job, but it's still fun tinkering with settings trying to get the best bang for my buck and talking cryptos with other people. if i gamed as much as i used to back when i was in school, i'd be in heaven with all these graphics cards:p