Does Best Buy or Circuit City have an IPS panel displays?


Feb 7, 2007
I'd like to take a look at an IPS panel before I decide whether to go LCD or back to CRT. I'm afraid to ask they guys at BB and CC because some of them aren't well informed.

Are there any that you know are IPS that they carry?

Yeah they do. Nec 20WMGX2 20'1" and any Apple Cinema Display to start with.
Is the panel in the Apple 20" the same S-IPS panel that is in the Dell 2007WFP (if you're lucky)?
Before you go out to Best Buy to look at the NEC you want to use their site to check avaialability using a zip code. My area Best Buy 10 miniutes away has never had an NEC in it's store and I was told twice they were restricted to a "web" purchase. I used web and found 1 store out of the closest 12 that had it in stock. It was in the next state over in Jersey but only an hour drive.

My local Circuit City doesn't keep NEC in store either and I can't say what others do. If you read small print on their site it says: " Note: This item is shipped directly from the vendor and shipping times may be affected".
I went to Circuit City and Best Buy. Neither had the NEC. When I asked about IPS panels they all looked at me like I was crazy. :D They told me they used TFTs. :p

Best Buy had all of monitors hooked up to a photo show. I asked if I could see text and they said no. :confused: Finally I got one guy to pull a monitor and hook it up. I have to say the only monitor I really liked at Best Buy was a 19" MAG Xtrabrite.

At Circuit City the only one I really liked was a 19" HP. The text was crystal clear!! The best I've seen. It was the VS19E. I wish they had it in a bigger size. I don't know which panel was in that one.

After seeing the different monitors and how they vary in clarity so much, I'm a little scared to buy online because if I don't like it I'm scr3wed.
I went to Circuit City and Best Buy. Neither had the NEC. When I asked about IPS panels they all looked at me like I was crazy. :D They told me they used TFTs. :p

Best Buy had all of monitors hooked up to a photo show. I asked if I could see text and they said no. :confused: Finally I got one guy to pull a monitor and hook it up. I have to say the only monitor I really liked at Best Buy was a 19" MAG Xtrabrite.

At Circuit City the only one I really liked was a 19" HP. The text was crystal clear!! The best I've seen. It was the VS19E. I wish they had it in a bigger size. I don't know which panel was in that one.

After seeing the different monitors and how they vary in clarity so much, I'm a little scared to buy online because if I don't like it I'm scr3wed.

Pretty certain both of those use TN panels.

Circuit City doesnt carry NEC in their stores at this point. Only place to see the 20WMGX2 wiht the S-ips in a store is at best buy or frys.
Only certain best buy stores carry it. The BB I work for doesn't sell it on its shelves. The other one closest to mine does. I work for BB as a second part time job for the discount and play money. Btw, the discount is nice on this monitor..... I just bought it. Can't wait to turn it on!

edit- its an as-ips not just an s-ips....